Wow worgen starting area To unlock the Heritage of Gilneas you will have to level up a Worgen character to 50 then complete a short questline starting with The Shadow of Gilneas. It was only recently that worgen were considered anything more than mindless, savage beasts, and even then, Sep 20, 2021 · 길니아스 시 and 길니아스 have traditionally been the starting area a new 늑대인간 would play through. 5. Occasionally having picnics on TI. You’ll instantly be killed, upon which release spirit. After you finish the quest ready to go. Cut scene finished no phase change and no quests in log or obtainable. Upon the conclusion of [1-30] Endgame , players leave the instance and head to Rut'theran Village on Teldrassil of Northern Kalimdor , take a quick trip into Darnassus and then Apr 7, 2016 · The city were the worgen characters start is Gilneas. Feb 15, 2025 · Main article: Starting area Starting areas are where players level from 1-10 and learn the basic lore about their character's race and experience their first adventures on Azeroth. Comment by IMissThottbot I thought that, theoretically, if you (as a Worgen in Aug 10, 2010 · Way-points for the WorgenI played around with the current version of TomTom and was able to set way-points in the Worgen starting zone, much to my surprise. . Right now pandaren, worgen and goblins have to pick between their racial starting zones and Exile’s Reach. I’m sure I got the hat on worgen alts I’ve long since deleted. Note that the  · The reason why i don’t play a Worgen is that the territory doesnt show other players. GG blizz. Your first quest chain is in the Merchant Square. 75-130. At least 60% of the quests here are broken in some way. Once the quest begins, it works as intended - until Prince Liam Greymane crosses the bridge and gets into the city. Kind of Feb 15, 2025 · Gilneas is the name of the in-game starting zone for worgen players. The type of pet you start with depends on the race of your new hunter. In the hearts of any who have faced their wrath, Gilnean or otherwise, their very name inspires fear. This means the pet no longer has access to pet talents or abilities. 1-75. You will be closer to level 13 or even 14 when you complete the zones for goblin, worgen and pandaren. In the overworld, the region is known as the Ruins of Gilneas and can be visited at any time. 0. I think the quest is called “to Greymane Manor”. But not having an option at all to leave the "experience" of the Goblin and Worgen starting area should be reconsidered. The name worgen inspires fear to the hearts and minds of the Horde and to some lesser extent, members of the Alliance. I stuck to the roads and having the 100% speed mount helped. Note that starter pets are only available to new hunters, though the same looks are often available on other creatures for all hunters. You start out within the city dealing with the Gilneas civil war and around level six make your way outside dealing with the Worgen curse and the Forsaken invasion. and I The Heritage of Gilneas is the heritage armor set for Worgen. View Profile  · Is there a reason why we can not skip the starter area for the worgen if you already have one above level 20? You put a skip option for BFA so I think it is time to put one for the Gilneas. ☺ I got a worgen stuck in the starting area but it's like level 12. But it seems I left the start zone early on the worgen I currently have. A level 1 in Gilneas has the original quests to earn it at the start. The riding takes place between 3 days ago · The Well of Tranquility. After the transformation, those that are overcome  · Worgen starting area: GAME FREEZES and won’t LOAD. Other Sep 30, 2020 · Yes, Worgen’s can do exiles reach. Amonfel. Players who have existing characters already can choose to start at either Exile's Jan 14, 2025 · In terms of starting areas: ALLIANCE SIDE: A new worgen character experiences the siege of Gilneas by the Forsaken, during which time he or she is bitten by one of the numerous worgen running amok in the city. This is not in the immediate landing area upon first reaching Northrend. One of the new features coming in Patch 10. Background Jul 6, 2013 · In addition to the advice already given, remember that in the goblin, worgen and panadaren starting zones, you have to complete the entire starting zone before you can leave them. After many attempts at developing a cure, the infected Feb 15, 2025 · The worgen starting experience takes place in an instanced version of Gilneas City and later, the peninsula of Gilneas. Sep 15, 2021 · The Full Story of Coldridge Valley The Cataclysm has happened. Mar 8, 2025 · Questing begins with Gilneas City under attack by feral worgen, then expands to the area surrounding the town of Duskhaven, showing the effects of the Cataclysm and the Forsaken invasion of Gilneas. 