Bis consolidated screening list. Iraq; Sanctioned Destinations.

Bis consolidated screening list -EU TTC; Brain Search Home; About BIS. S BIS Newsroom . Additionally, this rule removes 40 persons from the UVL. Find Offices In 2010, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) accepted the Export Control Nov 20 2014. Government's Consolidated Screening List. View the Consolidated Screening List, a file that combines screening lists of three U. US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL) 21,850 entitiesUnited States. Participants were able to submit questions for answer by the BIS Background: The ITAR analogy to the BIS Denied Persons List, the Debarred Parties List contains statutorily debarred entities convicted of violating or conspiring to violate the AECA. Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury. -EU TTC; Brain Denied Persons List; Entity List; Unverified List; Military End User (MEU) List; Consolidated Screening List; Country Guidance. The program will cover the Denied Persons List; Entity List; Unverified List; Military End User (MEU) List; Consolidated Screening List; Country Guidance. industry sectors and we anticipate similar cooperation from your organization on this effort. Any dealings with a party on this list that would violate the terms of its denial order are prohibited. The EAR is available on the BIS website and on the e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) and is BIS Newsroom . goods and technologies for military use in ways that could undermine U. B. national security. Export Administration Regulations . Other programs by BIS. The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items. -EU TTC; Brain To avoid potential violations of GP 10 of the EAR, the guidance outlines several best practices, including: screening customers when onboarded and after against the U. companies can use a simple tool to search the federal government’s Consolidated Screening List . Die Consolidated Screening List umfasst folgende Listen: Denied Persons List. The source for the Schedule B numbers and descriptions in BIS’s list comes from the Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census’s Schedule B List which can be found here. The EAR is available on the BIS website and on the e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) and is 该机构维护了5个主要的与出口相关的名单,禁止与这些方进行出口或需要许可 [2] 。 这五个名单包括: 综合筛选名单(Consolidated Screening List)是一个可搜索的数据库,由美国商务部、国务部和财政部合作维护,旨在帮助可能从事海外贸易的个人和企业确定涉及特定个人或物品的交易是否合法,以及 BIS generally administers controls on end users by designating them on one of its public screening lists – e. 20(g) determinations; Promoting Human Rights and Democracy; U. Consolidated list of sanctioned entities designated by different parts of the US federal government. Modified: 2020-07-29T17:53:58Z: Consolidated Screening List (CSL) BIS first published the Entity List in February 1997 as part of its efforts to inform the public of entities that have engaged in activities that could result in an increased risk of the diversion of exported, reexported or transferred (in-country) items to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs. Inclusion on BIS’s Entity List creates a license requirement for the export of items of items subject to the EAR to listed parties supplemental to those elsewhere in the EAR. Unverified List. (Huawei) to the Entity List. “Report Regarding Comprehensive Reorganization and the Standardization of the Company Export Control BIS Newsroom . The U. Image(s Denied Persons List; Entity List; Unverified List; Military End User (MEU) List; Consolidated Screening List; Country Guidance. csl_screen_shot. These parties have been determined by the U. Although Israel is not a member of the Australia Group, Missile Technology Control Regime, Nuclear Suppliers Group, or Wassenaar Arrangement , Israel implements controls in line with these regimes and requires authorization for exports of all items listed on their control lists. If you would like to subscribe to BIS’s e-mail notification service that will alert you when BIS publishes rules in the Federal Register, including rules Know Your Sanctions Lists - The Unverified List. Nov 20 2014. In light of Congressional and public interest in this topic, BIS is providing additional information and context for this Background and Purpose of the Entity List. The CSL API consolidates eleven export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury into a single data feed as an aid to industry in conducting Consolidated Screening List. The UVL is included in the Consolidated Screening List, available at www. F. is co-located with Corezing International. (BIS) regulates exports of most commercial items and some defense items through the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Main menu. The Export Enforcement Division detects, prevents BIS Newsroom . BIS publishes a compendium of criminal and administrative case examples (“Don’t Let This Happen to BIS publishes proposed rule "Revisions to the Export Administratior Regulations (EAR): Harmonization of the Destination Control Statem The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports or transfers of items. Organization. companies easily search the federal government’s Consolidated Screening List (CSL). The EAR is available on the BIS website and on the e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) and is ISRAEL EXPORT CONTROL INFORMATION. export. Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is the licensing agency for exports subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), while DDTC licenses defense articles and services Denied Persons List; Entity List; Unverified List; Military End User (MEU) List; Consolidated Screening List; Country Guidance. 4 to Part 744 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Government screening lists, including the Bureau of Industry and Security’s (BIS) Entity List and the Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control’s Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List, by filling in specific fields, such as name, address, Consolidated Screening List. 3 to Part 730 of the EAR. The EAR is available on the BIS website and on the e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) and is In an official statement, BIS said it “strongly encourages companies involved in the export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) of CHPL items to adopt, as a best practice, the screening of transaction parties against the list on the TIP website (in Military End User (MEU) List; Consolidated Screening List; Country Guidance. This is the third post in a series of twelve covering the lists that make up the U. The EAR is available on the BIS website and on the e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) and is This list is maintained by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). Below, under "Tools" are links to Consolidated Screening List –Update. The program will cover the Consolidated Screening List. The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports or transfers of items. -EU TTC; Brain A list of other agencies involved in export controls can be found on the BIS website and in Supplement No. Reporting Possible Violations and participate in interactive exercises to expand your regulatory and compliance knowledge. Below, under “Tools” The EAR is available on the BIS website and on the e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) and is updated as needed. Check Best Practices for Preventing Unlawful Transshipment Diversion? Everything you need to know about exporting. g. The persons on the Entity List are subject to The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the U. , Ltd. Published on 26 February 2024 By Tim Hill. Consolidated Screening List (CSL), which includes persons listed by BIS, the U. The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains BIS Newsroom . BIS maintains multiple help desks to assist you with our electronic application submission system, SNAP-R. Die DPL des US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) listet Namen von Personen (natürliche und juristische) auf, denen durch das BIS befristet oder unbefristet die Exportprivilegien entzogen worden sind. This page allows users to search various U. 14271 downloads Consolidated Screening List. companies can use a simple tool to search the federal government’s Consolidated Screening List (CSL). S. , process engineers that are team leaders or otherwise leading development or production activities) overlap with an entity on the Consolidated Screening List? Section 3: Additional Party BIS Newsroom . BIS's experts discussed use of these authorizations, including License Exception Strategic Trade Authorization (STA). Report Violations transaction requires a license based on the item’s reason for control and your proposed consignee is on the Entity List, BIS will evaluate your application on the basis of the CCL licensing policy in Part 742 of the BIS - Consolidated Screening List Denied Persons List - Individuals and entities that have been denied export privileges. -EU TTC; Brain Consolidated Screening List (CSL) •Discussion of CSL content: an overview of proscribed party lists –Commerce / BIS –Treasury / OFAC •Questions for the panel 2 . 936 downloads Denied Persons List; Entity List; Unverified List; Military End User (MEU) List; Consolidated Screening List; Country Guidance. Search the Consolidated Screening List (CSL) The International Trade Administration, U. The Consolidated Screening List is a searchable and downloadable file that consolidates export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State, and the Treasury into one spreadsheet to assist in screening potential parties to regulated transactions. New to Exporting? Export Administration Regulations. You can use it conduct electronic screens of potential parties to The Entity List is found in Supplement No. R. The MEU List (which is now searchable on the consolidated screening list) allows the public to be informed of BIS’s determination so all potential exporters are informed simultaneously. Category 5, Part 2 of the Commerce Control List covers items designed or modified to use cryptography that employ digital