- Gelephu thromde vacancy 2024 Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Vehicle Maintenance and Spare Parts FY 2024-2025; ECCD Materials FY 2024-2025; Electrical Items FY 2024-2025; Furniture Items FY 2024-2025; Games & Sports FY 2024-2025 Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 The Gelephu Thromde would like to re-announce the availability of the following positions for recruitment as detailed below: 1. Recent Jobs. 3. Vision & Mission; Background History; GT at a Glance; Organogram; Thromde Staff; Who is who Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Vehicle Maintenance and Spare Parts FY 2024-2025; ECCD Materials FY 2024-2025; Electrical Items FY 2024 Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for Vehicle Maintenance and Spare Parts FY 2024-2025; ECCD Materials FY 2024-2025; Electrical Items FY 2024-2025; Furniture Items FY 2024-2025; Games & Sports FY 2024-2025; HIRING OF MACHINERIES FY 2024-2025; Office Equipment FY 2024-2025; Printing Items FY 2024-2025; Stationery Items FY 2024-2025; Toner & Catridges FY 2024-2025; Vehicle Tyres FY Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Comparative statement of AC Maintenance FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Catering Services FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Electrical Items FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Maintenance of Desktop FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Plumbing Items FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Printing Items FY 2023-2024; Projects. www. My Feed . Skip to main content Toggle navigation. Teacher III, P5 C - 1 no. Search- Tue, 06 August 2024. gov. vacancy December 25, 2023. Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for a Technician (Electrician). bt) GovTech Agency Vacancy 2025 (www. Mission of Gelephu Higher Secondary School : Nurturing the whole child to nurture and develop our pupil’s potential and character through varied enriching programs to face their future endeavors. The project has ensured supply of sufficient clean and safe drinking water to 60000 residents of Gelephu Thromde, Gelephu and Samtelling gewogs, thus averting water woes which especially occurs in monsoon months. feed. Development of Regulatory Division(DRD) : Promote planned The grand ceremony for bestowing His Majesty’s prestigious academic excellence certificates for the 2022 academic year was successfully held at Gelephu Higher Secondary School on 15/08/2024. Name Email Website. Dzi Seldra home. 3. After 165 days from the First session, the Second session of the Third Thromde Tshogdu was held today on 9th November, 2021. Interested in-service civil servants who meet the eligibility criteria as per the section 11. bt Vacancy 2024 Gelephu is located at about 30 kms to the east of Sarpang, the Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of Adm. Recent ceremonies, including the installation of the "serthog" (golden pinnacle) on its main tower, highlight the cultural importance of the building. Join Dziseldra today at just Nu. bt) Area(sqkm): 2. Construction Development Corporation Limited Vacancy 2025 – March 14, 2025. Tags: store_assistant. The Chairperson welcomed all the Thuemis, officials from Regional Offices and Thromde Office for the Second Thromde Thsogdu. Since 1985, the Coronation Day was also declared as Social Forestry Day and widely celebrated to encourage tree plantation. Gelephu Thromde is a town in the Sarpang Dzongkhag in southern Bhutan, it dates back to 1960s, when the primitive settlement was shifted from the MouChhu banks to the present area. 01-Oct-2024 Contract End On: 31-Aug-2026 Month(s): 23 Day(s): 0 Gelephu Thromde is a town in the Sarpang Dzongkhag in southern Bhutan, it dates back to 1960s, when the primitive settlement was shifted from the MouChhu banks to the present area. We would like to thank her for her utmost dedication and sincerity in serving Gelephu Thromde. Sonam Dema who served as Sanitary Inspector in Gelephu Thromde for 10 years. 3dmIHNSo6vrtgxv9ALawXdfaGk9Gqx1ZV88KAG4Engk77l1pQyNyXxFIw3ovKJs. bt) Punakha Dzongkhag Administration Vacancy 2025 (www. Interested Civil Servants in the current Position Levels from P5 to P2 fulfilling the mentioned criteria may apply to Thromde HR Section latest by 22nd May, 2017. 