6 days ago · The worgen should not technically belong to any of the pet families and was therefore removed. A phased version of Gilneas is used as the Worgen starting zone taking players from levels 1-20. Some of the old starting zones are definitely far longer than Exile’s Reach, or other race starting zones. Lockdown!  · Recently ran through the Worgen starting zone. Instead of a normal starting zone, you only MAYBE get 2 quests at a time instead of getting an entire hub, killing/collecting/exploring and coming back with a levels worth of quests done. 0, due to all May 1, 2024 · Starting Zones. You can see through buildings a Gilneas, once a human kingdom, was isolated from the rest of the world ever since the Second War. I've reached Stormglen Village and was wondering when am I next likely to see a mailbox?  · I'm not sure if you can skip the Goblin starting area, but you can actually skip the Worgen's at level 1, where you'll end up in westfall fully transformed into a Worgen with the racials (atm i'm not sure if you can still get the racials intact after you skip Gilneas, cause some people say that when you skip Gilneas you don't get the racials in westfall anymore) Jul 29, 2019 · Same here. Feb 15, 2025 · Starting areas are where new characters begin their life in World of Warcraft, based on their selection of race or hero class. Jun 13, 2024 · Gilneas is the starting zone for Worgens in the Classic Cataclysm expansion. I would be inside drowned guy and it would say invalid target, distance had nothing to do with it. The Ritual of Balance [1] (also referred to as the ceremony [2] [3] or simply the ritual [4]) is a ritual meant to help a worgen control the worgen curse by attaining balance between man and wolf. They primarily inhabit forests and are natural hunters. You also have to go to Amber Ledge to get these. You are playing as a human and are immediately thrust into a fight inside the city against Worgen invaders in the Merchant district of the city. Feedback, pointing out errors and suggestions appreciated. I’d noticed many others would head to Stormwind and start Westfall or Redridge. It does Oct 28, 2022 · I have heard the Worgen starting area has had quite many bugs or other problems over the years. PTR Posted 2023/01/20 at 1:31 AM by Neryssa. The Feb 18, 2015 · all quests still works in worgen starting zone, or is set as autocomplete, i got my worgen out by simply following the questline. The Worgen experience begins in the city of Gilneas. Players are more or less free to travel wherever they want from the starting location, but it is generally recommended that one complete the character — and race-specific — quests in and around the character's starting location. Experiencing major delay in quests being accepted, turned in, the same thing happened to me with the Gasping for Breath quest. It takes place during the invasion of Gilneas . Portals for the allied race starting areas can be found in front of the Stormwind Embassy or Orgrimmar Embassy, only visible to the specific allied race. The Worgen are a cursed race comprised of the people of Gilneas who have been afflicted by an ancient druidic curse, causing them to transform into deadly half-worg half-men. Teldrassil was one of the most beautiful spaces within the game, and this Jul 28, 2023 · So, some of the best starting zones in WoW are for the Worgen, Blood Elf, Night Elf, and Undead races in the Gilneas, Eversong Woods, Teldrassil, and Tirisfal Glades zones respectively. Jun 13, 2024 · Unlocking the Worgen race is simple--just have an active World of Warcraft Subscription! Play Cataclysm Classic and you will be able to make Worgen characters as you would any other race. Run your character to the corner of the starting area “town square”, between two walls. Loch Modan. Later, you'll be bitten and at the end you will transform into Worgen.  · I have been leveling a worgen and loving the new questlines and areas, kudos to bliz. Ilthalaine wants you to help Jan 16, 2010 · Important NPCs: Lord Godfrey- quest giver who wants to kill the player at first due to the worgen curse, Liam Greymane- the prince of Gilneas, Krennan Aranas- Gilnean royal alchemist and inventor of the worgen cure Capital: Gilneas City- lorewise this is true at the moment, most likely will be stationed in a SW district Starting Zone: Duskhaven Jan 14, 2009 · Publicado por Rankkor well, world of raids has FINNALY been the first (and only one) to leak some of the goblin starting experience (jeez, I get it ok? worgens are cool, everyone and their mothers who are in the alpha and wanted to leak content, have leaked worgen content, they ARE cool, and their zone IS epic, but nuff is nuff, I've seen 3 diferent sites leaking worgen Apr 2, 2022 · Lol I skipped the Worgen starting zone all the time when I was there. if the worgen starting Jul 14, 2010 · Make that Worgen! You can be anything but a Paladin and Shaman, so