Shell tivela s 320 7 Indice de Viscosidad ISO 2909 188 203 230 Punto de inflamación COC °C ISO 2592 302 298 286 Shell Tivela S 320. Huile synthétique pour réducteurs. 4 Viscosity Index ISO 2909 97 Flash Point COC 0C ISO 2592 >250 Pour Point 0C ISO 3016 BUY SHELL Omala S4 WE320 x 20 litres Formerly SHELL Tivela S320 Shell Omala S4 WE is an advanced synthetic heavy duty worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected Polyalkylene Glycol base fluids and additives, offering outstanding lubrication under severe operating conditions. 7 Índice de Viscosidad ISO Home / Specification / Synthetic / Shell Tivela S – Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils Shell Tivela S – Advanced Synthetic Industrial Typical Physical Characteristics . mm 2 /s 22284 Hamburg Stand 24. 136. Previously known as Shell Tivela S, it has been manufactured using a set of specially designed additives and combined with polyalkylene glycol base fluids. Synthetisch öl für reduktionsgetriebe. Gli oli industriali sono usati per lubrificare utensili e macchinari. Polyalkylene-Glycol-Based (Pag-Based) Formulation Designed For A Wide Range Of Industrial Gear Applications. Bulk Pricing. Los aceites industriales se utilizan para lubricar herramientas y maquinaria. PHONE: (833) 247-6381. Possono essere minerali e sintetici. SPIRAX S3 AX 80W90 1 lit : 7. Disponibilità: ND - Tempo di spedizione: ND. I motoriduttori vengono forniti completi di olio sintetico (AGIP Blasia S 320, KLÜBER Klübersynth GH 6-320, MOBIL Glygoyle HE 320, SHELL Tivela S 320), per lubrificazione «lunga vita», in assenza di inquinamento dall’esterno. Sie können mineralisch und synthetisch sein. 4 52. Lubricante sintético avanzado para engranajes industriales Aplicaciones : DIN 51517-3 (CLP) Aprobado por Bonfiglioli Envases : 20L,209L,1000L (+34) 944 535 765. 10. VENDEMOS SOLO PRODUCTOS MARCAS ORIGINALES Y NUEVOS. SHELL TIVELA S 320. Reducing oils are manufactured Shell Tivela S is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. ECCN # Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code. Shell Omala S4 WE is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. Also find Synthetic Oils price list | ID: 21199435273 OMALA S4 WE (TIVELA S) Syntetyczne oleje przekładniowe (PAG) z dodatkami przeciwzużyciowymi do łożysk, przekładni i systemów obiegowych pracujących w wysokich temperaturach (do +200°C). Delivery information. Giriş Yap. View All Close. 1 06. Shell Omala S4 WE 220 – Hochleistungs-Industriegetriebeöl auf Synthesebasis. Design Holder Cage Code D0042. 0 Effective Date 26. This Lubricant Provides Excellent Wear Protection, Very High Film Strength, Enhanced Oil Life, Resistance Against Water Contamination, Shell TIVELA® Oils S are advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial gear oils formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. Product DetailsRequest for QuotationDIN 51517 Gear OilDESCRIPTION (Previously Shell Tivela S)Shell Omala S4 WE is an Advanced Synthetic Heavy Duty Industrial Worm Drive Gear oil Formulated Using Specially Selected Polyalkylene Glycol Base Fluids and, SHELL OMALA S4 WE 320 Industrial Gear Oils Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oil Редукторные масла Shell Omala - S4 WE 320 (старое название - Shell Tivela S 320). 4 320 52. 2019 Ngày in 03. Loctite Henkel Premium Partner. Geralmente prefere-se evitar misturas entre óleos, praticando-se, nesse caso, a drenagem e recarga. 7 Viscosity Index (ISO 2909) 188 203 230 Shell TIVELA® Oils S are advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial gear oils formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. Página 2 de 3 Shell Omala S4 WE 320, v 3 09. 5 222 34. Syntetyczne (na bazie polialkilenoglikolu), o najwyższych parametrach eksploatacyjnych, oleje przekładniowe i obiegowe z dodatkami przeciw zużyciowymi, o wysokiej odporności na zjawisko mikro-pittingu. 6. 2 23. Back to products Shell Omala S4 We 680 (Tivela S 680) Shell Omala S2 G 320 Version 1. Shell Omala 320 is or was manufactured by Shell Oil Corporation. 2006 www. 14 Bình Phú, Phường Tam Phú, TP. If you have any questions concerning BlueSky Lubricants’ alternative to Shell products, please contact us by our Toll Free Phone Number 1-855-899-7467. Prezzo: SU RICHIESTA. Open Hours. Zajišťují vynikající mazací výkon v náročných prov Shell Omala S4 WE is not recommended for the lubrication of components manufactured from aluminium or aluminium alloys. Polyalkylene Glycol (PAG) Gear Lubricant. Shell Tivela S 150 is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. Los aceites industriales se utilizan para lubricar herramientas y Poprzednia nazwa: Shell Tivela S Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Doskona³a ochrona i d³uga Wiêcej informacji mo¿na uzyskaæ kontaktuj¹c siê z przedstawicielem Shell. 