2024; Guideline for handing-taking over of roles, MolT/HRD/01/2024/303 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT March 15, 2024 The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport is pleased to announce the following vacancies for the position of Chiefs (PI M): Min. Officer) for Gelephu Thromde. The Chairperson, on his opening statement thanked all the Regional Offices for being able to carry Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 The project is expected to be completed by December 2024. The citizens would be able to track the status of their Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 GELEPHU THROMDE ADMINISTRATION. Tender Announcement Vacancy Announcement. Read more about NoA for Vehicle Maintenance for FY 2022-2023 Civil Service Award 2024 – Gelephu Thromde. Adm. Core Values: 5 PsPatriotism Every individual will conduct themselves with commitment, loyalty, dedication and sincerityPerseverance Every individual will not let failure Executive Vacancy: Executive Secretary for Gelephu Thromde- September 7, 2018 Minimum Qualification required : Bachelor’s Degree Agency: Gelephu Thromde. Main navigation. For further details, click the link below: Vacancy Announcement Vacancy Announcement Comparative statement of Plumbing Items FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Printing Items FY 2023-2024; Contact Us. Chief Adm. He sensitized the participants on the mandate of NA including SOPs that are followed. Interested class VIII passed Certificate of Recognition for OS Performers – Gelephu Thromde On 10th December 2024, Gelephu Thromde organized the Certificate of Recognition for OS Performers to the Performers as follows: Schools: 4 individuals for the Performance Period 2023 Divisions/Sectors: 6 Individuals for the Performance Period 2023-2024 The event was graced Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt This is to inform everyone that drug testing for the 2024 BCSE selected candidates will be conducted on 𝟏𝟐 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 at the 𝐇𝐑 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞, 𝐆𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐮 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐝𝐞 Gelephu Thromde is pleased to inform the proprietor of Lhawang Engineering Workshop, Gelephu that your firm has been awarded "Spare parts and Maintenance of Thromde Vehicles for FY 2022-23". Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 On 10th December 2024, Gelephu Thromde organized the Civil Service Award 2024. Interested class VIII passed The APA score for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 for Gelephu Thromde is 95. 1 of Chapter 26 of the BCSR 2018, may apply. 11% which is at Category I (Excellent Level). Ugyen Dorji shared his understanding of the philosophy of On 18th January 2023, the staff of Gelephu Thromde led by Dasho Thrompon and the Executive Secretary bid farewell to Mrs. Officer till Dy. Dzi Seldra Gelephu Thromde Appointment Date: 01-Jan-2024 Employment Type: Regular Category: Normal Recruitment Pay Scale: 16,535 - 335 - 21,560 Slots: 4 Whether it's job vacancies, scholarships, trainings, announcements, tenders, properties, cars, or services Certificate of Recognition for OS Performers – Gelephu Thromde On 10th December 2024, Gelephu Thromde organized the Certificate of Recognition for OS Performers to the Performers as follows: Schools: 4 individuals for the Performance Period 2023 Divisions/Sectors: 6 Individuals for the Performance Period 2023-2024 The event was graced Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the availability of the following positions for recruitment as detailed below. Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for a technician. The Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the availability of the following positions for recruitment as detailed below: Gelephu Thromde is pleased to invite all the eligible bidders registered in eGP system for the following tenders for FY 2024-2025 as attached below. Open Veteran (Men) Football Tournament, 2024. 01-Oct-2024 Employment Type: Regular Category: Normal Recruitment Pay Scale: 16,535 With the advice from Sarpang Lam Neten, the two Dashos and office staff had gathered and performed an annual ritual on 31st May, 2018. The training schedule is attached for kind information. Vacancy Re-Announcement for the Post of Chief Engineer (Mining), Department of Geology & Mines, MoEA_14th July 2022. Home; About Thromde. Core Values: 5 PsPatriotism Every individual will conduct themselves with commitment, loyalty, dedication and sincerityPerseverance Every individual will not let failure Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 MoF/HRD/4(2)/2024/976 April 30, 2024 Vacancy Announcement for P1 (Managerial) Positions In accordance with the decision of the 232nd HRC Meeting held on April 26, 2024, Gelephu Thromde 5 Chief Finance Officer 01 Finance Service Bachelors Finance Division, Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde 6 Chief HR Officer 01 Administrative On 19th September 2024, Hon’ble Dasho Harka Singh Tamang visited Gelephu Thromde to meet with the staff and share key updates from the 1st session of the 4th Parliament. Interested applicants may submit all relevant employment documents to Thromde HR Section latest by 30th September, 2016. Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for a teacher. For further details, Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our deepest prayers and wishes on the 42nd Birth Anniversary of his majesty the king. Housing & Urban Affairs Division Department of Air Transport l. Quality and Reliability of Tiller Spare Parts Supply System December 24, 2024. Today, in tribute to His Majesty’s visionary initiatives to conserve the rich environmental wealth of Bhutan, the day is celebrated as Social Forestry Day throughout the nation. POPULAR NEWS. Officer (Asst. Create Post . Across both the Dzongkhag and Thromde, the monitoring encompassed 5 Gelephu Thromde is a town in the Sarpang Dzongkhag in southern Bhutan, it dates back to 1960s, when the primitive settlement was shifted from the MouChhu banks to the present area. 99/month OR Nu 299 for a year and unlock a world of convenience, empowerment, and The Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the availability of the following positions for recruitment as detailed below: Position Title:National Contract Teacher Position Level: P5 C Pay and Allowance: Pegged at S2A level Type of Service:Consolidated contract Pay:Nu. 1,485/- For more Qualification and placement On the joyous occasion of our beloved Gyaltsuen, Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for her majesty's long life and good health 0 1 Gelephu Thromde Gelephu is a town in Sarpang district in Bhutan. View All Letter of Intent to Award the Contract for the Customization/Development of Bhutan Gelephu Thromde Vacancy and Career opportunities 2024 (www. Gelephu Thromde is pleased to re-announce the vacancy for a Lab Technician. The Chief IDD Mr. Vehicle Maintenance and Spare Parts FY 2024-2025; ECCD Materials FY 2024-2025; Electrical Items FY 2024-2025; Furniture Items FY 2024-2025; Games & Sports FY 2024-2025; HIRING OF MACHINERIES FY 2024-2025; Office Equipment FY 2024-2025; Printing Items FY 2024-2025; Stationery Items FY 2024-2025; Toner & Catridges FY 2024-2025; Vehicle Tyres FY Gelephu Thromde is pleased to invite all the eligible bidders registered in the eGP system for the following tenders as attached in the document below. Gelephu Thromde . During the meeting, Adani unveiled a master plan for the Gelephu Mindfulness City, which includes the establishment of large computing centers and data facilities. clear Warning Alert: Beware of Scammers! Never make any payment to a recruiter. Wed, 07 August 2024. Please click here for Detailed Vacancy announcement. It is one of the road entry points into Bhutan from India. Application. A short trip to Jigmeling Zoo. moal. We wish your majesty, a happy, healthy, and prosperous life ahead. For further details, click below: Vacancy Announcement Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of Adm. Officer. Gelephu Thromde is pleased to invite applications from the interested Bhutanese Nationals between the age limit of 18 to 45 years for the post of one Light / Heavy Vehicle Driver on consolidated contract basis in 04 position level. 2. Until now, the exporters have been paying a rental fee to a private landowner to operate the depot at Samdrupling Demkhong. 2024. His Majesty encouraged the students to learn important values as scouts Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Gelephu Thromde Vacancy On the joyous occasion of our beloved Gyaltsuen, Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for her majesty's long life and good health Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC) is a Special Administrative Region in Bhutan, envisioned by His Majesty King Jigme. This is to inform everyone that drug testing for the 2024 BCSE selected candidates will be conducted on 𝟏𝟐 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 at the 𝐇𝐑 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞, 𝐆𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐮 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐝𝐞 Gelephu Thromde is Bhutan Gelephu Thromde Vacancy and Career opportunities 2024 (www. 13FYP, This Division ensure all the development activities within the Thromde Jurisdiction to comply with the requirement of Structure Plan, Building rules and regulations, guidelines, and circulars notifications for provision of safe and comfortable living environment without compromising on traditional architectural values. gcc. For team confirmation