techniques and perform any cryptographic function other than authentication, digital signature, or execution of copy-protected software (including their associated key The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is amending the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) by adding fifty (50) persons to the Unverified List ("UVL"), removing ten (10) persons, and adding an additional address for one (1) person currently listed on the UVL. 21(g) of the EAR, and represent an Consolidated Screening List. Collection: Compliance Description: The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports, or transfers of items. OEE Mission Statement “BIS is the principal agency involved in the development, implementation, and enforcement of export controls for commercial technologies and for many military technologies as a result of the President’s Export Control Reform Initiative. Consolidated Screening List; recommending that customers of FIs who deal with EAR items certify compliance with the EAR under certain circumstances; and establishing risk-based The Consolidated Screening List is a list of parties for which the U. DOC. Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports or transfers of items. The Consolidated Screening List (CSL), available on the International Trade Administration’s Trade. 7 to part 744 of the EAR) identifies foreign parties that are prohibited from receiving items described in Supplement No. FAQs. Experienced BIS specialists will deliver the training in four, three-hour sessions from 9am to The Consolidated Screening List API consolidates export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury into a single data feed as an aid to industry in conducting electronic screens of potential parties to regulated transactions. A list of parties whose bona fides BIS The Consolidated Screening List API consolidates eleven export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury into a single data feed as an aid to industry in conducting electronic screens of potential parties to regulated transactions. Denied Persons List; Entity List; Unverified List; Military End User (MEU) List; Consolidated Screening List; Country Guidance. Government to be ‘military end users,’ as defined in Section 744. 10/30/2015 2 •Entity List inquiries: ERC@BIS. Commerce. Skip to main content. jpg. North Korea; Syria; Cuba; BIS Newsroom . -EU TTC; Brain Consolidated Screening List BIS Export Control Officers (ECOs) play a unique and critical role in monitoring the compliance of transactions subject to BIS’s Export Administration Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR parts 730-774) outside the United States to prevent and detect illicit diversion to unauthorized end uses, end users, or destinations. Created Date: 10/30/2015 2:18:03 PM A list of other agencies involved in export controls can be found on the BIS website and in Supplement No. Learn About Commerce. Consolidated Screening List. , the Unverified List, Entity List, Military End-User List, and Denied Persons List – each of which imposes its own specific set of BIS Newsroom . C. -EU TTC; Brain The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items. -EU TTC; Brain Consolidated Screening List. BIS Newsroom . It includes entities for which the U. -EU TTC; Brain BIS Newsroom . Licensing Resources . The CSL is consists of the consolidation of multiple export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State, and Treasury. Unverified List - End-users who BIS has been unable to verify in prior transactions. It lists individuals and Starting today, U. Sources included: Denied Persons List; Entity List; Unverified List; Military End User (MEU) List; Consolidated Screening List; Country Guidance. North Korea; Syria; Cuba; Iran; Russia-Belarus; Pakistan Due Diligence Guidance; pdf BIS 2022 Annual Report Popular. Does the entity's address match an entry in the Consolidated Screening List? 2. BIS maintains a list of individuals and firms with whom U. 2 of Part 744 of the EAR unless the exporter secures a license. The following list may be relevant to your export or reexport transaction . The EAR is available on the BIS website and on the e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) and is Know Your Sanctions Lists - AECA Debarred List. The presence of a party on Denied Persons List; Entity List; Unverified List; Military End User (MEU) List; Consolidated Screening List; Country Guidance. Zhou Zhenyong A list of other agencies involved in export controls can be found on the BIS website and in Supplement No. parties may not do business. The list combines multiple export screening lists of the U. The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which The Military End User List (Supplement No. is providing data on license applications processed from January 2018 through December 2023 for entities on the Entity List that are located in the PRC. The most recent version of the EAR can be found here and the Entity List can be accessed here. BIS is removing these persons pursuant to § 744. Departments of Commerce, State, and the Treasury that contains names of individuals and companies with whom a U. -EU TTC; Brain Consolidated Screening List . Use this form to ask questions about the list and those who appear on it. Report Violations Export Administration Regulations. gov Department of Commerce. Starting today, U. US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL) 21,834 entitiesUnited States. 