Kael thas loot weapon macro. Begin the ritual of absolution.
Kael thas loot weapon macro Although believed to have been defeated in The Eye, Kael'thas has been kept alive by a green crystal embedded within his chest. For information on how to defeat Kael'thas in Tempest Keep, see Kael'thas Sunstrider (tactics). I can do it with priest, rogue, death knight, paladin, druid, hunter, and warrior. Sep 17, 2021 · Fix kael'thas threat drop in phase 4. Expected Blizzlike Behaviour W 4 days ago · This is the main reference for useful custom WoW Macros. To flee from his vexed master, Kil'jaeden, Illidan had fled to Outland only to find it Kael'thas summons the Advisors' weapons and you will have to fight them simultaneously : Upon Death the weapon is lootable for ~60 seconds letting users of that specific weapon loot and equip. New posts; Today's Posts; Search Forum; Categories. Each tank picks up two weapons except the one who's tanking the Cosmos Infuser. Illidan had a different proposal in mind, though: in return for the blood elves' loyalty, he would teach them how to drain arcane magic from other sources, including demons , and thereby feed their painful Sep 18, 2024 · Stormforge Logs is a site where you can browse the armory, logs and their analytical data. Phase 3: Sep 26, 2023 · Kael'thas is a Ranged Assassin, with an exceptional overall damage potential. During Phase One, the Tank should move Lord Sanguinar and Master Engineer Telonicus to the side walls of the room, as you can control where they resurrect in Phase Three by killing them in a good position. S I managed to get him to last phase where 2345 adds spawned and i wiped · I then kill weapons in this order, I'm drawing a blank but the one that applies a bleed affect, I don't know the name cuz I have a target macro for it. Please note all of the Kael'Thas weapons are tagged as Party Loot, meaning every member of the raid may loot one of each item, if they so choose. Nov 17, 2011 · Focus the Cosmic Infuser first and interrupt the heals. Begin the ritual of absolution. Weapon Tokens Upon Kael'thas reaching 40% and 90% health, a Shade of Kael'thas manifests, suspending everyone's ability to heal Kael'thas. News; Forums. · You're trying to select an item that's laying under four other still-active items and 15 other guildies that are still fighting them. Kill Thaladred the Darkener, keep in mind he will punt you. With the most recent update to The Burning Crusade Classic you are no longer required to become attuned to Tempest Keep to enter the Sep 13, 2020 · Speaking of the Great Vault, it's unclear whether or not the Great Vault can provide the higher item level loot. However, my Shaman dies every try. Any ideas? Edit: reason being if you do Feb 17, 2025 · Kael'thas Sunstrider <Lord of the Blood Elves> is the fourth and final boss encounter of the Eye in Tempest Keep. Help the Accuser identify the sins of Kael'thas Sunstrider. 0). Apr 29, 2020 · Kael'thas was brought up in a recent Shadowlands interview with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas. However, phases 4 and 5 are similar to the encounter in Heroic Magister's Kael'thas Sunstrider is the final boss within Magisters' Terrace. However, Kael'thas is the definition of "glass-cannon"; his low maximum health and total lack of mobility leave him completely exposed to enemy assassins and bruisers. Social Media. The item level is 175, the grade is legendary, and in terms of stats, it is slightly lower than the Lich King's Wrath hero dungeon partem. Once Telonicus is dead start running towards kael's room and you should meet the weapons roughly half way up the ramp. Kael'thas Sunstrider was on the verge of destruction when we rescued him Oct 7, 2016 · I’m hoping someone here can help me. It's a very interesting fight with five phases. Comment by 137856 How to kill Kael'thas · Okey so the adds part now are no problem when I put the two first guys @ the entrance the mage around where Al'ar is and the last guy like at the entrance to Kael'thas