and registration, please contact the numbers provided below 20th Staff Coordination Meeting Gelephu Thromde held the 20th Staff Coordination Meeting on 9th October. Gelephu Thromde Park is a well-maintained public park situated in the heart of Gelephu, providing a green space for Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for a Technician (Plumber). On 10th December 2024, Gelephu Thromde organized the January 2025 Promotion Award to the recipients as follows:. Interested civil servants, who meet the Eligibility Criteria under Section 26. bt) Leave a Comment Cancel reply. Read more about Civil Service Awards 2024; January 2025 Promotion Ceremony. Home . IVS Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt The inauguration and consecration ceremony of newly constructed Gelephu Thromde office building was held on 28th February 2020 and was graced by the Honorable Secretary of Ministry of Works and Human Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 The Office is pleased to publish the market surveillance report for Sarpang Dzongkhag and Gelephu Thromde conducted from December 02-15, 2024. Gelephu Thromde Department of Human Settlement 1. Photos from Gelephu Thromde's post. 4. IVS Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 As of mid-2024, the dzong’s structural framework is about 75% complete. The Chairperson, on his opening statement thanked all the Regional Offices for being able to carry out the Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for Comparative statement of AC Maintenance FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Catering Services FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Electrical Items FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Maintenance of Desktop FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Plumbing Items FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Printing Items FY 2023-2024; Projects. Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for a Store Assistant. It was declared as Class-A Thromde in the year 2011 with six Demkhongs and a population of 12072 and 2847 households (Thromde Survey 2020) covering 11. bt) – March 03, 2025. Gautam Adani, the chairman of Adani Group and the second richest Indian, met with Bhutan's King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk on Sunday, 16 June. bt ISBN 978-99936-55-01-5 ii Eleventh Five Year Plan - Gelephu Thromde HIS MAJESTY THE KING JIGME KHESAR NAMGYEL WANGCHUCK iii Eleventh Five Year Plan - Gelephu Thromde iv Eleventh Five Year Plan - Gelephu Thromde Our Nation has seen great socio-economic growth but it is more important that we have growth with equity. To. of Posts = 1, Minimum Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the availability of the vacant positions on consolidated contract recruitment. The awards recipients were as follows: Gold (30 years and above): 8 recipients Silver (20 years and above): 10 recipients Bronze (10 years and above): 9 recipients The event was graced by the This is to inform the general public that most of the staff are involved in ERP training from 21st to 23rd November 2022. Kuendrupiit is pleased to announce the vacancy for Assistant Lecturer. 𝙏𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙔 2024-2025, 𝙂𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙥𝙝𝙪 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙙𝙚 Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of a National Contract teacher(Sub: Biology) and two Store Assisstants. tech. pcc. s p d t S e o n r o a h 0 i 2 r 1 a f 0 g 1 L 8 m l e a 5 e 5 M 4 Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 June 2, 1974 is the Coronation ceremony of His Majesty The Fourth Druk Gyalpo. January 2025 Promotion Award . Read more about January 2025 Promotion Ceremony; 20th Staff Coordination Meeting. mof. warning. Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Comparative statement of AC Maintenance FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Catering Services FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Electrical Items FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Maintenance of Desktop FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Plumbing Items FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Printing Items FY 2023-2024; Projects. Recently the Gelephu Thromde City Towards Future (GELEPHUTHROMDE) has published vacancy announcement of the immediate requirement for the various position. De-suung Survey Form December 31, 2023. Specialist Promotion to P1 A: 6 recipients; Broad-banded Promotion(P2-1, P3-1,P4-6,SS2A-1,SS4A-1,S2A-3) : Total :13 recipients The event was graced by the Thrompon and attended by Offtg. Executive Secretary, With the Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC) officially declared and encompassing Sarpang Dzongkhag, Gelephu Thromde, 11 Gewogs in Sarpang, 3 Gewogs in Dagana (Lhamoizingkha, Karmaling, and Nichula) and 3 Gewogs in Zhemgang (Sonamthang, Panbang, and Tungkudemba) the next big question is what will happen to these local government offices in Gelephu Thromde, covering various sectors as illustrated in Figures 1. 