65. Use high-quality products from Shell if you want to ensure your production. SHELL Spirax S6 GXME 75W80 1 lit. Shell Omala S4 WE 320 đem lại tính năng giảm ma sát và chống mài mòn vượt trội, kéo dài chu kỳ thay Poprzednia nazwa: Shell Tivela S Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Strona 1 z 3 Shell Omala S4 WE 320, v 4. 320 . Nie zalecane do przekładni zawierających stopy aluminium. 2011 000000000297 MSDS_GB 1. In this cross reference tool, PSC offers this Shell Tivela S Synthetic Gear Oil and/or equivalent products of the similar quality and performance. 7 73. 5 34. 888 727-8714. Page 3 of 3 Omala S4 WE 320, v 4. Minimum Purchase of $435. Posiada w swoim składzie bazę polialkiloglikolową (PAG) oraz doskonały pakiet dodatków uszlachetniających. Omala S4 WE 320 - Синтетические Vorheriger Name: Shell Tivela S 320 Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Vorheriger Name: Shell Tivela S 320 Synthetisches Industriegetriebeöl. L'huile synthétique pour réducteurs présente un bon rendement dans des conditions extrêmes et sur le long terme. FAST SERVICE. The product offered by BlueSky Lubricants is a replacement product of similar quality and performance as a synthetic gear and bearing oil. Main applications include enclosed industrial reduction Shell TIVELA® Oils S are advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial gear oils formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. Gli oli per cambi sono prodotti per riduttori di diverse prestazioni, materiali e velocità. ISO 3104 . Yüksek performanslı, aşınmayı önleyen, sentetik polyalkylene glycol bazlı ve özellikle micro-pittinge karşı yüksek koruma sağlayan dişli yağıdır. Shell Omala S4 WE 320. SHELL Spirax A 80W90 1 lit. Os óleos para caixas de engrenagens são fabricados para caixas de engrenagens de diferentes desempenhos, materiais e velocidades. shell. Omala S4 GX 320. Výrobce: SHELL Kód artiklu: 925035 Katalogové číslo: OL-OMALA 320 20L Množství skladem 0 ks Minimální objednatelné množství: 1 ks Cena s DPH 6 171,00 Kč Cena bez DPH 5 099,71 Kč Polyalkylene-Glycol-Based (Pag-Based) Formulation Designed For A Wide Range Of Industrial Gear Applications. turbiny wiatrowe, smarowanie układów zamkniętych w tym przekładni śrubowych, planetarnych i zębatych. It offers outstanding lubrication performance under severe operating conditions, including improved energy efficiency, long service life and high resistance to micro-pitting. Shell Tivela S is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial gear lubricant line formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. Performance, Features & Benefits Of Shell Omala S4 WE 320. Vi invitiamo a contattarci per prodotti sostitutivi Shell. Shell Tivela S 220 Advanced synthetic gear oils Shell Tivela S is an advanced synthetic heavy duty gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. 609 183 116. Ilość: Zadaj pytanie Negocjuj Powiadomienia mailowe Drukuj. In this cross reference tool, PSC offers this Shell Omala 320 and/or equivalent products of the similar quality and performance. 2 18. Shell Tivela S 320 Equivalents Shell Tivela S 460 Equivalents Shell Tivela S 680 Equivalents Sullair Lubricants Equivalents Sullair LLL-4-32 Equivalents Sullair LLL-4-46 Equivalents Sullair SRF I/4000 Equivalents Previous Name: Shell Tivela S Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Page 1 of 3 Shell Omala S4 WE 320, v 4. Properties Method Shell Omala S4 WE Grado de Viscosidad ISO 3448 320 Viscosidad Cinemática @40°C mm²/s 321 Viscosidad Cinemática @100°C mm²/s 52. PREVIOUSLY SHELL TIVELA S Shell Omala S4 WE is an advanced synthetic heavy-duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated CHARACTERISTICS 150 220 320 Kinematic Viscosity (ISO 3104) @ 40°C mm2/s @ 100°C mm2/s 136 22. Bu ürüne hiç yorum yapılmamış, ilk yorum yapan sen olmak ister misin? X . 08. Omala S2 G 320: 1*55ugl: Active: Mobilgear 600 XP 320: 550026180: Omala S2 G 320: 1*5ugl: Active: Mobilgear 600 XP 320: 550026258: Omala S2 G Description. 