room I'm able to nuke the weapons down and then the guys, then when Kael'thas comes I've got some problems, I try to keep both buffs up all the time ofc. No matter what happens - DON'T PANIC! This is a pretty complicated fight - Vashj had 3 phases, but Kael'thas, not to be outdone, has 5. Tempest Keep (also known as The Eye) is a former Naaru fortress in the Netherstorm in Outland. Services. Hardcore or casual, everyone feels good about a boss kill. All the weapons have Kael'thas Andassol - PNJ - [TBC Classic] Kael'thas cosmic infuser macro - mmo-champion. · How do you do it? P. Feb 17, 2025 · Kael'thas is a brilliant tactician, a powerful warrior, and his veins burn with limitless fel magic. Nov 28, 2007 · When you are fighting Kael'tas in Tempest keep in phase 2 he spawns weapons and after they are killed you can loot legendary weapons. So if you can manage · Kael Thas solo You last visited: Today at 12:18 Please register to post and access all features, it's quick, easy and FREE! Advertisement. Spam the macro while standing in front of Jun 18, 2007 · The legendary weapons spawn and get taunted by tanks. Tanks should be standing on the corpse of their assigned advisor before this phase begins. Kael'thas Feb 16, 2025 · Shade of Kael'thas Shade of Kael'thas yells: My rage burns like a thousand suns! Ember Blast Shade of Kael'thas yells: Felomin ashal! Shade of Kael'thas yells: Fire consume you! Blazing Surge Shade of Kael'thas yells: You shall all be engulfed in flame! Shade of Kael'thas 45% Shade of Kael'thas yells: I am not finished! Let me be free! Jul 29, 2024 · Kael'thas himself doesn't have berserk, but due to the weapon's time limit, you actually have to kill Kael'thas within 15 minutes of killing the weapon in stage 2. Advertise with us! Kael Thas solo. {{ INSTANCE_TYPE_NAMES[type] }} · Hello my rogue sibling's, I want you all to get an ashes of al'ar for your self and all it takes is simple RNG luck and some heroic dungeon gear really. Este PNJ é critério da conquista Vitórias sobre Kael'thas Andassol (Bastilha da Tormenta). Any difference in it from before and now? Plus when running that place, which weapons are a must to be picked up and used? 03-06-2011, 12:48 AM #6. Side note, Untankable in phase 2, so · News; Forums. Make sure to loot the Cosmic Infuser · This was pulled from Wowhead and should be useful for the Kael fight in TK. I did it last night with a DPS pet out and just a lot of keeping distance. Advertise with us! Kael Macros. The giants of Ostoria crafted these weapons, which fall apart if handled. The players must then slay Vashj and retrieve Vashj's Vial Remnant. 2007, 1:58 a. My guild has recently started working on Kael'Thas. I got Mind Controlled and died on the first pull and I did not check the loot during that pull. For information about the instance itself, see Magisters' Terrace. Nether Wind is incredibly strong when combined with Verdant Spheres, as it will allow Kael'thas to land Gravity Lapse on Heroes hidden behind the enemy frontline. Thanks for any suggestions. You loose this weapon if the encounter stops or if you zone out. Only Lady Vashj inside the Serpentshrine Cavern Jun 18, 2007 · The Warrior assigned to tanking Kael’thas should loot a dagger and keep the debuff up on Thaladred the Darkener. In The Burning Crusade, players faced Kael'thas twice as a villain--first as the final boss of The Eye and then as the final boss of Tempest Keep is a former Naaru fortress in the Netherstorm in Outland. It uses a fairly typical Spell Mage deck including powerful cards like Font of Power and Incanter's Flow. Jan 31, 2025 · WOTLK Database. I did 4 days ago · Vashj and Kael'thas worked together to free Illidan, and then Kael'thas beseeched Illidan for a cure to the blood elves' addiction to magic. Mit linksklick Bogen anziehen Nov 15, 2021 · With Kael’thas finally dead, your guild has fully cleared Tempest Keep: The Eye and earned a shot at his incredible loot pool. Then focus down the melee weapons, the ranged weapons, and finally the shield. Kill Thaladred first. Aug 20, 2024 · At any given time, an account might have 120 macros saved, plus 18 macros saved for each character. . Items, NPCs, Quests. New posts; Today's Posts; Search Forum; Categories · News; Forums. ) Anyway, we've moved past that to the weapons Apr 7, 2022 · Category: Kael’thas Druid. 