Mtg white mana ramp Mono-Blue 356 decks. Tatyova, Benthic Druid. MTGO ARENA PAPER Timeless meta Mana Rock (3) Planeswalker themed (2) Reanimator (3) Removal (5) Sacrifice (4) Spell Copy (1) Spellslinger (1) Stax (2) Tokens (3) Topdeck (2) You should really look into brought back, sevines reclamation, kor cartographer. However, since you're looking at everything but Vintage, you do have some options: White cards dealing with land tend towards restoring balance, and as such there are several card which can only get you land if an opponent has more already. You have some of the big ones, dorks like Birds of Paradise, but [[Wild Growth]] and especially [[Utopia Sprawl]] are good. Expedition Map is a good way to get broken non-basics, or even just get a filter/fixing land. Endless Horizons works similarly, but is fairly risky and you need to think about how you plan on using it. Read our content: Updated Jan 08, 2025 by ThatMagicalPear420 using our MTG Deck Builder. txt For others: Download as . Scryfall is not produced by or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast. Weathered Wayfareris an important card to the history of Commander, as it was one of the only available sources of mana support for white in the early days of the format, then more commonly known as EDH. This means a source that doesn't produce white mana is of limited use to you. A list of the most played MTG Commander White Mana Rock Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. In the case of In this article, we’ll explore the best of white’s mana ramp cards that have emerged from this design evolution, shedding light on their potential and the strategies they best support. Popular Dimir Ramp EDH commanders. This Week in Magic: Friday, March 7th. Solemn Simulacrum, Wayfarer's Bauble, and Expedition Map are all widely useful in finding and adding lands. We’ve chosen cards from across the spectrum of MTG colors, as well as the way in which they ramp. White lands are just lands with colored pips. A deck that ramps may play What Is Mana Ramping in Magic? The term "ramping" refers to spells that build up your mana pool, adding resources to your default land-per-turn reservoir. The basic idea is white is really good at ramping while behind on lands, so using lands that sac others while tapping for more than one turns on all the effects that tutor lands to the field. Edit. Upvote 0. Mind Stone is a solid, basic, two-mana ramp card. Mono-Blue 355 decks. White Mana: Symbolized by a sun, white mana represents order, protection, and light. White spells often focus on healing, defense, and enforcing rules. Cast Spark Double so that it enters and copies Felidar Guardian, blinking the original Felidar Guardian and a land you control. Mana Rock (8) Planeswalker themed (8) Reanimator (9) Removal (10) Sacrifice (8) Spell Copy (1) Spellslinger (1) Stax (6) Ramp A card which accelerates your mana, giving you an additional, reusable mana source beyond the usual one land per turn. Metagame. Artifacts really are probably the best option in those colors. Big Mana (6) Blink (3) Bounce (1) Burn (5) Cascade (1) Clones (3) Counterspells (1) Landfall (1) Lands (1) That's also a time to do two-mana ramp, because if we get lucky we can play two spells on turn three, but it's also a reason for enchantress, mark wischkaemper, white-green, 10182023, syr armont the redeemer, mana I'm ordering cards for my green/white and looking to get some nice mana ramp. MTG Best Modern White Historic Mana Rock Ramp staple cards- February 2025 • MTG DECKS A list of the most played MTG Commander Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Card usage: all A list of the most played MTG Modern White Historic Mana Rock Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. White Lands; Green Lands; Red Lands; Black Lands; Monocolor Lands; Dual-Color; Azorius Lands; Boros Lands; Mana Geyser. That’s why we’re putting it in tenth place. (As far as I understand, "mana ramp" means, basically, that you can get more mana per turn than the number of the turn. Ramping It Up. I would also recommend a bit more card draw. This is for How to Ramp With Artifacts in Magic: The Gathering. All emails include an unsubscribe link. Obviously you are banking on getting card advantage with Mayael activations, but I think you might be a bit too reliant on that. When it enters the battlefield under your control, if an opponent controls more lands than you, A lot of white ramp is catch up ramp so you want as few lands as possible tapping for as much as possible like [[nykthos, shrine to nyx]]! [[lotus veil]] and [[lotus field]] are great for that and if you have any creatures [[dowsing dagger]] can Outside of mana rocks these are the only two I can think of off top. Sign In Sign Up. All it needs is a few more [[Lotus fields]] type effects, maybe a touch of grave-to-field land recursion, and then to print those enabler cards into the ground so it doesn't rocket in price like (most of) the recent good white ramp that was printed. (*) Prices based in average price in TCGPLAYER. Displaying decks 1 - 50 of 230 in total Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Tabletop Price; 2022-06-19: Selesnya Tokens: OhOneNine: The Pizza Box Open: Standard: 52nd: Never miss important MTG news again! Email for Newsletter Subscription. Note: for this article, I'm defining a ramp card as one that searches for lands out of your library and puts them directly into play. cards added to side board are cards that can be used as budget concerns or to add in extra color fixing. unless they have an army of mana rocks. I have the giants like The Tarrasque, Apex Altisaur, and Inferno of the star mounts. Card usage: all Tap Basalt for 3 mana. Tags. Price: $104: Themes & Tribes Winrate MTG Arena decks & meta: Alchemy. Big Mana (10) Blink (17) Bounce (5) Burn (8) Cantrips (1) Cascade (2) Clones (7) Cycling (3) Deathtouch (10) Ramp (13) Reanimator (15) Removal (41) Sacrifice (7) Snow (2) Stax (8) Theft (1) Tokens (72) Topdeck (31) White may not be as good at ramping as green, but these 10 land fetching spells should not be underestimated in MTG Commander games. Historic-Brawl. Knight of the White Orchid; Kor Cartographer Updated Oct 27, 2023 by Theawesome using our MTG Deck Builder. White has trash-tier card draw ( shameless plug again ) and highly situational ramp ( shameless plug part three ). A big part of BAE is card advantage, rather than straight draw. Untap Basalt off original trigger. Bummer too bc ghast + urborgs was a great ramp combo for dimir. Use Mana Ramp and Mana Fixing: These strategies can help Mtgdecks. Last updated: 2025-03-10 09:44:26 How is popularity calculated? Your current selection: (6 cards found) A list of the most played MTG Modern Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Especially when you're playing white, it sucks to have your mana rocks blown up as colateral damage from an Austere Command or Akroma's Vengeance or something. 268 decks. Home MTG Timeless Staples. See our This is a list of important EDH ramp cards. by Souran. 000 Magic the Gathering Decks, tournaments and magic singles prices. MTGO ARENA PAPER Standard meta Meta Ramp (3) Reanimator (3) Removal (2) Sacrifice (2) Stax (2) Tutor (2) X Spells (1) tribes. Mono-Green 4. Articles EDHRECast FAQ Newsletter Patreon Mono-Black Ramp. Synergies between lands like [[urza's saga]] and [[lotus field]] lowering your land count work well with mono white's ability to mana ramp with Mana Ramp is also known as Eldrazi Ramp , UGb Ramp or Green Ramp . In: Card Games, Magic: The Gathering. maindeck. Reply reply White mana ramp deck Standard* Mono-White. White Lands; Green Lands; Red Lands; Black Lands; Monocolor Lands; Dual-Color; Azorius Lands; Boros Ramp. White and Black don’t ramp often, that’s more of a Green/Red thing. Paige Smith | March 7, 2025. Don't try to have a symmetrical 5 color mana base. Can anyone help me? Alot of people keep recommending cards that are really expensive. It is a two-mana creature with power and toughness at 3/1. Maybe they put lands into play, perhaps they’re creatures which That said, I'd recommend sticking to mostly turn 1 Ramp as much as possible. this is the definitive ramp package for white if you can afford it. A deck containing many such cards, usually combined with fatties. It’s not quite as good as the options previously mentioned on this list, as it produces only one colorless mana. Two Color Mana Drain. MTGO ARENA PAPER Commander meta Mana Rock (14) Mill (1) Planeswalker themed (10) Populate (1) Reanimator (13) Removal (13) Sacrifice (12) Spell Copy (1) Spellslinger (2) Stax Cursed Mirror is the poster-child of the double dip. Wayfarer's Bauble; Darksteel Ingot; Mind Stone; Dreamstone Hedron Today, Wizards of the Coast has revealed a bunch of brand new Magic: The Gathering cards from the upcoming magical school-themed set, Strixhaven: School of Mages, giving us our first look at new creatures and spells from Lorehold, the red-white college focused in learning about history. Ramping is especially important in the longer games of A list of the most played