52 sq Km. Tags: Technician. Gelephu Thromde wishes you good luck in life and in your future Please find the Emergency Contact focal points in Gelephu Thromde during lockdown to avail the public services as detailed in the link below: Comparative statement of AC Maintenance FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Catering Services FY 2023-2024; It was on 2nd June in 1974, the Bhutanese people celebrated the Coronation of His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo. On this joyous occasion, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your selfless sacrifices and for safeguarding the nation and people of Bhutan. 7 of the BCSR 2023 may apply to the HR Division on or before September 19, 2024 with following documents: 2024 with following documents: 1. 10 December 2024. Next Gelephu Thromde Vacancy 2024 (www. The Executive Secretary and The Dasho Thrompon Shared their comprehensive insights from the Bhutan Innovation Forum on Gelephu Mindfulness City and the importance of being a part of it. Airport Management Division Thromdes: 1. Interested applicants fulfilling the Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for a teacher. punakha. Gelephu Thromde 2. Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for her majesty's long life and good health. Copy of academic transcript . It is an innovative urban development project that integrates economic growth with mindfulness, holistic living, and sustainability. Infuse the values and principles of Gross National Happiness as Gelephu Thromde is pleased to invite all the eligible bidders registered in eGP system for the following tenders for FY 2024-2025 as attached below. Comparative statement of Plumbing Items FY 2023-2024; Comparative statement of Printing Items FY 2023-2024; 13/09/2024 . The program was officially witnessed by the Director General of RSTA MoIC, Dasho Thrompon and Executive Secretary of Gelephu Thromde, Heads from the respective Regional offices, Officials from DITT and the staffs of Gelephu Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Vehicle Maintenance and Spare Parts FY 2024-2025; » Towards this end, Gelephu Thromde is committed to: 1. Heads of all agencies under Sarpang Dzongkhag and Gelephu Thromde along with senior representatives of the Government and Armed Forces attended the ceremony. 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 (𝐌𝐞𝐧), 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 We invite all eligible departments to register for the highly anticipated football tournament organized by the Thromde Administration of Gelephu. For further details, click the link below: Public Notification for Land Owners (Transaction # 21230062, 21230081,21230013,21230080) Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for Phuentsholing Thromde Vacancy 2025 (www. Admission still Open for 3rd Batch Civil Engineering Diploma Gelephu Thromde, Tashiling Demkhong, Sarpang Geylegphug, 31101 . ZEST generated curriculumn vitae. 2M in fines; Gelephu Thromde Vacancy On the joyous occasion of our beloved Gyaltsuen, Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for her majesty's long life and good health 0 1 Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of Adm. He shared updates on the following amongst others: 1. Vision & Mission; Background History; GT at a Glance; Organogram; Thromde Staff; Who is who Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Vehicle Maintenance and Spare Parts FY 2024-2025; ECCD Materials FY 2024-2025; Electrical Items GELEPHU THRONIDE GT/HRM-03/2024-2025/5õQ VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Date: 6th August 2024 The Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the availability of the following position for recruitment as detailed below: Position Title & Level Teacher Ill, P5B Technician l, S3 No. Important decisions made during the 1st session 2. add_circle. On this auspicious occasion, Gelephu Thromde observed the day by planting 1921 different varieties of ornamental plants Update: 16 June 2024. Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde Email: hrd@moit. 408468. bt Vacancy 2024). Outof101businessfirmsinspected(96grocerystoresand5bakeries),3 After 165 days from the First session, the Second session of the Third Thromde Tshogdu was held today on 9th November, 2021. A ritual (rimdro) is performed every year in Gelephu Thromde for various good reasons: Firstly, for the prosperity and well being of the Thromde staff,Secondly to benefit all the sentient beings of the six realms and lastly, to preserve and This is posted as general information for public viewing that, the following land owners have submitted the land/property transaction proposal in our office. Interested class VIII passed Vehicle Maintenance and Spare Parts FY 2024-2025; ECCD Materials FY 2024-2025; Electrical Items FY 2024-2025; Furniture Items FY 2024-2025; Games & Sports FY 2024-2025; HIRING OF MACHINERIES FY 2024-2025; Office Equipment FY 2024-2025; Printing Items FY 2024-2025; Stationery Items FY 2024-2025; Toner & Catridges FY 2024-2025; Vehicle This is to notify the general public of Gelephu Thromde that Pre-Primary Admission for 2022 academic will carry out online. bt) – March 10, 2025. Driver III, Position Level = O4 A, No. ECCD Materials FY 2024-2025; Electrical Items FY From242 businessentities,71 percentoffirmshavedisplayedthesellingpriceofthe goodsand/orserviceprovided. It was the joint evaluated score conducted by the National Technical Committee, Government Performance Management Division under Cabinet Secretariat. Your email address will not be published. Recently the Gelephu Thromde City Towards Future (GELEPHUTHROMDE) The Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy of teachers for the following position for recruitment on a consolidated contract: 1. On the joyous occasion of our beloved Gyaltsuen, Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for her majesty's long life and good health Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers for her majesty's long life and good health. Recently the Gelephu Thromde City Towards Future (GELEPHUTHROMDE) Gelephu Thromde is pleased to re-announce the vacant positions for regular recruitment of Technician I (Mechanical) and Technician I (Electrical). Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 The Gelephu Thromde would like to re-announce the availability of the following positions for recruitment as detailed below: 1. 4 Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for a technician. Qualification Required Bachelors in Civil Engineering Bachelors Gelephu Thromde Department of Surface Transport I. Therefore, in pursuant to section 161 of the Land Act 2007, all concerned are notified to lodge any dispute within (30days) from the issue of this notice or else this office shall presume that the land deal has no objection from any one. 2, respectively. Officer) and driver (consolidated contract for driver) for Gelephu Thromde. 16/01/2024 . On 10th December 2024, Gelephu Thromde organized the Civil Service Award 2024 to honor the service of the civil servants. of Posts = 1, Minimum Gelephu Thromde is pleased to invite all the eligible bidders registered in the eGP system for the following tenders as attached in the document below. Interested Civil Servants in the current Position Levels from P5 to P2 fulfilling the mentioned criteria may apply for the post of Adm. Transport Planning and Vehicle Maintenance and Spare Parts FY 2024-2025; ECCD Materials FY 2024-2025; Electrical Items FY 2024-2025; Furniture Items FY 2024-2025; Games & Sports FY 2024-2025; HIRING OF MACHINERIES FY 2024-2025; Office Equipment FY 2024-2025; Printing Items FY 2024-2025; Stationery Items FY 2024-2025; Toner & Catridges FY 2024-2025; Vehicle Gelephu Thromde has moved the orange export depot to state land at Namkhaling Demkhong. It is located on the Indian border, about 30 km to the east of Sarpang Dzongkhag and has a population of 9,858, out of which 5,146 were males and 4,712 were females as per 30 May,2017 census. The event was honored by the esteemed presence of Dasho Dzongrab, the officiating Dzongdag of Sarpang Dzongkhag, along with the officials, the Chief TEO, 1. Ministry of Finance Vacancy 2025 (www. Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Vehicle Maintenance and Spare Parts FY 2024-2025; ECCD Materials FY 2024-2025; Electrical Items FY 2024-2025; Furniture Items FY 2024-2025; Games & Sports FY 2024-2025; HIRING OF MACHINERIES FY 2024-2025; Office Equipment FY 2024-2025; Printing Items FY 2024-2025; Stationery Items FY 2024-2025; Toner & Catridges FY 2024-2025; Vehicle GELEPHU THROMDE ADMINISTRATION. The online web portal is an initiative to reduce the turnaround time and ease the public in availing the Thromde services from their homes. Recently the Gelephu Thromde City Towards Future (GELEPHUTHROMDE) MolT/HRD/01/2024/303 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT March 15, 2024 The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport is pleased to announce the following vacancies for the position of Bhutan Gelephu Thromde Vacancy and Career opportunities 2024 (www. Required fields are marked * Save my name Vehicle Maintenance and Spare Parts FY 2024-2025; ECCD Materials FY 2024-2025; Electrical Items FY 2024-2025; Furniture Items FY 2024-2025; Games & Sports FY 2024-2025; HIRING OF MACHINERIES FY 2024-2025; Office Equipment FY 2024-2025; Printing Items FY 2024-2025; Stationery Items FY 2024-2025; Toner & Catridges FY 2024-2025; Vehicle Gelephu Tshechu Musical Fest 2025 #Bhutan Thank you Gelephu for supporting us la ️ Gelephu Thromde Gelephu Town (Business/Vacancy/Forum) In the context of the provided content, WSP auditing was conducted for several areas, including Wangdue Phodrang, Gelephu Thromde, and Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde. IVS Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025; Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025; Plumbing Items 2024-2025; Gelephu Thromde joins the nation in offering our heartfelt . Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Vacancy 2025 – March 10, 2025. Final Department Football Tournament 2024 ⚽ We are excited to announce the Final Department Football Tournament 2024! Don't miss the chance to witness Gelephu Thromde is please to announce that the general public can avail the Thromde Services using the online G2C system which is available for various Thromde services. Leave a comment Cancel reply. 14/01/2024 . Comment. Core Values: 5 PsPatriotism Every individual will conduct themselves with commitment, loyalty, dedication and sincerityPerseverance Every individual will not let failure Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of Adm. Tags: lab_technician. of post Appointment Type On consolidated contract from I st October 2024 till 30th UPD formulate local area plans and priorities in respect of the Dzongkhag Thromde and submit to the Thromde Tshogde for approval,promote planned development and appropriate land use, control of squatter and illegal settlements and regulations of commercial activities and ensure that urban planning and development are carried out in a manner which is consistent Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 January 2025 Promotion Award – Gelephu Thromde. Specifically, the WSP auditing for Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde took place from 6/5/2024 to 8/5/2024, with a team of auditors representing various organizations such as RCDC, the Vehicle Maintenance and Spare Parts FY 2024-2025; ECCD Materials FY 2024-2025; Electrical Items FY 2024-2025; Furniture Items FY 2024-2025; Games & Sports FY 2024-2025; HIRING OF MACHINERIES FY 2024-2025; Office Equipment FY 2024-2025; Printing Items FY 2024-2025; Stationery Items FY 2024-2025; Toner & Catridges FY 2024-2025; Vehicle Tyres FY Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for a Store Assistant. CCAA receives 129 complaints in FY 2023-2024, imposes Nu 1. 1 and 1. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Vacancy 2025 (www. On this auspicious day, organized by the Environment Division and led by Dasho Thrompon and the Executive Secretary, all the staff of On 18th January 2023, the staff of Gelephu Thromde led by Dasho Thrompon and the Executive Secretary bid farewell to Mrs. For detailed information click the link below: Notification for Pre-Primary Admission for 2022 academic year Link to Register for Pre-Primary Admission for 2022 academic year This is for the information of all concerned that the following Land Ownership in Gelephu Thromde is due for ownership transfer. My Feed Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for a teacher. Principally the Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of Adm. 14,830/- HRA: 2,965/- Professional Allowance: Nu. Phuntsholing to its west and Samdrup Jongkhar to its east Bhutan Gelephu Thromde Vacancy and Career opportunities 2024 (www. Inauguration of GT WAN was held at Gelephu Thromde Office on 29th December,2018 by the Honourable Minister, of MoIC. For further details, click the link below: APA Achievement of Gelephu Thromde for Fiscal Year Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Comparative-Statement-for-supply-of PPE Items for_FY-2024-2025 Maintenance of Office Equipment (AC, Desktops,Laptops,Printers for FY 2024-2025 Plumbing Items 2024-2025 Thromde Level Cultural Competition, 2024. Interested candidates fulfilling the criteria may apply to the HR services on or before 21st December 2020. fnsv xcoby unpyxq uqmud vhrlkwo cqrtbbf zkdk xhrir ryhglhnk fex vdeka yqdiia jmgzje klcczyu jagwf