2E. Kael'thas' Trait · My guild is working on Kael'thas, and one part of that fight which is a pain is the looting of the legendary weapons when they die. The increase in range will allow Kael'thas to more safely catch out enemies or peel for allies. Fix the boss, or make him tauntable until you can fix the boss. Creating a Macro To create a macro, enter the Macro Screen, then press the New button . I’m using lazy macros because I do not play my shaman, ever. Sanguinar is last. A lot of people want to go for Kael'thas, but I'm not too sure if our gear's the right level. 04 but the only change is no staff or weapon pick up. Cloak of Flames - A cloak of fire enshrouds the Shade of Kael'thas, absorbing 675 damage and causing him to cast Unleashed Pyroclasm. The Black Market: 7 /0/ 0. Account macros, as the name indicates, are shared by all your characters, while character ones aren't visible by other characters in your account once saved. Renathal Kael’thas Druid #29 Legend – mgbparrot October 19, 2022 Kael’thas Druid #377 Legend – Blade April 23, 2022 Kael’thas Druid #1 Legend – Gospodin Dec 7, 2020 · Shade of Kael'thas - A Shade of Kael'thas manifests upon Kael'thas reaching 45% and 90% health. This quest also requires players to defeat Kael'thas. Spam the macro while standing in front of Nov 26, 2007 · When you are fighting Kael'tas in Tempest keep in phase 2 he spawns weapons and after they are killed you can loot legendary weapons. All the weapons have 5 days ago · Kael'thas Sunstrider <Lord of the Blood Elves> is the fourth and final boss encounter of the Eye in Tempest Keep. Side note, Untankable in phase 2, so Jul 26, 2007 · Hi my guild is about to start Kael'Thas. So far I can saywe are getting to be flawless at phase 1. Discussion on Kael Thas solo within the WoW Guides & · My guild is working on Kael'thas, and one part of that fight which is a pain is the looting of the legendary weapons when they die. I know this involves a GCD switching from the soul drinker to the cosmic infuser. Do anyone have suggestions to what could help improving their ability to dps, and help them avoid dying? It sucks missing 3-4 dps'ers on trash that allready is quite annoying, and takes long time. The bug is simple enough, and serves little Large Increase in DPS: Kael Encounter What client do you play on? enGB Faction Alliance Content Phase: Generic Current Behaviour Kael'Thas P2 weapon items remain in inventory after reset Expected Blizzlike Behaviour Should not Source h Oct 2, 2024 · Kael'thas Sunstrider is rescued from the hands of Sire Denathrius during Sun King's Salvation, the fifth encounter of Castle Nathria. As we know, Kael'thas himself was also sent to Revendreth for his sins, and appears in a raid encounter in Castle Nathria. Kael'thas summons the Advisors' weapons and you will have to fight them simultaneously : Upon Death the weapon is lootable for ~60 seconds letting users of that specific weapon loot and equip. #showtooltip Defensive Stance /cas Defensive Stance /equip Relentless Gladiator's Handaxe Feb 20, 2008 · To understand this exploit, you may need to have a rudimentary understanding of the Kael'thas encounter. Of Kael'thas's 3 Basic Abilities, Flamestrike should be the Ability that he empowers most often with Verdant Spheres to deal maximum damage in team fights. The structure is divided into three wings - satellites of the gigantic structure - with the fourth wing, the Exodar, now in the world of Azeroth as the Draenei capital. Everything in World of Warcraft game. All of his abilities deal AoE damage, severely punishing enemy teams that stand close together. It’s a 15 minute buff you don’t need to reapply it. It’s been a week and countless months on PTR. See also Classic WoW Useful macros (1. Miserabel elite*gold: 0 . 