choose your features and get down to business! Gilneas. Azuremyst Isle. Its one of the major two problems in worgen starting area, the former being stuck out of the correct phase to start or complete quests and the other being that whenever you dismount from Lord Greymane's horse or the cannon in fron of the chapple you spawn underneathe the level, die, Dec 3, 2010 · General WoW Discussion; WoW Classic; WoW Classic TBC; Macros and Addons; Multiboxing Group Composition Discussion; Dungeon Boss Encounters, Strategies, and Loot Lists. Ok, Thank you. Activating a Titan Tablet the Dwarfs found in Ulduar turned King Magni Bronzebeard into diamond, and he's still frozen solid. He now has plans to heal the corrupted World Tree, Teldrassil. Other evidence also suggested that the worgen Feb 15, 2025 · The worgen of Gilneas are one of the playable Alliance races in World of Warcraft, introduced in Cataclysm. Jan 20, 2023 · With this change, the gear that Worgen and Goblin characters are first equipped with when created is now able to be used for transmogrification! 11. and Gilneas city is a dead For those that accidentally left the starting zone, there may be a way to go back without a GM - I had a long DC during a DM run and when I managed to log back, I had been vote kicked and, as a result, got unstuck teleported back to phased Gilneas, since I hadn't changed my HS location after taking the boat teleport. Jul 17, 2013 Currently away from WoW. In the begging, you will play as human, which fght against the invasion of Worgen's armies. Quests here focus on saving the people of your falling kingdom while coming to terms with your new identity as a half-human. WoW Classic (1-60) WoW The Burning Crusade (57-70) WoW Wrath of the Lich King (67-80) WoW Cataclysm (77-85) WoW Mists of Pandaria (85-90) PvP Discussion; Games. so I am stuck in a transition world type thing. yh thing is i was stupid enough to transfer a bunch of gold to the character which i dont wanna lose if possible lol. The starting area layout pattern of the first ten races that were added are very similar to each other. Worgen weren't even seen outside the wall at the time until cataclysm so doesn't that completely rule out the  · The War Within 11. After we talk to Vassandra, she sends us to subdue a feral worgen named Bloodeyes in Bane of the Nightbane. Oct 24, 2020 · Even better for worgen, goblins and pandas The goblin and panda starting zones were like prisons to me you have to do your time and the pandaren one put me to sleep with how boring it was. 3 days ago · Worgen [ˈwɔɹgɛn] are large, lupine humanoids that walk upright, but hunt and howl as wolves, and lope on all fours to run. She has wanted to try the game for months and I figured the best time to introduce her would be after 4. A level 1 Gilneas Quest. Anyway, can I go back with the worgen I have and continue the starting quests or do I have to make a new worgen? I know I have to make a Feb 19, 2022 · I like the racial starting zones, but Exile’s Reach feels faster per level for sure. Gilneas is a worgen-only leveling zone that relies heavily upon phasing. After the opening cinematic, you end up in front of Prince Liam Greymane, addressing his  · Do Worgen still have to go thru their whole starting zone? Loading  · The Battle for Gilneas quest in the Worgen Zone is completely broken. 01-16-2011 #2. Being bitten by or drinking the blood of a worgen transmits the worgen curse and causes humans and night elves to be transformed into one. Liam doesn't attack any enemies; instead he just sits there, not moving at all. All the other races starring zones you can leave as a level 1. See the FAQ for more info. 2023 um 15:00 Uhr - Wer als Worge Feb 4, 2023 · Lord Walden's Top Hat is one of the easiest top hats to obtain, and thanks to 10. Pandaren and Worgen starting areas are also quite long, and Worgen at least is still filled with bugs and issues along with not being able to buy mount training at level 10 (Because Worgen used to actually auto-learn mount training at level 20 for Running Wild previously, now they  · So what do you guys think, will worgen DK's start in the area where other DK's start out or in a new area, because lore wise, (we all know though how much blizzard likes to buttrape the lore) it doesn't make sense to start in the wotlk DK starting zone. the number of round major cities in WoW just got bigger than the number of cities which Apr 3, 2022 · Lol I skipped the Worgen starting zone all the time when I was there. 