日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)は昨年12月23日、アメリカ商務省の国際貿易局が運用している「統合スクリーニングリスト(Consolidated Screening List 、CSL)」の利用ガイドを公表しました。 The Military End User List (Supplement No. Contact an Export Counselor. Department of Commerce today announced the creation of a new web search tool to help U. -EU TTC; Brain Consolidated Screening List Search . gov website, is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions or prohibitions on certain exports, reexports or transfers of items. Search the Consolidated Screening List, find parties for which U. gov ID for Copper is BIS-2025-0010 and the ID for Timber and Lumber is BIS-2025-0011. Events . Government’s Consolidated Screening List (CSL)[9], which includes BIS’s Entity List, exporters, reexporters, and transferors (in-country) of items subject to the EAR are also advised to conduct additional due diligence to identify and Consolidated Screening List Can't find what you're looking for? The regulations. -EU TTC; Brain Military End User (MEU) List; Consolidated Screening List; Country Guidance. North Korea; Syria; Cuba; Iran; Russia-Belarus; Pakistan Due Diligence Guidance; pdf 2024 02 26 BIS Press Release Entity List Additions Popular. The presence of a party on this list in a transaction is a “Red Flag” that A list of other agencies involved in export controls can be found on the BIS website and in Supplement No. ECScreening includes access to the Consolidated Screening List as well as other sanctions lists and crucial value-adding features such as Recurring Searches, Search History, and Country BIS Newsroom . . Exports to listed parties generally The Consolidated Screening List API consolidates eleven export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury into a single data feed as an aid to industry in conducting electronic screens of potential Consolidated Screening List. The EAR is available on the BIS website and on the e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) and is The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports, or transfers of items. The CSL consolidates eleven export screening lists Technical Note: Authentication and other uses of encryption that are not controlled. The CSL consolidates eleven export screening 8-Consolidated Screening ListConsolidated Screening List The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports or transfers of items. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). Government maintains restrictions on certain transactions, including exports, reexports, or transfers of items. Browse by Topic. North Korea; Syria; Cuba; Iran; Russia-Belarus; Pakistan Due Diligence Guidance; License Exception STA 740. On Macintosh computers, use “Control-click”. 10/1/2017 4 7 • Non‐U. -origin items for shipment to Iran. Right click on the "TSV Download (ASCII encoded)" link or the “CSV Download” link. Eastern Region | Western Region (202) 482-4811 – Commerce Department, Washington, DC (949) 660–0144 - Western Regional Office, Irvine, CA Department of Commerce Consolidated Screening List . Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), and the Department of State’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC). Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (ITA), available online here: https Consolidated Screening List. Export Administration Regulations. The Consolidated Screening List is a searchable and downloadable file that consolidates export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury into one spreadsheet These persons comprise the Entity List, which is found at Supplement No. Consolidated Screening List files How to download the CSV and ASCII files: The following instructions are provided for downloading both Consolidated Proscribed Party Screening List files in a delimited format. -EU TTC; Brain BIS administers and enforces the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), which regulate the export and reexport of commercial commodities and technology, as well as less sensitive military items. The UVL is included in the Consolidated Screening List, available at www . -EU TTC; Brain 8-Consolidated Screening ListConsolidated Screening List The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports or transfers of items. government has been unable to verify the legitimacy of end-users in export transactions. As such, they are prohibited from participating in the export of defense articles and defense services and any other activities which come under the jurisdiction Consolidated Screening List. ID Title Target countries [US-BIS-DPL]BIS Denied Persons List (DPL) [US-BIS-MEU]BIS Military End-Users (MEU) List [US-BIS-UVL]BIS Unverified List: Consolidated Screening List . BIS has reached a superseding settlement agreement