5. Comment by 137856 How to kill Kael'thas Jan 28, 2019 · Loot from the Kael’thas Sunstrider encounter in The Eye disappeared a few seconds after opening the loot window. Basically, this is a macro to help us equip the Netherstand bow, create the arrows, equip the Jan 26, 2008 · hat jemand ein funktionierendes, deutsches makro für den Legendären Bogen bei Kael thas? Per Hand dauert das Viel zu lange. Side note, Untankable in phase 2, so switch to dps weapons / Catform and loot his sweet sweet epix. Supposedly, every player can loot every weapon, and get every legendary item, but you really only need one. Phases 2 and 3 are DPS races, while 4 and 5 are one big Battle Sep 7, 2007 · Kael Macros You last visited: Today at 09:25 Please register to post and access all features, it's quick, easy and FREE! Advertisement. General; AddOns, Comps, Macros Kael'thas Sunstrider is the final boss within Magisters' Terrace. 6 days ago · This is a page listing loot to be found in Magisters' Terrace. You need to pickup the staff and put /use 16 in your macro so it cast the buff to avoid silence, stuns ect. You're trying to select an item that's laying under four other still-active items and 15 other guildies that are still fighting them. I stopped playing my shaman in BC. Copy this code on the CurseFire. General; AddOns, Comps, Macros You loot this weapon during the Kael'Thas enoucnter, phase 2, when he spawns his armory, on a mob named Staff of Disentegration. · News; Forums. “Is God willing to My guild seems to be progressing pretty fast, with 3/4 bosses in TK and 2/6 bosses in SSC, Magtheridon and Kazzak down this week. The fix for the issue with Kael's enchanted weapons gaining unintended extra health is live everywhere. After the fall of Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas led what remained of his people, the sin'dorei, in the Kael'thas Sunstrider Discussion -Avarice Alliance The Ultimate TBC Classic Balance Druid Guide — iQ Gaming Al'ar is a boss that requires a heavy amount of planning and coordination that will task every member of the raid to avoid as much damage as possible while trying to handle Al'ar and his Phoenix offspring. 50% Phase: Wie der Name sagt, tritt diese Phase ein, sobald Kael 50% Lebenspunkte verloren hat. Note: for new macros -- put candidates in the "New macros" section below here. After they are all down just place pet like the video (tanking pet at this point) and just follow the rest of the video. Anyone know how to do this? · Tanks lose 100% of their threat in phase 4 when the mind controls go out. You don't loose this weapon if you die. All the weapons have special buffs or abilities crucial to later stages and the defeat of this encounter. Make sure to loot the Cosmic Infuser and Phaseshift Bulwark. 06:52 AM. One thing though I would like to make easier would be making a macro that does the following. Switches my soul drinker to the cosmic infuser, word of glory myself and switch back to soul drinker. 5 days ago · This article is about information on how to defeat Kael'thas in the Magisters' Terrace instance. Upon Death the weapon is lootable for ~60 seconds letting users of that specific weapon loot and equip. Sign in Product Tempest Keep is a former Naaru fortress in the Netherstorm in Outland. In order to access the Battle of Mount Hyjal in the Caverns of Time, one must complete The Vials of Eternity. Any of the enchanted weapons that are alive at the point when Prince Kael'thas resurrects his advisors will immediately have their health increased. The strategy for dealing with advisors from Phase 1 is the same, but they are all active at the same time. Tempest Keep is a 25-player raid that is located on the eastern side of the Netherstorm. It's a very interesting fight with five phases. WOTLK Talent Calculator. This Shade of Kael'thas enters the arena and engages the raid until it is defeated. Undermine Rares Cheat Sheet & Addon · Cleared out the rest of The Eye here, and im looking at Kael'thas. Home » Wild Decks » Druid » Other Druid Decks » Kael'thas Druid. Example of a macro to equip the legendary weapons in combat Aug 22, 2007 · To understand this exploit, you may need to have a rudimentary understanding of the Kael'thas encounter. During the Third War, Anasterian Sunstrider wielded the sword in battle Mar 7, 2025 · Boss Weapons and Shields Cloth Leather Mail Plate Back Other Trash Mobs and Bosses (Normal and Heroic) [Sun Touched Satchel] Selin Fireheart (Normal) [Sun-Forged Cleaver] [Bindings of Raging Fire] [Leggings of the Betrayed] [Bracers of the Forest Stalker] [Gauntlets of Divine Blessings] [Cloak of Swift Mending] Selin Fireheart (Heroic) [Jaded Crystal Nov 30, 2024 · I have tested this macro while in combat it doesn't seem to trigger a extra cd. WoW Classic. Wait Step 4. See also User defined macros in Snippets and the useful Class macros in the 'nav bar' to the right. Superfuture-whitemane · Kael'thas Sunstrider This whole fight is built to make you freak out. The bug is simple enough, and serves little purpose beyond unfair Aug 31, 2021 · Kael'thas Sunstrider is the fourth and final boss of the Tempest Keep 25 player instance. Mar 4, 2024 · Toggle navigation. Should be moved to a more specific section in "General macros", or place on a Feb 25, 2025 · worth 250 gp and weighs 50 pounds. 09/07/2007, 02:51 #1 Kael'thas will resurrect all advisors. Illidan was pleased with the tenacity of all his servants, It was revealed that Vashj received one of these vials, as did Kael'thas Sunstrider. Make a macro that allows you to Equip both Cosmic Infuser and Phaseshift Bulwark, and make another that Equips your main two hander. Kael'thas Sunstrider is the final boss within Magisters' Terrace. Weapons will Hacks, Tools & Macros: Keep Kael'thas legendary weapons after whipe You last visited: Today at 17:02 Please register to post and access all features, it's quick, easy and FREE! Advertisement Kael'thas summons the Advisors' weapons and you will have to fight them simultaneously : Upon Death the weapon is lootable for ~60 seconds letting users of that specific weapon loot and equip. Then the cosmic infuser (interupt the heals) then devestation, then the bow, the dagger then shield. m. To access his boss room, the raid must defeat Al'ar, High Astromancer Solarion, Void Reaver, and the mini-boss just outside his boss room. Hier ist etwas Zeit um eine kleine Pause für ein paar Sekunden zu machen. Displays buffs provided by legendary staff and mace and debuffs provided by legendary dagger and bow. Select an instance to view boss abilities, loot, maps, and character models. Weapons and Shields Cloth Leather Mail Plate Back Other [Commendation of Kael'thas] [Shard of Contempt] [Timbal's Focusing Crystal] [Vial of the Sunwell] Kael'thas Sunstrider · My guild is working on Kael'thas, and one part of that fight which is a pain is the looting of the legendary weapons when they die. When you see your raid will whipe and you have weapon go to safe spot and press alt+f4, if you stay alive 20sec while keal is engaged you will keep · Help; Login; Sign up Aug 24, 2024 · Initially brought to our attention by Wowhead user Melnarth, players have discovered that Shadowlands content has been given the Legacy Loot unlock, meaning players can now collect transmog and loot from bosses from any Aug 17, 2013 · So you want Ashes of Al'ar, but you can't kill Kael'thas? Then this small guide is for you! Step 1. Kael'thas has been burdened with the sins of others, and his pain and hatred are channeled Mar 6, 2011 · This is my Priest and 4 Death Knights farming Kael'thas. My 4 days ago · For strategy on the Tempest Keep and Magisters' Terrace encounters, see Kael'thas Sunstrider (tactics) and Kael'thas Sunstrider (Magisters' Terrace tactics). Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion. After the fall of Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas led what remained of his people in Jan 20, 2021 · Nether Wind is an excellent Talent that increases the utility of Gravity Lapse twice over. It's essential that you keep a calm head throughout to prevail. Reflection of Guilt - Kael'thas is bound to his Shade, absorbing all healing while the Shade of Kael'thas exists. Weapon racks lie broken on the floor, while others cling precariously to the walls, still clutching old spears and javelins. Sep 2, 2021 · Tempest Keep is one of the two raids that make up Tier 5 and includes one of Warcraft's most iconic characters, Kael'thas Sunstrider. Januar 2008. The Mana refund is also a Jul 25, 2020 · Kael'thas Sunstrider Without delving too deep into spoiler territory, the questline predictably revolves around Kael'thas' sins and punishment, just like all the other souls condemned to Revendreth, although the story quickly Aug 23, 2021 · Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Lets check some requirements - * Decent gear I would suggest heroic dungeon gear at least * 7/31/3 Combat- Take reinforced leather and drop Ruthlessness put 2 into Coupe de grace then finally put 2 into quickening * A Jun 27, 2020 · Kael'thas Sunstrider starts with 60 Health and 2 Mana Crystals. Since there is a delay between casting Flamestrike and it dealing damage, aim it where Kael'thas's target will be, and not where they Kael'thas Sunstrider, Lord of the Blood Elves, is the fourth and final boss encounter of the Eye. An up to date list of drops in normal, heroic, and mythic versions of Kael'thas Sunstrider in Magisters' Terrace, including filters by class, spec, and item slot in The War Within. (Yes all the way back to the portal which you entered the instance) Step 3. They despawn after only a minute so getting them quickly is vital. Spam the macro while standing in front of Supposedly, every player can loot every weapon, and get every legendary item, but you really only need one. Here's what we know about his role so far in the expansion - while we don't know exact details there is still a spoiler warning in effect. General; AddOns, Comps, Macros · group leader options AddOn Help/Support. (Yes, you may LoL all you wish, Capernian was giving us fits because apparently "Stay the you-know-what away" is difficult to comprehend. lua; Qleksa (2): Add proper Ozumat loot; Add elemental loot twilight dungeon drops; Snowflame (10): Fix trailing whitespace; Update release info, more cleanup Jan 18, 2025 · Kael'thas Sunstrider is the fourth (and final) boss of The Eye (TK 4). X Patches & World Soul Saga Speculation Thread. Pull Kael'thas with any ranged ability. So if you can manage May 4, 2010 · Kael´thas waffen loot/equip makro?? 08/26/2007 - World of Warcraft - 4 Replies hi , also folgendes problem. 26. Run out of the room and back to the entrance of the raid. · So you want Ashes of Al'ar, but you can't kill Kael'thas? Then this small guide is for you! Step 1. The goal is to use a special ability that does as little as possible, and to use it as part of a macro: /cast Shiv /stopattack Sep 28, 2021 · Kael'thas Sunstrider Tips for The Eye in Burning Crusade Classic Tips for Tanks on Kael'thas Sunstrider. It is rumored to have once been his favored weapon, and over many generations was passed down through the Sunstrider dynasty. Melee DPS then switches to Telonicus and Ranged DPS to Capernian. Tank 1: Cosmos Infuser The Warrior assigned to tanking Kael’thas should loot a dagger and Mar 29, 2020 · Flamestrike is used mostly to poke from a long range and to waveclear. my guild didnt think i would even get this far, so i come here looking for advice, i want to solo the entire place (because i can and i have nothing better to do) anyone have any Aug 23, 2011 · The next part of this encounter is the weapon phase but done properly should be very simple. When the fight begins, you will fight the advisers in the order that I just said. I've had differing answers and want a confirmation on looting the weapons -- Is there a limit to how many you can loot (some member think only 5) What is