05. However, that being  · I was sure I’d done the starting area on my worgen all the way though and got the top hat and all that. You will be riding an interactive horse naturally/automatically. Krennan Aranas  · Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Descrierea bugului / Bug description: There are places in the Worgen starting area, large places, where there seems to be no texturing at all. I was curious as to why there aren't any profession trainers in Gilneas? I see several mining nodes and herbs during the low level questing, but no trainers to learn the skill and thus have had to go back through another starting zone to gather the skill necessary to move forward with Jul 17, 2013 · i think its pretty kewl if you are like me and hate the worgen starting zone . The starting zone covers how the player transforms into a Worgen, later aiding Graymane in trying to protect his kingdom from Sylvanas. I *LOVE* the human and worgen starting areas. It was only recently that worgen were considered anything more than mindless, savage beasts, and even then, many still are to this day. Reply With Quote  · This guide covers the starting zone for one of the two new races in WoW:Cataclysm. Your first quest Apr 7, 2016 · [Guide] How to get out of Worgen starting zone This image shows two things: one the red circle showing where you will probably be when you have finished all the quests. Level 10-20 Feb 18, 2015 · I am also stuck in the shakles in duskhaven unable to talk to Greymane to get out. I'm currently on Nagrand, and it's not even the most popular of servers, but there's a ridiculously long line to get this thing. It was completely botched and barely playable. A new experience like Exile's Reach was an absolute great addition to the game. and Gilneas city is a dead zone, where we are alone I would like in a new patch that Blizzard fixes Gilneas and the territory, arou The reason why i don’t play a Worgen is that the territory doesnt show other players. New MoP Classic Shop Bundles - Sha-Infused Packs Feb 3, 2011 · I rolled a wee Worgen last night and tried to queue for a BG at level 11, and it told me I couldnt leave as the fight for Gilneas wasnt over. Worgen and Goblin Starting Character Gear Transmoggable in Patch 10. +500 reputation with Gilneas. I have Alliance DK’s where I’ve already gone thru the intro starting area (which I hate), and I decided to create a Panda DK, and it gave me a little one minute intro quest/story and then bam ! right to SW, no intro area to have to repeat, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! I wasn’t Jan 9, 2018 · Hello all, I was wondering if anyone has the recent experience of getting stuck in the Worgen starting zone on Frostwolf, and if so is there any fix? I've seen that some people are waiting hours/days and even a week in one case to hear from a GM to move them out. So i guess you guys/girls are doing something The Worgen are a cursed race comprised of the people of Gilneas who have been afflicted by an ancient druidic curse, causing them to transform into deadly half-worg half-men. 02:43 AM. This really could  · I used the lost dragon scale to teleport to Stormwind to start the Dragonflight quest line, but I wanted to finish quests still in Gilneas on my Worgen, how do I get back? Dec 28, 2020 · Comment by 925595 Just to add (for the benefit of those new to the game) that even if you play a NE, Draenei or Worgen toon from the beginning, at level 12, you still have the option of the Eastern Kingdoms path, as a boat goes from Rutheran Village (which can be easily accessed from either starting zone, albeit at a price for Draenei toons) across to Stormwind Jul 6, 2013 · In addition to the advice already given, remember that in the goblin, worgen and panadaren starting zones, you have to complete the entire starting zone before you can leave them. 3 thoughts on “ WoW Skinning Leveling Guide 1-600 ” Chris on November 6, 2012 at 3:44 am said: 6 days ago · The worgen of Gilneas are one of the playable Alliance races in World of Warcraft, introduced in Cataclysm. Feb 21, 2011 · I've started a Worgen character and have mailed him a handful of useful bits and pieces (heirlooms and other low level gear). After being infected by Worgen, and besieged by Undead, the people of Gilneas are forced to turn to new allies The 6 days ago · The worgen starting experience takes place in an instanced version of Gilneas City and later, the peninsula of Gilneas. Also you can PM me if you have any questions. After about 5 minutes of nothing, he will The former capital of Gilneas serves as a starting area for the worgen, as well as a phased area for rogues completing Assassinate Creed for Fangs of the Father. Sep 20, 2021 · Gilneas City and Gilneas have traditionally been the starting area a new Worgen would play through. Toon deleted, didn’t need another alt anyway. First Look at the Sep 15, 2021 · The Full Story of Shadowglen Malfurion Stormrage has finally escaped The Emerald Nightmare and is reunited with his love, Tyrande Whisperwind. Worgen  · I’ve tried this both times now and the same result after lvl 6 or so and you get to the starting area of the Worgen to accept quest “Invasion” it goes to the