MTG Historic Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Omnath, Locus of Mana. Mono-White 180 decks. MTGO ARENA PAPER Commander meta Big Mana (1) Burn (1) Cantrips (1) Discard (1) Enchantments (1) Equipments (1) Flying (2) Historic (15) Indestructible (1) Landfall (1) Lands (1 A list of the most played MTG Pauper Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Timeless. Thran Dynamo White often sucks at ramp, Skyshroud Claim is the best 4-mana ramp card for Commander. My commander right now is Radha, heart of Keld, but that could be switched out. Go Ad-Free. Deck Help forum Posted on Jan. DECKS. Playtest v1 You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Combos. Examples include mana dorks, mana rocks, and spells which allow you to put extra lands into play beyond the one-per-turn limit. ramp spells). Mono-White 183 decks. Deckcycle Feature Queue. Spirits (2) type. TheGamer. Big Mana (1) Bounce (3) Cantrips (1) Deathtouch (1) Enchantments (1) Flying (1) Graveyard (1) Historic (15) Indestructible (1) Land destruction (1) Landfall (1) Lands (6) Yeah, armillary sphere is a solid call. Mtgdecks. This is a collection of the best ramp spells for Pauper EDH. One of the new creatures revealed is a rare card called Strict Proctor, a two-to-cast white 1/3 Any EDH/Commander player worth their salt can tell you how important mana ramp is to a deck so I won’t spend to much time explaining it, but just to clarify in case you don’t knowit’s very very important. 2, 2013, 7:58 a. Last updated: 2025-03-06 05:59:42 How is popularity calculated? Your current selection: (4 cards found) A list of the most played MTG Commander White Mana Rock cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. They don't need any ramp, just efficient vampires and removal. Every commander deck needs mana ramp, and no More than 1 Standard Mono White Artifacts Ramp decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments Historic, Mana Rock, Tokens, and Soldiers. Home MTG Commander Staples. Magic: The Gathering deck-building aide for assembling a mana base. Here’s a full list of mana rocks to knock your socks off with: A list of the most played MTG Modern White Historic cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. A selection of the top 15 mana ramp cards used in cEDH. A list of the most played MTG Pioneer Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. I like it. Mono White mana ramp Modern mouserat. White (3) themes. We include double-faced land cards in this list, as they’re such A list of the most played MTG Standard White Mana Rock cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. ) They're card advantage, and hilarious with Scroll Rack, but no, they aren't ramp. Edit Live Edit. Terrain Generator is always a neat choice as well. Mox Pearl. Most of best dragons are Red, and the ramp you want is in green. In 2024 Commander, people tend to trend greedy on manabases, relying on rocks and treasure, meaning that you might just out-land them by making your land A selection of the top 15 mana ramp cards used in cEDH. Monocolor. Infinite mana would help me win using the ol' reliable cards like [[Thornbite Staff]], [[Blasting Zone]], etc. Mana ramp is an important aspect of most Magic decks. Login. As you move up the curve, you get Mtgdecks. This is a White, Blue and Green deck that accelerates your mana and allowing you to play bigger spells faster than your opponents. 08/16/22, 0 comments. Tap Basalt for 3, you now have 6 in your pool with Basalt tapped and no untap triggers. Ramp allows a deck access to more mana earlier in the game. For example, if you are playing any kind of fetch land, you can cast this spell to get that fetch back after you have cracked it. Image Export (Instagram, Twitter) Admin spec export. Use the 3 mana on the untap ability. Deck Builder; MTG Cards; Events; Draft Sim; Cubes; Forums White and Blue don't have much in the way of mana ramp. Colorless 651 decks. Mana Reflection is an incredibly effective mana doubler because it doesn’t just pay attention to the lands you tap but also mana dorks and rocks. Simple mana ramp into big creatures. White is the second best ramp color, mostly because red, black and blue get almost nothing- but also because white has some actually good ramp options. A list of the most played MTG Historic-Brawl Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. A list of the most played MTG Modern White Historic Mana Rock Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Tools Articles. The longer the game goes, the less chance they have of working. 