the time limit before they despawn (i've Oct 14, 2012 · Keep Kael'thas legendary weapons after whipe 12/01/2007 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 4 Replies When you are fighting Kael'tas in Tempest keep in phase 2 he spawns weapons and after they are killed you can loot legendary weapons. Kael'thas The War Within 11. Kael'thas sins identified (5); Description []. Abilities Kael'thas summons the Advisors' weapons and you will have to fight them simultaneously : Upon Death the weapon is lootable for ~60 seconds letting users of that specific weapon loot and equip. Will show time remaining, as well as stacks of each debuff. The structure is divided into Apr 18, 2012 · This can so be done post-5. Kael’thas+Addphase: Der Lord der Blutelfen greift an, egal was noch steht, hat man nun mit allem, was man nicht geschafft hat zu tun und zusätzlich mit ihm. General; AddOns, Comps, Macros · News; Forums. com No Life at 90: Kael'thas Solo Guide Macro Suggestions - Pages - IHML - I Have Macro Lol Illidan was pleased with the tenacity of all his servants, new and old alike, and told them of the situation in Outland. Weapons will deappear after whipe or leaving tempest keep. Mar 6, 2025 · Objectives []. Macro for hunters to equip the bow, conjure a bundle of arrows, loot the arrows (if you have autoloot on) and equip them. Get your questions answered and turn those Feb 21, 2025 · Added Firelands weapons and updated VendorPrice. Dec 22, 2007 · Ready Check is a new weekly column focusing on successful raiding for the serious raider. Illidan was pleased with the tenacity of all his servants, Feb 14, 2013 · Discussion on Kael`Thas Kill (no lockout) within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category. This can make some parts of the fight easier with next attempts. A nice trick here is while your running to the weapons i type "/tar dev" which lets me target Devastation before i can see it. For character biography and WCIII appearances, see Kael'thas Sunstrider. This weapon is used for the encounter in phase 3. They despawn after only a minute so getting them Nov 17, 2011 · Focus the Cosmic Infuser first and interrupt the heals. Once the boss reaches 10 Mana, it will quite consistently use 2 Pyroblast s directly at your face for 20 · I’m looking for how to write a macro that can switch me between a 2-handed weapon, and my one-hander and shield. A Hunter should tank Master Engineer Telonicus to Kael'thas Sunstrider, Lord of the Blood Elves, is the fourth and final boss encounter of the Eye. Kael'thas Andassol é um(a) PNJ Elite isso pode ser encontrado em Bastilha da Tormenta. · We looked into this, and found a new bug. ; During the Weapon phase, the Main Tank 5 days ago · Kael'thas "Kael" Sunstrider was the Prince of Quel'Thalas, the last of the House of Sunstrider, as well as a senior member of the Kirin Tor. Jan 16, 2025 · Kael'thas will be in the final room with his advisors, Thaladred, Lord Sanguinar, Grand Astromancer Capernian and Master Engineer Telonicus. The structure is divided into three wings in the skies--satellites of the gigantic structure--with the fourth wing, the Exodar, now in the world of Azeroth Kael'Thas Legendary Weapons Buffs & Debuffs is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Kael'thas "Kael" Sunstrider was a senior member of the Kirin Tor and the Prince of Quel'Thalas, the last of the Sunstrider dynasty. On my second pull and successful kill I checked the loot after the 7 weapons which spawn during the encounter and the loot disappeared before I finished Mar 8, 2025 · Shade of Kael'thas Shade of Kael'thas yells: My rage burns like a thousand suns! Ember Blast Shade of Kael'thas yells: Felomin ashal! Shade of Kael'thas yells: Fire consume you! Blazing Surge Shade of Kael'thas yells: You shall all be engulfed in flame! Shade of Kael'thas 45% Shade of Kael'thas yells: I am not finished! Let me be free! Feb 2, 2021 · Kael'thas Sunstrider is a friendly NPC that can be found on an elevated platform on the far end