5 222 ★★★★★ Shell Omala S4 WE320 (Tivela S 320) купить по выгодной цене Официальный поставщик - Amertend Доставка Пункты выдачи по России и Казахстану ☎ 8-800-550-57-62 info@amertend. Shell Tivela Oil S Lubrificantes sintéticos premium para engrenagens industriais Shell Tivela S 150 220 320 460 Viscosidade ISO ISO 3448 150 220 320 460 Viscosidade Cinemática @ 40 °C (mm 2/s) @ 100 °C (mm 2/s) ISO 3104 136 22. Ils peuvent être minéraux et synthétiques. Kinematic Viscosity . Embora a produção futura esteja conforme as especificações Shell, poderão Shell Omala S4 WE 320 is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. You can get help from our expert regarding sales prices for Shell - tivela s 320 obsolete, replacement Omala S4 WE 320 oil in Turkey. Los aceites para reductores se fabrican para reductores de diferentes prestaciones, materiales y velocidades. This helps maintain system cleanliness over extended maintenance intervals. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 2017. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Material Name : Shell Tivela Oil S 320 Uses: Gear lubricant. Shell Tivela S Lubricante sintético para reductores industriales Shell Tivela S es un lubricante sintético de desempeño superior formulado a partir de @ 40°C mm2/s 136 220 320 @ 100°C mm2/s 22. at 40°C. See below for the equivalent products and select the 'View Manufacturer Info & Data Sheets' tab for safety data sheets, as well as product data sheets to compare Shell Omala S4 WE (antes Shell Tivela S) es un avanzado lubricante sintético para engranajes de transmisiones de tornillo sin fin industriales, partiendo de fluidos de polialquilenglicol y aditivos especialmente seleccionados. Shell Tivela S Syntetický vysoce výkonné oleje pro průmyslové převodovky a ložiska Shell Tivela S jsou vysoce kvalitní oleje pro převody a ložiska na bázi synte Shell Omala S4 WE 320 20 l od 3 999 Kč - Heureka. Con un rendimiento de lubricación excepcional bajo exigentes condiciones de operación, incluyendo una mejora de la eficiencia energética, larga vida de Shell Tivela S Lubricante sintético para reductores industriales Shell Tivela S es un lubricante sintético de desempeño superior formulado a partir de @ 40°C mm2/s 136 220 320 @ 100°C mm2/s 22. In this cross reference tool, PSC offers this Shell Tivela S 220 and/or equivalent products of the similar quality and performance. SHELL Spirax A 90 LS/Spirax S2 ALS 90 20 lit : 8. It offers outstanding lubrication Polyalkylene-glycol-based (PAG-based) formulation designed for a wide range of industrial gear applications. com. Olio sintetico per scatola ingranaggi. 4 321 52. Lubrificanti sintetici. They offer outstanding SHELL-TIVELA-S-320-20LI GEAR LUBRICANT available at BoeingDistribution. 105 G; • ISO 12925-1 тип CKE; • ANSI/AGMA 9005-EO2 (EP); • Bonfiglioli. IDENTIFICATION Product name : Shell Omala S2 G 320 Product code : 001D7838 Manufacturer or supplier's details Manufacturer/Supplier : Shell Oil Products US PO Box 4427 Whilst future production will conform to Shell's specification, Kinematic Viscosity @ 400C mm2/s ISO 3104 320 Kinematic Viscosity @ 1000C mm2/s ISO 3104 24. 220. This lubricant provides excellent wear protection, very high film strength, enhanced oil life, resistance against water contamination, and superior carbon and varnish controlATTRIBUTES SHELL TIVELA S Synthetic industrial gear lubricants Product Description Method 220 320 460 680 Product Code 35 lb Pail 400 lb Drum 5066347 5066346 5066345 5066344 5066303 5066302 5066338 5066339 Viscosity: @ 40°C, cSt ISO 3104 220 320 460 680 @ 100°C, cSt ISO 3104 34. Course. Industrial. 02. Sızdırmazlık elemanları ve boyalarla uyumluluğu: قیمت روغن دنده صنعتی Shell Tivela S 320 برای اطلاع از محصولات شرکت روغن کاران و قیمت روغن دنده صنعتی شل تیولا اس 320 با شمارههای درج شده تماس بگیرید تا کارشناسان ما تمامی نکات را برای انتخاب محصول Sklep » Oleje przekładniowe » Shell » OMALA S4 WE (Tivela S) » Shell Omala S4 WE 320 (Tivela S 320) opak. info@montoli. Autres noms NOM CODE Shell Tivela Oil S 320 140000000977 Fournisseur Numéro de téléphone Société des Pétroles This guide categorizes Shell’s lubricants and matches them to their Mobil equivalents, so you can easily identify what you need. For bulk discount on this product, contact our dedicated sales team today by filling out the below form: View All Close. ru Shell Tivela S 320 is or was manufactured by Shell. 100°C, mm²/s ISO 3104 20. Shell Tivela S 320 روغن دنده صنعتی پیشرفته سینتتیک با ترکیب شیمیایی پیشرفته با استفاده از مایعات و افزودنی های خاص پلی اتیلن گلیکول ساخته شده است. 2018. Kluber - TIVELA S 320 , también puede preguntar si algún otro número de modelo se encuentra. ISO Viscosity Grade . Don't waste your time trying to source different spare parts from different suppliers, instead just ask us. 20 L. O óleo sintético para redutores tem muito bom desempenho em condições difíceis e de longa duração. Shell Omala S4 WE sind spezielle Hochleistungsgetriebeöle für den Einsatz in Schneckengetrieben. Yüksek Performanslı Sentetik Endüstriyel Dişli Yağı. Auf Basis von synthetischem Ontrium is here to help you with procurement of tivela s 320 obsolete, replacement Omala S4 WE 320 oil and other products and spare parts of Shell. Pueden ser minerales y sintéticos. Browse by Product Type, Oil Type & more Hide Filters Show Filters Refine by subcategory: > Sort By: Quick view Choose Options. Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Previous Name: Shell Tivela S 320 Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oil Shell Omala S4 WE 320 main applications: Enclosed industrial worm gear systems Extended life systems Other applications Shell Omala S4 WE 320 is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base Shell Omala S4 WE (antes Shell Tivela S) es un avanzado lubricante sintético para engranajes de transmisiones de tornillo sin fin industriales, partiendo de fluidos de polialquilenglicol y aditivos especialmente seleccionados. Unit Price: $ 198. University Shell Tivela S offers outstanding lubrication performance under severe operating conditions, including improved energy efficiency in comparison to mineral based products Suman Enterprises - Offering Castrol Optigear 150/ 320 Shell Tivela s 150 Synthetic Gear Oil, Grade: 150/320/680 at ₹ 950/litre in Pune, Maharashtra. We Respond Quickly. Get the best spare parts prices Shell Tivela S We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Shell Omala S4 WE yağları, yüksek performanslı, aşınmayı önleyen, PAG (sentetik polyalkylene glycol) bazlı ve özellikle micro-pittinge karşı yüksek koruma sağlayan dişli yağıdır. 07. TIVELA S. Polyalphaolefins (PAO) Gear Lubricant. Los aceites y grasas industriales tienen como objetivo reducir la fricción que generan dos superficies al frotarse SHELL TIVELA S 320. 20 L Cena: 735,00 PLN netto 904,05 PLN. Les huiles industrielles sont Meets or exceeds Shell Omala S4 We 320 (Tivela S 320) Replacement Lubricant. Hồ Chí Minh Tiếng việt Tiếng việt; English; CÔNG TY TNHH TM DV LÊ HÙNG SAO MAI. Con un rendimiento de lubricación excepcional bajo exigentes condiciones de operación, incluyendo una mejora de la eficiencia energética, larga vida de SHELL TIVELA S 320. 10. 2012. Les huiles pour reducteurs de vitesses sont fabriquées pour des boîtes de vitesses de différentes performances, matériaux et vitesses. At Keller-Heartt, the quality of our oil is our number-one priority. L’olio sintetico per riduttori ha un rendimento molto buono in condizioni difficili e a lungo termine. Shell Tivela S Características Técnicas Grau ISO 150 320 460 Densidade a 20/4ºC, g/cm3 – ASTM D-1298 0,9930 0,9970 0,9980 Visc. SHELL Tegula V32 20 lit. Auf Basis von synthetischem Polyalkylenglykol mit hohem Verschleißschutz und hoher Graufleckentragfähigkeit wurden sie für den Einsatz unter schweren Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Voorheen Shell Tivela S 320 Geavanceerde synthetische wormwielolie Belangrijkste toepassingen van Shell Omala S4 WE 320 zijn: + Wormwieloverbrengingen + Verlengde standtijden + Andere toepassingen Shell Omala S4 WE 320 is een geavanceerde synthetische tandwielkastolie voor zwaar belaste wormwieloverbrengingen geformuleerd met Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Ürünün Eski Adı: Shell Tivela S 320. Os óleos industriais são usados para SHELL TIVELA S 320. Zapraszamy / Oil-Trans Wrocław. 16. 1 24. Strona 3 z 3 Omala S4 WE 320, v 4. This Lubricant Provides Excellent Wear Protection, Very High Film Shell Tivela S Synthetic Gear Oil is or was manufactured by Shell Oil Corporation. 54. Cinemática 40ºC, cSt – ASTM D-445 155,0 340,0 456,0 (Exceto Tivela S 150) Atendimento ao Cliente Para mais informações, entre em contato com o TELETEC, nosso Serviço Técnico Shell, These characteristics are typical of current production. 2019 1 / 15 800001016018 VN 1. Temperatura ambiente 0 ÷40 °C con punte fino a-20 °C e +50 °C. 53. Imballo/Unità: Quantità: Note o specifiche: Vai al carrello preventivo » Ordina direttamente. Formerly Known As: Shell Tivela S Shell Omala S4 WE 320 •• Extra Protection & LifeEnergy Saving • Worm Drive Applications Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oil Shell Omala S4 WE is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. 2014. A member of our experts will get the cheapest sales prices for products of Shell - tivela s 320 obsolete, replacement Omala S4 WE 320 oil in Germany. (Shell Tivela S 320, 460, 680) Long oil life - maintenance saving Shell Omala S4 WE is formulated to provide excellent oxidation and thermal stability, extending lubricant life and resisting the formation of harmful oxidation products at high operating temperatures. Shell Tivela S 460 is or was manufactured by Shell. 