272 decks. My deck is mainly Red/Green/Black with splashes for White/Blue. MTG Best Commander White Mana Rock Ramp staple cards- October 2024 • MTG DECKS Mtgdecks. Trying to get out angels as quick as possible with cards like gold myr and palladium myr. On: January 5, 2022. The Ur-Dragon. Loyal Warhound is a rather fantastic example of a white ramp card. You run 4 of them in your deck, and if you have one on the field and one in your hand, tap the one on the field for your mana, play the second one declaring the new one stays. Land Artifact Artifact Land Modern: Commander Legacy Vintage Ramp Rock Color Identity: White Mana: White. White/Black Mana Ramp. Another source of "fair" ramp in white, Deep Gnome Terramancer punishes opponents for their Catch up ramp as white's ramp "identity"/mechanic is cool. 33% of Mana in MTG is represented by symbols in the upper right corner of the card. [[Trinket Mage]] grabbing Sol Ring is effectively 3U for a two-point ramp, mimicking Green's 4 mana ramp spells. Ramp effects Basically what it is supposed to do is get lots of mana really quickly to play big creatures. Because ramp isn’t part of white’s color pie, MTG makes it jump through hoops to get ahead on mana. While ramping isn't something exclusive to Commander, it certainly is at home in a format that's all about big plays and long-lasting games, making cards like and enduring staples. . You may want to consider building your deck with a subtheme or MTG Salvation . Commanders. Tap Basalt for 3 mana. 341. Big Mana (1) Burn (2) Cantrips (1) Discard (2) Historic (3) Landfall (1) Lands (1) Legends (3) Lifegain (1) Removal (2) Tokens (2) Topdeck (3) Treasures (4) [[Restoration of Eiganjo]] is flexible if you're in white. LED and Lotus Petal technically act as ramp, but they're pretty much only used for their combo potential, and the ramp is just a neat side effect, so A list of the most played MTG Commander Auras Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Home MTG Modern Staples. COM store. 1. JackWalker97. Also, Pristine Talisman and Mind Stone have both seen play . Any suggestions are much appreciated :) Edit: sorry i should have mentioned this to begin with. Ancient Den. You need enough mana to play the cards in your hand or activate the abilities you have on the field if you want to win the game, and ramp will help you get there more quickly. This Week in Standard: Friday I'm ordering cards for my green/white and looking to get some nice mana ramp. Mono-Red 383 decks. Green is the best individual color in the color pie at performing this task, as it provides ample ways to put extra lands onto the battlefield from your hand or deck as well as efficient ways to add extra mana to your mana pool via creatures, enchantments, and artifacts. Card usage: all MTG Legacy and Vintage extraordinaire (jokes), if it doesn't play blue I most likely don't play it. m. Humans (2) Soldiers (1) Spirits (6) White gives you very few ramp options. All resources in this series: Building an EDH Deck; List of EDH Staples and Power Cards; List of Budget EDH Staples and Power Cards; List of EDH Spark Double must be in your hand while Felidar Guardian and Panharmonicon should already be on the battlefield. Some things to note: I only included spells that net an average of at least one additional mana each turn, both in the form of being able to produce mana or reduce costs. As MTG continues to grow and adapt, it’s exciting to think about what the future holds for White and its place in the mana ramp conversation. A list of the most played MTG Standard Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. You only need your commander and another legendary creature to meet the bottom line. Card usage: all Updated Oct 30, 2023 by spartanwolfej using our MTG Deck Builder. net ©2009-2025. You have access to Talisman of Indulgence. White, traditionally seen as a color A list of the most played MTG Modern White Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that archetype. this isn’t what many Guides and decklists for the Magic: The Gathering Arena archetype Bant Ramp. In my blue deck I run both the usual complement of ramp artifacts, but additionally run clone effects like Sculpting Steel MTG Best Affordable Ramp for Commander. T/O Glorious Sunrise | Illustration by Andreas Zafiratos. Tap something(s) else for two more mana and activate Rings, targeting Basalt's untap trigger. Magic: the Gathering. Opinion. Mox Pearl is the cheapest (in terms of mana) and priciest (in terms of Mono-White Ramp. Mono-Red 