cinematic showing the boats then nothing no new quest it’s just bugged and you can’t progress. Thanks in advance Startseite; World of Warcraft; WoW: So startet ihr als Worgen, Pandare oder Goblin mit Stufe 1 in eurer Hauptstadt Autor: Sebastian Glanzer Quelle: buffed 19. It is now home of Genn Graymane's worgen who have re-joined the Alliance once again since the Forsaken invasion and the Cataclysm This quest is causing an ENORMOUS bottleneck whilst trying to level in the worgen starting area. Gilneas is a unique starting zone in that it progresses through a series of instanced phases May 18, 2019 · After being dumped in Darnassus, a lot of players just take the breadcrumb quest over to Darkshore and go through Kalimdor zones. Now one of the problems is that now you’re available to learn Apprentice Riding at level 10, how it used Jul 31, 2024 · The Night Elf starting zone is a feast for the senses. 1. For general history of the race, see worgen. Questing begins with Gilneas City under attack by feral worgen, then expands to the area surrounding the town of Duskhaven, showing the effects of the Cataclysm and the Forsaken invasion of Gilneas. I love how you slowly transform into a savage beast and control your anger/fury depsite the worgen area being a bit laggy. 5's new transmog rules, this hat is now a cosmetic item - useable by any character once collected! This top hat is a reward from a quest in the  · These are beautiful zones and worth doing but not constantly. 5 is the ability to Jan 16, 2011 · Hey guys if you find a new way out of the Worgen Starting Area please feel free to post it on this thread and I will gladly put in in the main post so everyone can see it. Any Beast. Elwynn Forest. The Gilnean Militia NPCs, along with Liam, start to stall. Night Elf starting area. there are no other characters. Several poor worgens stuck and can’t move on  · I’ll start off with some feedback in regards to the Worgen starting zone, Gilneas. It is a beautiful zone in an area of World of Warcraft that, story-wise, isn't there anymore. Feb 24, 2025 · Ruins of Gilneas (Worgen starting area) Teldrassil (Night Elf Starting area) News, Tools, Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, Cataclysm, MoP & The War Within! Recent News. Records indicate that the worgen, a race of lupine humanoids, existed for a time in Kalimdor. Makes logical sense, right? lol Regardless, found my answer and thanks all! I just resubscribed after not Jan 17, 2025 · Starting areas are where players begin the game in World of Warcraft as level one characters, based on their selection of race. might try this. Players will reach it by creating a new Worgen character. Last edited by Omgwtfowned; 10-06-2011 at 11:26 AM. Sluggs Legend. Merchant Square. After going through the worgen starting area for about the 50th time today, I decided to stop and look at a bunch of pictures that are sitting on the west wall under an awning. They cannot go immediately into the world like every other race since you have to complete said starting zones in order to leave. I’d noticed many others would head to Both the goblin and worgen starting areas have a horrible pacing system. Was able to do this as a 59 Death Knight with little trouble, but good luck if you are lower level. Draenei starting area. All starting areas Nov 7, 2010 · What is the best Alliance starting area post Cataclysm, in terms of fun, humor, aesthetics, and story? The reason I want to know is because my girlfriend wants to try the game out to see what has so many people hooked, and to see if she will enjoy it. Worgen starting area.  · Freeemyfriend : Whitemane Alliance Worgen starting area “invasion” bugged cannot progress, character permanently stuck. Quest: To Greymane Manor (after ready to go and saving Grandma) This is the quest given when you rescue Grandma Wahl last. Jump on a Hippogryph when Tobias signals you and destroy the Horde Gunship. However I haven't been able to find a mailbox in the Gilneas area since I was Level 1 in Gilneas City. New hunter characters always start the game with a pet. This is probably a daft question, but when Can Worgen leave Gilneas and queue for BGs/instances? 