5 220 34. 5 Revision Date: 04/30/2018 SDS Number: 800001005116 Print Date: 05/01/2018 Date of last issue: 12/01/2015 1 / 16 SECTION 1. Using the products of Shell will minimize your costs on spare parts. Vorheriger Name: Shell Tivela S 320 Synthetisches Industriegetriebeöl Shell Omala S4 WE Öle sind spezielle synthetische Hochleistungsgetriebeöle für den Einsatz in Schneckengetrieben. Dostępne opakowania: 20L, 209L. Also find Shell Lubricating Oil price list | ID: 22778600355 Shell Tivela S is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial gear lubricant line Formerly Known As: Shell Tivela S 320 Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Extra bescherming en lange Hoewel toekomstige productie volledig binnen Shell’s specificaties zal plaatsvinden kunnen afwijkingen in deze waarden voorkomen. Früher als Shell Tivela S bekannt, wurde es We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. L'acquisto di questo prodotto non è possibile causa indisponibilità o cessata produzione. SHELL Donax TA/SPIRAX S2 ATF AX 1 lit: 5. Opis produktu; We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. . Przysz³e partie produkcyjne bêd¹ spe³niaæ specyfikacje Shell Omala S4 WE também não é miscível com alguns outros polialquileno glicóis, assim é necessário cuidado quando houver reposição. Aceite sintetico para reductoras. Nie mieszać z innymi olejami. chung. Shop The AIR Market for reliable components! (Tivela S 320) Replacement Lubricant $ 326. For additional product information, when you SHELL TIVELA S 320. BlueSky PureBlu Hydraulic Oil You can buy the tivela s 320 obsolete, replacement Omala S4 WE 320 oil product with competitive prices and the shortest delivery time through our support team in Germany. Shell Omala S4 WE to zaawansowany, wysokowydajny, syntetyczny, przemysłowy olej przekładniowy do zastosowania w przekładniach ślimakowych. 2. sales@compressornow. SHELL Tivela S Oleje przekładniowe Shell Omala S4 WE 320 (Tivela S 320) - zastosowanie: smarowanie przekładni wysokoobciążonych, smarowanie przekładni przemysłowych, które wymagają długiego niezawodnego działania, np. Nie należy mieszać z innymi olejami, nie zalecane do przekładni Shell Tivela WA WB 150 220 320 460 Synthetic Gear oil. Some of the world's top manufacturers choose Shell as the first-fill motor oil for new vehicles in their factories and continue to use a range of Shell products for ongoing servicing. 25 – $ 20,302. Shell Omala S4 WE 320 is a heavy duty, synthetic, advanced gear oil designed for use with worm drives. ISO 3448. Posiada w Description Shell Omala S4 WE 320. COM. Prodotto non disponibile. Dầu này đem lại tính năng bôi AÇIK-SHELL OMALA S4 WE 320 - 1 LİTRE (ESKİ ADI:TİVELA S 320) AÇIK-SHELL OMALA S4 WE 320 - 1 LİTRE (ESKİ ADI:TİVELA S 320) Kullanım Durumu: Yeni: Ürünü değerlendirmek için hesabınıza giriş yapmalısınız. Meets or exceeds Shell Omala S4 We 460 (Tivela S 460) Replacement Lubricant. 2 Eski Ýsmi : Shell Tivela S Shell Omala S4 WE 320 •• Ekstra Koruma ve Uzun ÖmürEnerji Tasarrufu Page 1 of 3 Shell Omala S4 WE 320, v 4. Auf Basis von synthetischem Polyalkylenglykol mit hohem Verschleißschutz und hoher Graufleckentragfähigkeit wurden sie für den Einsatz unter schweren omala-s4-we-320-20l-shell UPC: 21400053687 Tivela S 32 Lubricant Type: Synthetic. Contattaci direttamente. Auf der Basis von synthetischen Polyalkylenglykol mit hohem Verschleißschutz und hoher Graufleckentragfähigkeit wurden sie für Shell Omala S4 WE 320 is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. 31. Shell OMALA S4 WE 320 / 20 l kanystr (TIVELA S 320) - Plně syntetické, vysoce kvalitní převodové oleje na bázi polyalkylenglykolů, vhodné především pro mazání šnekových převodů. Podemos ofrecer el mejor precio y tiempo de entrega, con una amplia red de distribución de productos en el Mercado de Productos Industriales en México. Material Composition CHEMICAL. 2 Ngày tháng sửa đổi, bổ sung gần nhất 01. Wysyłka: 18,45 PLN brutto (przedpłata) 30,75 PLN brutto (pobranie) do przechowalni do porównania. SHELL Donax TM/SPIRAX S1 ATF TASA 1 lit : 9. Credit Cards Available. Występuje w lepkościach: od ISO VG 150 – ISO VG 680 Previous Name: Shell Tivela S. THÔNG TIN VỀ SẢN PHẨM VÀ CÔNG TY Tên sản phẩm : Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Mã sản phẩm : 001D7858 Nhà sản xuất / Nhà cung cấp thông tin chi tiết Früher bekannt als: Shell Tivela S. For additional product information, when you are on the individual product page, just scroll down to the "Additional Information" section or use our convenient Shell Tivela S 320; Shell Tivela SC; Please check your machine manual for the correct oil specified and ensure you are buying the correct grade of oil for your machine. Shell Omala S4 WE 320 is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. 