387 decks. Upvoted 0. You could use a few more mana rocks as well. The Best Mana Ramp Cards in MTG. I'll be for sure ordering some -arbor elves -Llanoear elves -Sol ring Any other I should look into getting? WARNING: The instant you start running mana Not quite mana rocks, but in mono-white you have Knight of the White Orchid, Gift of Estates, Weathered Wayfarer, Tithe, and Land Tax, to name a few early spells. Even if the white player plays a MLD package and then has a couple of mana rocks left with a crucible, which by the way is the only way I can think of to What’s so key about playing these cards is remembering to use them before you make your land drop, and to do so as soon as possible. Card usage: all A list of the most played MTG Commander Red White Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Winrate: (30 days) View all winrates . Top 15 Mana Ramps in cEDH. Mana Dorks. Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, and Mana Vault also all fall into the same category of "colorless mana positive rock". White ramp is catch up ramp, which means it wants to have the same number of lands as another player. But in Commander, a card’s color identity is determined by the colors of pips on the cards, which restricts lands to the color identity of the deck’s commander. Ben Macready Share. What methods and cards can I use in Standard to mana ramp with White/Black? I've been relying on 1 and 2 drops but I will need to change when it comes to Gatecrash. #mtg #edh #commander #8x8 #8x8 theory #1x8 #dimir #blue/black #mana ramp #mana rocks #talbot 8x8 #blue #black #dimir-guildmage In WBU it seems like Simulacrum and Mana-Stones are your best bet for Ramp. In my (semi-budget) Orvar deck I use [[High tide]], [[Sol ring]], [[Wayfarers bauble]] and nearly every 2 mana rock that enters untapped. White Lands; Green Lands; Red Lands; Black Lands; Monocolor Lands; Dual-Color; Azorius Lands; Boros Lands; Ramp decks allow you to play big spells and creatures earlier using mana accelerators (aka. Doubling all your mana sources with this enchantment-based ramp can really put you ahead in a game, especially if you have a reliable form of card draw to help you fill your hand with threats. Colorless 645 decks. White Lands; Green Lands; Red Lands; Black Lands; Monocolor Lands; Dual-Color; Azorius Lands; Boros Lands; A list of the most played MTG Commander White Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Because who doesn't love a turn 5 [[Iona, shield of emeria]]? Or even 7 2/2 cat tokens from [[white sun's Mirari’s Wake is much more than a ramp spell. You may opt-out at any time. I also included tutors that will primarily grab other ramp spells, such as [[Crop Rotation]] grabbing an [[Ancient Tomb]] or a [[Trinket Mage]] grabbing a [[Sol Ring]]. Card usage: all Yes, blue has absolute worse "add mana/reduce mana/fetch a land" ramp in the game (shameless plug), but has green-ramp-level card draw and a handful of burst mana options, and several untappers. 283 decks. So in order to ramp, you need less lands. White is the A list of the most played MTG Modern White Mana Rock cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Card usage: all Mana ramp comes in a lot of different flavors in Magic: The Gathering (MTG). I know a lot of people say 2 mana ramp for animar, but 1 mana ramp to have a turn 2 animar is really important. How Does Blue Mana Ramp Work in MTG? Blue’s mana ramp, while limited, tends to favor mana acceleration (a one-time increase in mana) or is earmarked for use with artifacts, or in more recent years, instants and A list of the most played MTG Commander Red Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Thanks. Explorer. dec) To play your deck at an official ("DCI-sanctioned") tournament you need a deck registration sheet. Even blue has some mana ramp. Blue can fake mana ramping spells by using its various artifact interaction cards to cheat out, search for, or untap artifacts. Lands don’t really have a color in traditional MTG. Feature Queue. Mtg. In "The Other 99" we look at deck building in Commander. In Magic, mana ramping (rapidly amassing resources to cast expensive spells faster) is typically thought of as a primarily-green trait, but thanks to a heap of colorless I suppose flip lands count, but all of them enter tapped. Here are the very best white ramp cards you can pick in the commander format of MTG. I just learned this last week in a pod with my scarab god deck. Each MTG set brings so many legends that this only seems to grow stronger. Home; Decks; Modern; Mono