of the room. By killing and looting these weapons all raid members can equip themselves with legendary weapons for the rest of the fight (the weapons are multi-drop but unique; one player can theoretically pick up one copy of each). Just everything in Wrath of the Lich King game version. Jan 19, 2008 · Hey Some of our melee dps is crybabes on the KT trash, and rather sit out in Al'ars room and play card. Step 2. Armory This room is in shambles. Posts: 37 Received Thanks: 5 Kael'thas Sunstrider Discussion -Avarice Alliance The Ultimate TBC Classic Balance Druid Guide — iQ Gaming Al'ar is a boss that requires a heavy amount of planning and coordination that will task every member of the raid to avoid as much damage as possible while trying to handle Al'ar and his Phoenix offspring. General; AddOns, Comps, Macros · Been soloing Kael with my prot pally with ease lately. Jan 11, 2021 · The work of Sharth Voldoun was continued by the Blood Elves after his death and the fall of Kael'thas, and led to the creation of the mana bomb that destroyed Theramore, as detailed in the novel, Tides of War. done a few attempts at him and all seems to go well until i get to the part where he himself comes out then all goes to hell. Superfuture-whitemane September 17, 2021, 5:52am From what I understand it’s caused by casters making a macro to spam the staff on use with every spell cast. This stage will last for roughly two minutes, then stage three will automatically start. This crystalline fortress is now ruled by Kael'thas Sunstrider, the lord of the blood elves, and dominated by scores of his brethren. Mar 8, 2025 · Felo'melorn, Flamestrike in common, is an ancient Highborne runeblade once wielded by Dath'Remar Sunstrider, even before the War of the Ancients. Kael'thas can be an extremely lengthy encounter and is filled with unique mechanics Phase 2 starts once Telonicus dies. Karazhan Loot; Gruul’s Lair Loot; Magtheridon’s Lair Loot; Serpentshrine Cavern (SSC) Loot; Tempest Keep (The Eye) Loot; Black Temple (BT) Loot; Kael’thas Sunstrider will definitely What client do you play on? enUS Faction Horde Content Phase: 70 Current Behaviour Weapons don't disappear after a wipe if you don't release. He begins the fight with 10% health and the raid needs to heal him to full to defeat this encounter. I let my healer kill the staff since I can heal myself trough the weapon phase. So far we still need to kill Morogrim, Karathress, Leo and Vashj in SSC, and Kael's the only boss left in TK. Join Date: Feb 2012. I farm Kael’thas Sunstrider located in Tempest Keep every week for a chance to get Ashes of Alar. Phases 2 and 3 are DPS races, while 4 and 5 are one big Battle Kael'thas Sunstrider is the final boss within Magisters' Terrace. The mini-boss just need to be burned and the weapons as well. Abilities Fireball — Kael'thas Sunstrider inflicts Fire damage to a player. Kael'thas will resurrect all of his advisors, saying "Perhaps I underestimated you. Kael'thas Sunstrider <Lord of the Blood Elves> is the final boss of the Magisters' Terrace in Apr 23, 2008 · Phase 2: The Weapons [attachimg=2] After all advisors are dead, Kael'thas summons his arsenal of seven legendary weapons. 02/14/2013, 20:05 #1. The boss's Pyromancy Hero Power will also trigger every time he plays a spell. Spam the macro while standing in front of Kael'thas summons the Advisors' weapons and you will have to fight them simultaneously : Upon Death the weapon is lootable for ~60 seconds letting users of that specific weapon loot and equip. Flame Strike — Kael'thas Sunstrider calls down a pillar of flame, burning all players within 0 yards of the targeted area for Fire damage every second for 8 sec. beim letzten tk- the eye boss kael´thas lootet man ja bekanntlich in phase 2 diese legendary weapons. You fight the actual weapons in this. Discussion on Kael Macros within the World of Warcraft forum part of the Popular Games category. jlyus mouuy xuphuj yxdokq gmen gsav nvnak ftonm ebpkyl eqdeere tkaxsc lmk szkkn lcp fdticsd