01. at 100°C. 7 Indice de Viscosidad ISO 2909 188 203 230 Punto de inflamación COC °C ISO 2592 302 298 286 Shell Oil Tivela S 320 Replacement 5 Gallon. Synthetic gearbox oil provides very good performance under extreme conditions and is long-lasting. Poprzednia nazwa produktu: Shell Tivela S 320. Eles podem ser minerais e sintéticos. This lubricant provides excellent wear protection, very high film strength, Shell TIVELA® Oils S are advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial gear oils formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. 2 107 Shell Tivela Oil S Oli sintetici di alte prestazioni per ingranaggi e cuscinetti industriali Shell Tivela S Metodo di analisi 150 220 320 460 680 1000 ** Viscosità cin. aanbevelingen verzoeken wij u Vorheriger Name: Shell Tivela S 320 Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Vorheriger Name: Shell Tivela S 320 Synthetisches Industriegetriebeöl Hauptanwendungen von Shell Omala S4 WE 320 sind: + Schneckengetriebe + Schwer zugängliche Anwendungen + Andere Anwendungsbereiche Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Öle sind spezielle synthetische Shell Omala S4 WE 320 (Tivela S 320) - Lê Hùng Sao Mai. Lepkość: 321,0 Wskaźnik lepkości: 230 Najwyższej jakości oleje syntetyczne (PAG) z dodatkami przeciwzużyciowymi do łożysk, przekładni i systemów obiegowych pracujących w wysokich temperaturach (do +200°C). Tipik Fiziksel Özellikler Bu deðerler mevcut üretimin tipik deðerleri olup Shell spesifikasyonlarýný karþýlamak kaydýyla üretimden üretime farklýlýklar AÇIK-SHELL OMALA S4 WE 320 - 1 LİTRE (ESKİ ADI:TİVELA S 320) AÇIK-SHELL OMALA S4 WE 320 - 1 LİTRE (ESKİ ADI:TİVELA S 320) Kullanım Durumu: Yeni: Ürünü değerlendirmek için hesabınıza giriş yapmalısınız. 7 460 73. com Shell Tivela S 320. Note: If certification to a listed specification is required, please verify availability with your Boeing Distribution Sales Representative Previous Name: Shell Tivela S Shell Omala S4 WE 320 •• Extra Protection & LifeEnergy Saving • Worm Drive Applications Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oil Shell Omala S4 WE is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. Shell Oil Tivela S 320 Replacement 1 Gallon Case. Status: Dostępny. Das synthetische Öl für Reduktionsgetriebe ist auch unter hoher Belastung leistungsstark und besitzt eine lange Lebensdauer. Shell Tivela Oil S 320 1. Formerly Known As: Shell Tivela S Shell Omala S4 WE 320 interlocuteur Shell. 2 . Shell TIVELA® Oils S are advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial gear oils formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. Hauptanwendungen von Shell Omala S4 WE 320 sind: + Schneckengetriebe + Schwer zugängliche Anwendungen + Andere Anwendungsbereiche ; Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Öle sind spezielle synthetische Hochleistungsgetriebeöle Shell Tivela Oil S 320 Version 2. 40°C, mm²/s ISO 3104 136 222 321 460 664 1042 Viscosità cin. It offers outstanding lubrication performance under severe operating conditions, including improved energy efficiency, long service life and SHELL OMALA S4 WE 320 Tivela S 320* Opakowanie 20L. es Antigua denominación : Shell Tivela S. Shell Omala S4 WE 320 ist ein hochleistungsfähiges, synthetisches, modernes Getriebeöl für Schneckengetriebe. mm 2 /s . Características físicas típicas Estas propiedades se refieren a características físicas medias. They offer outstanding lubrication performance under severe Shell TIVELA® Oils S 150 220 320 460 680 Kinematic Viscosity @40ºC cSt @100ºC cSt 136 22. This lubricant provides excellent wear protection, very high film strength, enhanced oil life, resistance against water contamination, and superior carbon and varnish control Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Phiên bản 1. Las características de cada producción se adaptarán a las Oude benaming: Shell Tivela S 320Shell Omala S4 WE 320• Extra bescherming en lange standtijden• Energiebesparend• WormwieloverbrengingenGeavanceerde Previous Name: Shell Tivela S Shell Omala S4 WE 320 •• Extra Protection & LifeEnergy Saving • Worm Drive Applications Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oil Shell Omala S4 WE is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. Miles Nimbus PG 220. Características Físicas Típicas As características são típicas da produção actual. 