White Ramp; Mono White Ramp. 00. Angels (1) Humans (1) Soldiers (1) A list of the most played MTG Brawl Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Rocks tend to be colorless and flexible. Mono-Black 438 decks. Lathril, Blade of the Elves. Potion of Healing is a classic egg. Today's article is dedicated to ramp. Here is a list of the most played White Mana Rock Ramp cards in Modern sorted by their popularity. Cost reduction effects like Pearl Medalion may help as well. Cost First consider the cost of the ramp spell you are evaluating, and that is not limited to its mana cost. Tournament. In Magic, you expect to increase your mana pool by 1 each turn if you’re hitting your land drops; you’ll play 1-mana spells on turn 1, 2-mana spells on turn 2, etc. Land Tax, Weathered Wayfarer, Knight of the White Orchid all have had places in decks. I also have another great card ,Selvala, heart of the wilds, which gives me insane mana. MTGO ARENA PAPER Commander meta Big Mana (1) Burn (1) Cantrips (1) Discard (1) Enchantments (1) Equipments (1) Flying (2) Historic (15) Indestructible (1) Landfall (1) Lands (1 Download as MTG Arena . You must weigh those costs against the benefits received and whether the trade-off is a net gain or loss for your deck. When those permanents re-enter, the original Felidar [[Flagstones of Trokair]] is a great mono white ramp if you are playing a format that allows for multiple copies. Brawl. this also has support cards to assist with the archetype, options you can A list of the most played MTG Commander Red White Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Mono-Black 447 decks. 23% A list of the most played MTG Modern Blue Red Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. SHOW PRICES FOR . N/A Avg. You honestly don't have any other option. There's all the EDH staples, of which I'm sure I can't name them all: Sol Ring, Worn Powerstone, Grim Monolith, Mana Vault, Mana Crypt, all are good. Ramp enchantments are Magic cards that have the enchantment card type and serve to increase your access to mana, also known as ramping. The white mana in its cost hurts its utility in dedicated egg decks that are trying to discount all their eggs to 0 mana, but there are Top 10 Mana Ramp Spells in MTG - Riley Ranks. You're going to have to rely on mana rocks or effects that let you do alternative things. I need mana ramp cards thats under 10. To ensure you have plenty of basic lands for it Armillary Sphere + Academy Ruins is a decent engine (if you're just trying to build up your mana); But Urborg + Cabal Coffers works much better when you can actually Tutor lands; But i'd still This card can technically function as a 3 mana ramp card in white. I'll be for sure ordering some -arbor elves -Llanoear elves -Sol ring Any other I should look into getting? WARNING: The instant you start running mana acceleration powerful enough to be banned in Legacy and restricted in Vintage in a casual game, you're Not quite mana rocks, but in mono-white you have Knight of the White Orchid, Gift of Estates, Weathered Wayfarer, Tithe, and Land Tax, to name a few early spells. The infinite mana combos I found with Google tended to have green or blue, so I was wondering if there were any mono white/colorless options that would work for me. Solemn Simulacrum is fantastic. Two Color. You can also use [[Obscura Storefront]] to fetch the lands from your deck and shuffle while A list of the most played MTG Modern White Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Sets. As slow and situational as it can be to activate, it could smooth out your early mana in a way few white cards could whil Not to worry, we’ve got a list of the best white ramp spells to accelerate your deck toward victory. txt Include printing details Include card comments (. You also need at least 4 mana with at least 1 blue mana available. A list of the most played MTG Modern Black White cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. An optimal ramp package will add in: Mana Crypt Jeweled Lotus Mox Diamond Mana Vault Grim Monolith Note that I've intentionally excluded B+R rocks (Talisman of Indulgence and Rakdos Signet) because your deck overwhelmingly requires white mana. Artifact CMC: ETB Tapped Commander Legacy Vintage Ramp Rock Color Identity: White Mana: White. Ramp cards in Magic: the Gathering accelerates your ability to produce mana. Coalition Relic is an all-star ramper and fixer. Ramp (14) Reanimator (4) Removal (7) Sacrifice (6) Spellslinger (1) Stax (6) Tokens (4) Toughness (1) Tutor (6) X Spells (1) tribes. Whenever you get to play this card you can get to do something fun with it, and in the BAE, it acts as both ramp, removal, draw, and a wildcard, given it can copy an opponent’s creature for the turn. Menu. Artifact Creature CMC: Dork Commander Legacy Modern Pauper Vintage Myr Ramp Color Identity: All Ramp Decks. MTGO ARENA PAPER Standard meta Mana Rock (3) Planeswalker themed (3) Reanimator (2) Removal (2) Sacrifice (3) Stax (2) Tutor (2) X Spells (1) tribes. If you want to invest some more money (or proxy) you want [[Sapphire medallion]] and the fast mana artifacts. Some resiliant ramp is. MTGO ARENA PAPER Pioneer meta Meta Mana Rock (4) Planeswalker themed (3) Reanimator (7) Removal (5) Sacrifice (3) Stax (3) Tokens (1) Topdeck (3) Tutor (5) X Spells (1) tribes. Card usage The classic one-drop plays in Enchantress are Utopia Sprawl and Wild Growth, which are commonly played alongside Sol Ring and Birds of Paradise as the one drops of choice. Focus on Red/Green/Black or Red/Green/Blue and Mtgdecks. By: Velocirapture. For example, Ancient Tomb may not cost you any mana, but it costs you life and a land slot in your deck that could be making colored mana. A list of the best mana ramp for EDH. Big Mana (6) Blink (3) Bounce (1) Burn (5) Cascade (1) Clones (3) Counterspells (1) Landfall (1) Lands (1) Legends (66) Lifegain (45) Mill (1) Mutate (2) Planeswalker themed (7) Ramp (6) Reanimator (12) Removal (31) Sacrifice (7 That's also a time to do two-mana ramp, because if we get lucky we can play two spells on turn three, but it's also a reason for enchantress, mark wischkaemper, white-green, 10182023, syr armont the redeemer, mana ramp. Updated Sep 11, 2024 by Ruffigan using our MTG Deck Builder. And putting lands into hand isn’t ramp. cardsrealm. This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. Here's a link to all the mana rocks! Seems like an oversimplification but basically this. MTG Best Pauper Mana Rock Ramp staple cards- March 2025 • MTG DECKS Home MTG Pauper Staples Mtgdecks. You play it for cheap, get a card, and crack it later for life. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Mana Rock (4) Black Lotus | Illustration by Steven Belledin. Any help would be appreciated! That’s right a ramp deck with only 21 lands! Weird, right? Be wary of attacking with Esika's Chariot into open four mana (two white) as you want to avoid getting it exiled by their opposing The Wandering Emperor, so in this case it might be safer to send in just the cat tokens. Fleeting Filcher; Vara Beth Hannifer (MTG Muddstah) 3 Me and a friend have been using this mono white ramp to great effect. Azorius 125 decks. Creature A list of the most played MTG Timeless White Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. A list of the most played MTG Alchemy Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Be as aggressive as you can as it may come down your creature A list of the most played MTG Pioneer White Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. While mana rocks and the like "ramp" your mana, I wanted to be a bit more specific. Random Settings. 0. Search. White has a few great options. Top 10 MTG Best White Ramp Cards in Commander. Big Mana (15) Blink (7) Bounce (2) Burn (46) Cantrips (1) Cascade (2) Clones (10) Counterspells (1) Ramp (19) A list of the most played MTG Pauper Mana Rock Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. White Land Artifact Land. Home MTG Pioneer Staples. Untap Basalt using the copied trigger. A list of the most played MTG Historic White Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. [[Carpet of Flowers]] as well if you can reliably have an opponent in blue. To play such a card. A list of the most played MTG Commander Green White Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. This new, three-mana, enchantment creature is leagues ahead of the previously played Heaped Harvest in the list, as it not only ramps an additional land into play on turn three, but its impending ability means it also becomes a 6/5 monster that continues to ramp every turn that it attacks later in the game, once the last counter is removed Mtgdecks. In TappedOut's comments/forums In TappedOut's comments/forums with pie-chart A list of the most played MTG Commander Red White cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. White; Green; Red; Black; Dual-Color; Azorius; Boros; Dimir; Golgari; Gruul; Izzet; Selesnya; Orzhov; Rakdos; Simic; Tri-Color; Abzan; Mana Rock (21) Mill (3) Planeswalker themed (21) Populate (1) Reanimator (2) Removal (22 Memorial to Glory | Illustration by James Paick. txt For Magic Online (MTGO): Download as MTGO . Riley's skipping up the curve, looking at the top 10 mana ramp spells of all time, from sorceries to snakes to sad robots and more! Mana ramp is an incredibly popular thing to do in Magic, particularly in games of Commander. Card usage: all The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, including card images and mana symbols, is copyright Wizards of the Coast, LLC. For five mana, you get a Green White Enchantment that makes it so that whenever you tap a land for mana you get to add one mana of any kind that land can produce. There are some great ramp spells that are unfortunately restricted to certain color identities. COPIES/DECK. Whether you’re building a mono-white deck or looking to splash in some White cards for mana advantage, these selections prove that White is no longer the underdog in the ramp game. Home MTG Standard Staples. Historic. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta Ramp (4) Reanimator (1) Removal (2) Sacrifice (2) Stax (2) Tokens (1) Tutor (2) tribes; Spirits (2) type; Artifact (3) Creature (1) Enchantment (1) The difference is the card type; mana rocks are artifacts and mana dorks are creatures, both generally tap to add mana, and both are primarily used for ramp. Recent Articles. Here is a list of the most played Black White Ramp cards in Modern sorted by their popularity. Check out Land Tax and Aether Vial. This list does not include cards that put T/O. Putting untapped lands into play cuts the cost in half; What is available for mana ramp/acceleration in White and/or Black? I'm looking for the best way to build the Ghost Council of Orzhova/Extort deck, and I'm looking at the obvious board control + wipes, but I'm currently concerned with making the mana base build as fast as possible. Mono-Black 448 decks. sideboard. Cards. #42. Although most ramp effects are in green, there is a considerable amount of artifact-based ramp. Iron Myr. These symbols indicate the mana cost of the card. Imo 2 mana rocks with minor upsides are generally better than the other options you've listed. WHAT ABOUT CARD DRAW. Mana Vault. Angels (2 The best ramp is least susceptible to mass removal. Other ways this could help you ramp is with a card like [[wayfarer's bauble]] or other pieces of ramp that sacrifice themselves to get lands onto the Artifact Creature CMC: Dork Commander Legacy Modern Pauper Vintage Myr Ramp Rock Color Identity: White Mana: White. 2K decks. The term "ramping" your mana comes from one of the most iconic cards to MTG Best Modern Black White Ramp staple cards. POPULARITY* 2%. Colorless 653 decks. Decks. Articles EDHRECast FAQ Newsletter Patreon Dimir Ramp. [[Azusa's Many Journeys]] is OK if you're running enough lands to support it Don't bother with mana dorks like Llanowar Loamspeaker, it just dies to Cut Down. A list of the most played MTG Timeless Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. A list of the most played MTG Standard White Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Card usage: all. The End of an Era. This is always optimal for 3 mana commanders, even if Mayael won't be useful until you have 6 mana. Wand of the Worldsoul. Myriad Landscape and Terrain Generator are both kind of slow but add lands. Recs. There are some recent white land ramp cards that some people have mentioned, but the strongest ramp is largely just the access to broken artifacts that you have, as well as the myriad of 2 mana artifacts that tap for 1. By ShadowLight Created Dec 29, 2020 Updated Dec 29, 2020. 258 decks. This article will focus on ramp through the means of acquiring lands, whether to your Vampires don't really have ways to utilise big mana and are best played as white-black because of cards like [[Legion Lieutenant]]. Aside from myr and Eldrazi MTG Best Modern White Mana Rock Ramp staple cards. Mono-Blue 346 decks. Deckcycle Feature Queue A mono-white deck I've had a great deal of success with on Mtgdecks. [[Tezzeret, the Seeker]] can find mana rocks with his minus and untap them to double down with his plus. White as a colour is pretty awful at Crypt Ghast has white mana in it's ability box therefor "illegal" to play in a dimir commander. Popular Mono-Black Ramp EDH commanders. A list of the most played MTG Legacy Ramp cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. 2019 Holiday Exchange! A New and Exciting Beginning . xij osgckw bpvyki xhle tfksh vtply lufnc kmgf fzbaib rsxwq qwbe ktjnl fxczlbaeu rvcp dna