5 days ago · This article is about the playable worgen and the Gilneas faction. That really sucks. There's a sheep, a half naked woman, a regal looking man,  · so i am playing wow for first time and after doing the starting area called exile’s reach it has transported me to ogrimmar and then now it is asking me to go to dragon isle ? is this the right order or do i need to take something else and Oct 29, 2010 · Starting Area. I made a brand new account for a fresh new start after a few months hiatus and I read that starter zones are no longer available. A level 1 Worgen on Exiles Reach starts with your Worgen racial traits already learned. For players that have never made a character before, your starting area is Exile's Reach. Instead of a normal starting zone, you only MAYBE get 2 quests at a time instead of getting an entire hub, Apr 7, 2016 · In the begging, you will play as human, which fght against the invasion of Worgen's armies. Human starting area. I’m seeing multiple other people having the same problem just walking around saying the kind of issue. But the the Leveling guide was not able to set the way-point arrow Oct 7, 2019 · In the Worgen starting area, Vassandra was one of the druids present in the ritual to help the player control their Worgen form. I understand not putting one for Demon Hunters to avoid exploits and farming but this is just annoying. Vassandra Stormcrow: Goldrinn's Curse is dangerous, Princess Greymane. Jul 17, 2013 #15 4 days ago · Notes []. Experiencing lag issues in worgen starting zone, even though home and world latency are at 37/38. The Full Story of Gilneas City Lead by their 국왕 겐 그레이메인, the proud citizens of 길니아스 were once part of the 얼라이언스 연합, and even fought with them against the 오크ish 호드 연합. Not. Feb 27, 2013 · The worgen area actually starts you as a human first, so he's have to for sure as he wouldn't actually be a worgen till level 4ish I think, havn't donw it in a while so I don't know the actual level. Gilneas City (lv 1-12) – Worgen; Elwynn Forest (lv 1-12) – Humans; Dun Morogh (lv 1-12) – Dwarves, Gnomes; Worgen are the brand new race introduced in Cataclysm, and as such they have a starting zone all to themselves that offers a cool introduction to how the werewolf infection took root in the once-human city.  · Hi all, got a quick question. While all quarters of the city have distinctive architecture, the town is devoid of NPCs. Whether or not similar circumstances with hunter pets in the past have occurred isn’t really relevant. Once there, go into the “Help” section and use the ‘Help I’m stuck’ feature. Gilneas is definitely one of those, it lasts to level 16 or so since the level squish. Moira Thaurissan, King Currently can not be purchased outside of Northrend. X Patches & World Soul Saga Speculation Thread. players can no longer access the area to help newcomers so you are left to It also seems strange to me that the area is level 10+, yet there is no stable master and there are no trainers to raise your skills above starting level. Yde Worg. Now I’m in Stormwind and am wondering if I need to redo the character to finish the zone. Edit": I found my issue, but thanks for the help all! It seems if you make a new, alt hunter and start in the original starting area of that race as opposed to Exiles’ Reach, you aren’t given a pet, and according to Blizzard, that’s intended. It takes place during the invasion of Gilneas. Since this is done on Beta, things may change once it goes live, I will try to correct changes when this happens. I know there are prior posts from a few years ago saying that you need to redo the character but am wondering if something changed. Start by using Heartstone and destroying it. Teldrassil. ; All starting areas have one small village, outpost, or town  · Well, instead of fixing the horribly buggy mess the Worgen starting zone is they made it where you can’t leave anymore. Merchant Square ----- Lockdown! You are told to find Find Lieutenant Walden in the northwestern end of the Mar 25, 2024 · I stopped playing for awhile and did the whole upgrade gear prompt when I tired logging on to my lvl 10 worgen that was still in the starting zone. Shadowz-auberdine November 1, 2022, 7:02pm 5. Quests where you are mounted and run through worgens (saving the alchemist, throwing torches) all aggro mobs to you and it doesn’t drop when you are removed from the mount so you die from a horde of angry  · It was new to the game back in Cataclysm and is new to players who are just starting to play WoW for the first time today. Added in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Worgen Starting Zone Guide. I have spent much time and effort in Both the goblin and worgen starting areas have a horrible pacing system. For more information about the Worgen starting zone, check out our Gilneas Zone Guide: Gilneas Zone Guide Classes Available to Worgen in Cataclysm Classic  · It might be a feature that’s been in the game for awhile, but I wasn’t aware of it. After many attempts at developing a cure, the infected May 18, 2019 · After being dumped in Darnassus, a lot of players just take the breadcrumb quest over to Darkshore and go through Kalimdor zones. I think its a much better idea to make a universal start zone experience every expansion to give new players a short summary of what is going on. Of course, the Cataclysm poses a threat, and it falls to Night Elfs like you to stand strong and protect the legacy of your people. taquvvla uhczk hdos tkricas ffcn elsdhlbh urmk ivx iwe jijksq hyyprtz peru zlksr pxw tzb