2011 Safety Data Sheet Regulation 1907/2006/EC 1/9 Print Date 27. DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE. If your machine manual specifies a grade of oil that you are finding it Previous Name: Shell Tivela S Shell Omala S4 WE 320 •• Extra Protection & LifeEnergy Saving • Worm Drive Applications Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oil Shell Omala S4 WE is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. Giriş Vorheriger Name: Shell Tivela S 460 Synthetisches Industriegetriebeöl Shell Omala S4 WE Öle sind spezielle synthetische Hochleistungsgetriebeöle für den Einsatz in Schneckengetrieben. Ask About Quantity Discounts. 11. Shell Tivela S is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial gear lubricant line formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. 2 Formato: 20L, 209L y 1000L. For additional product information, when you are on the individual product page, just scroll down to the "Additional Information" section or use our convenient Jump-Link navigator Shell Lubricants is the number one global lubricant supplier and has a 70-year history of innovation. Oleo sintetico para redutores. Free delivery from 600 EURO to EU Countries* Shell Omala S4 WE 320 là dầu bánh răng gốc tổng hợp truyền động trục vít công nghiệp gốc tổng hợp cao cấp, chịu tải cao được pha chế từ dầu gốc polyalkylene glycol và các phụ gia được lựa chọn đặc biệt. 05. Tivela S 220. Shell Tivela S 220 is or was manufactured by Shell Oil Corporation. Students shared 795 documents in this course. Miles Mil-Gear S 320. Shell Omala S4 WE 320/Shell Tivela S 320 спецификации и допуски : • DIN 51517-3 CLP; • ISO VG 320; • David Brown S1. Shell Transaxle 75W90 1litre: 3. Infosafe ACH7X FR/fre/fra/C Date d'émission 01/05/2008 Type du produit Lubrifiant pour engrenages. 35; Wholesale Price: Quantity Price (Per lot) 1 - 3 4 - 6 7 - 10 Vorheriger Name: Shell Tivela S 320 Synthetisches Industriegetriebeöl Shell Omala S4 WE Öle sind spezielle synthetische Hochleistungsgetriebeöle für den Einsatz in Schneckengetrieben. EASY PAYMENTS. Giáo trình chủ nghĩa xã hội khoa học (TUEBA2021) 795 Documents. 9 34. Previous Name: Shell Tivela S Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Página 1 de 3 Shell Omala S4 WE 320, v 3 09. Description Shell Tivela S 150. 150. ESKİ İSMİ: Shell Tivela S 320. Whilst future production will conform to Shell's specification, variations in these characteristics may occur. Page 2 of 3 Omala S4 WE 320, v 4. Our team of experts will find the best sales prices for Shell - tivela s 320 obsolete, replacement Omala S4 WE 320 oil in the United States. Getriebeöle werden für Getriebe mit unterschiedlichen Leistungen, Materialien und Geschwindigkeiten hergestellt. 44. روغن دنده Omala S4 We، برای انکه بتواند در شرایط سخت عملکرد خوبی را از خود نشان دهد و باعث بهره وری انرژی، افزایش مقومت در برابر میکرو حفره ها شود، شرکت Shell از مایعات و مواد Whilst future production will conform to Shell's specification, ISO Viscosity Grade ISO 3448 320 Kinematic Viscosity @400C mm2/s ISO 3104 320 Kinematic Viscosity @1000C mm2/s ISO 3104 25 Viscosity Index ISO 2909 100 Density @150C kg/m3 ISO 12185 903 Flash Point (COC) 0C ISO 2592 250 Pour Point 0C ISO 3016 -15 SHELL TIVELA S 320. 14. SHELL Spirax S4 G 75W90 1 lit. The AIR Market replacements are guaranteed to fit your Shell machine. Polyalkylene-glycol-based (PAG-based) formulation designed for a wide range of industrial gear applications. 15. 2 SHELL olej Omala S4 WE 320 (Tivela) 20lt. Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Previous Name: Shell Tivela S 320 Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oil Shell Omala S4 WE 320 main applications: Enclosed industrial worm gear systems Extended life systems Other applications Shell Omala S4 WE 320 is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base Sri Amma Agency - Offering SC 320 Shell Tivela Lubricating Oil, Grade: S4 We at ₹ 575/litre in Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu. Producent: Shell. Shell. Nazwa produktu: Shell Omala S4 WE 320. O nome Shell Omala S4 WE 320 é a nova denominação do antigo Shell Tivela S 320. SHELL . For highly-loaded spur and helical gears the Shell Omala “G” series oils are recommended. Shell Omala S4 We 320 (Tivela S 320) Replacement Lubricant; Free Parts Delivery. 2015. 2 Le migliori offerte per 1L Shell Omala S4 WE 320 (Tivela S 320/SC) ISO VG 320 Synthetic Worm Gear Oil sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! SHELL OMALA S4 WE 320 / TIVELA S to syntetyczny olej przekładniowy na bazie PAG do przekładni ślimakowych, klasy CLP. IDENTIFICATION DE LA SUBSTANCE/PRÉPARATION ET DE LA SOCIÉTÉ/ENTREPRISE Code du produit 001A9648 No. Suelen ser de origen mineral y extraídos del petróleo debido a su poder lubricador, pero también hay aceites de origen animal y vegetal. Typowe w³aœciwoœci fizyczne Powy¿sza charakterystyka jest typowa dla obecnej produkcji. SDS details and previous versions (where available) Shell Tivela Oil S 320 Manufacturer Univar A/S Product code 001A9648 Revision date NHỚT Shell Tivela S 320 (Đổi tên Shell Omala S4 WE 320) NHỚT bánh răng công nghiệp gốc tổng hợpShell Tivela S là dầu bánh răng công nghiệp pha chế từ dầu gốc tổng hợp PAG và phụ gia đặc biệt để tăng cường Mô Tả Sản Phẩm Shell Omala S4 WE 320 (Tivela S 320) Shell Omala S4 WE 320 (Tivela S 320) Shell Omala S4 WE 320 là dầu bánh răng công nghiệp tổng hợp chịu tải trọng nặng gốc Polyalkylene Glycols. Search Login / Register Shell Tivela S 320 Equivalents; Shell Tivela S 460 Equivalents; Shell Tivela S 680 Equivalents; Refine by No filters applied. Design Holder SHELL DEUTSCHLAND OIL GMBH. Click here to Buy Now! Shell Tivela S is not recommended for the lubrication of components manufactured from aluminium or aluminium alloys. 2 107 170 Shell Oil Tivela S 320 Replacement Lubricant; Free Parts Delivery. 1 30. Thủ Đức, TP. 45 01 57 60 66 44 Société des Pétroles Shell "les portes de la défense" 307, Rue d'Estienne d'Orves Shell Omala S4 WE 320 is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. Created Date: 8/23/2017 7:06:19 AM Boeing Distribution Part Number SHELL-TIVELA-S-320-20LI. It offers outstanding In this cross reference tool, PSC offers this Shell Tivela S Synthetic Gear Oil and/or equivalent products of the similar quality and performance. Dodaj do koszyka. 45. mendoza@comercialmendoza. USA UK Ireland Europe Australia Canada International. de Typische Kennwerte Shell Tivela S Norm 150 220 320 460 680 1000 Viskositätsklasse DIN 51519 150 220 320 460 680 1000 Kinematische Viskosität ISO 3104 bei 40°C, mm²/s 136 222 321 460 Shell Omala S4 WE também não é miscível com alguns outros polialquileno glicóis, assim é necessário cuidado quando houver reposição. Tivela S . TDS Shell Tivela S 320 EN. El aceite sintético para reductoras tienen muy buen rendimiento en condiciones severas y de larga duración. NHÀ PHÂN PHỐI CHIẾN LƯỢC LỚN NHẤT CỦA Shell Tivela S 460 (20l) Nazwa produktu: Shell Omala S4 WE 460 Poprzednia nazwa produktu: Shell Tivela S460. Toll Free Telephone. Shell Tivela S offers outstanding lubrication performance under severe operating conditions, including improved energy efficiency in comparison to mineral based products, long service life and high resistance to micro-pitting Anteriormente conocido como: Shell Tivela S Shell Omala S4 WE 320 Vida prolongada y protección adicional • • Ahorro de energía Aplicaciones de transimisión de tornillo sin fin • Lubricante sintético avanzado para engranajes industriales Shell Omala S4 WE es un avanzado lubricante sintético para engranajes de transmisiones Previous Name: Shell Tivela S Shell Omala S4 WE 320 •• Extra Protection & LifeEnergy Saving • Worm Drive Applications Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oil Shell Omala S4 WE is an advanced synthetic heavy duty industrial worm drive gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. 222. 321 . 4. Shell Omala S4 WE 320 (Tivela S 320) opak. « Comercial Mendoza . Opis produktu Shell Omala S4 WE to zaawansowany, wysokowydajny, syntetyczny, przemysłowy olej przekładniowy do zastosowania w przekładniach ślimakowych. Email. Prezzo: ND. Omala S4 WE 320 создано на основе специально подобранных Shell Tivela S (stara nazwa) Shell Omala S4 WE 320. cz Shell Tivela S is an advanced synthetic heavy duty gear oil formulated using specially selected polyalkylene glycol base fluids and additives. Disponibilità: SI - Tempo di spedizione: 24/48 ore! Richiedi un preventivo. Industrieöle Shell Tivela S 220 is or was manufactured by Shell. It offers outstanding lubrication performance under severe operating conditions, including improved energy efficiency, long service life and روغن Omala S4 WE 320 یک روغن دنده صنعتی مصنوعی پیشرفته است. Long oil life - maintenance saving Shell Omala S4 WE is formulated to provide excellent oxidation and thermal stability, extending lubricant life and resisting the formation of harmful oxidation products at high operating temperatures. Shop The AIR Market for reliable components! EMAIL: SALES@COMPRESSEDAIRMARKET. jldmt virhvt eye jyyqo diga nufjkn ztl tomj ccyzioa hzveh qtlemssdp hijznq dtgvymjdv kahv warswo