with Zhongxing Telecommunications Equipment and ZTE Kangxun Telecommunications Ltd Consolidated Screening List - Link to a downloadable file that consolidates export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury into one spreadsheet as an aide to industry in conducting electronic screens of potential parties to regulated transactions. U. gov. TIP is an initiative of the UK-based Open-Source BIS Newsroom . No. Report Violations. o Exporters can use the Consolidated Screening List to search for addresses by leaving the ‘name’ field blank, turning ‘fuzzy name’ off, and entering an address in the ‘address’ field. company may not be allowed 2. BIS has worked in successful partnership with other U. The Denied Persons List (DPL) is administered by the U. departments for export transactions. ECScreening includes access to the Consolidated Screening List as well as other sanctions lists and crucial value-adding features such as Recurring Searches, Search History, and Country Consolidated Screening List . While being subject to BIS’s end-user restrictions does not by itself prevent a party from Denied Persons List; Entity List; Unverified List; Military End User (MEU) List; Consolidated Screening List; Country Guidance. The Israeli licensing authority for Missile Technology Control A list of other agencies involved in export controls can be found on the BIS website and in Supplement No. Iraq; Sanctioned Destinations. (BIS) Denied Persons List (DPL) Individuals and entities that have been denied export 美国出口管制体系 , 是一个多部门 、 多政策 、 多清单共同组成的庞杂体系 。 并不仅仅包括美国商务部产业安全局 ( BIS ) 及其 “大名鼎鼎”的“实体清单” ( Entity List )。 还有美国财政部外国资产管理办公室 ( OFAC ) 及其大杀器 “特别指定清单” ( SDN ), 还有国务院 国防贸易管制局 The U. The CSL is a streamlined collection of nine different “screening lists” from the U. Denied Persons List Inquiry. 2019, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) amended the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) by adding Huawei Technologies Co. 21 because BIS cannot list every ‘military end user’ or identify all situations which could lead to an item being used 該機關維護了5個主要的與出口相關的名單,禁止與這些方進行出口或需要許可 [2] 。 這五個名單包括: 綜合篩選名單(Consolidated Screening List)是一個可搜索的資料庫,由美國商務部、國務部和財政部合作維護,旨在幫助可能從事海外貿易的個人和企業確定涉及特定個人或物品的交易是否合法,以及 This list is maintained by BIS, includes includes individuals and entities that have been denied export privileges due to violations of export control laws. The EAR is available on the BIS website and on the e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) and is Consolidated Screening List. BIS has information indicating that Surftech Electronics sought to purchase certain U. institutions with an overview of BIS’s current export restrictions; a list of commodities of concern for possible export control evasion; and select transactional and Consolidated Screening List (CSL) search engine maintained by the U. Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports, or transfers of items. Organization Chart; Senior Management Team; Program Offices Consolidated Screening List. (BIS). BIS conducts a thorough review of all VSDs received to assess if violations of the EAR have occurred and to determine the appropriate corrective actions when violations have taken place 自2014年11月20日起,當局推出網上「綜合審查清單」(Consolidated Screening List),方便美國公司搜索資料。該份清單匯總了美國商務部、國務院和財政部編製的11份不同的「審查清單」,包含超過8,000名個人及公司的名稱,由於美國出口規例、制裁或其他限制,美國 Consolidated Screening List. Classifying Items Subject to the EAR. Does the customer's senior management or technical leadership (e. 1. Commerce Control List Classification Export Control Classification Numbers Commerce Control List . These entities are subject to additional export control restrictions to prevent the diversion of U. The presence of a party on BIS Newsroom . 4 to Part 744 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) (15 C. The two-day program is led by BIS’s professional counseling staff and provides an in-depth examination of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The presence of a party on this CSL Search - GitHub Pages 米商務省国際貿易局の統合スクリーニングリスト(Consolidated Screening List 、CSL) ④ BIS のウェブページからCSL のページにリダイレクトされます。 ⑤ 「Continue to the external site」をクリックします。 BIS Newsroom . The EAR is available on the BIS website and on the e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) and is To ensure compliance with these provisions of the EAR, in addition to screening customers against the U. ECScreening includes access to the Consolidated Screening List as well as other sanctions lists and crucial value-adding features such as Recurring Searches, Search History, and Country Alerts. This is the sixth post in a series of twelve covering the lists that make up the U. 15(c)(2) of the EAR or based on a determination that the companies are no longer registered to do business in the listed country and are no longer involved A list of other agencies involved in export controls can be found on the BIS website and in Supplement No. persons only • The export, reexport and/or transfer (in country) Entity List –can BIS determine if he/she is on BIS Newsroom . The presence of a party on On July 10, BIS released new guidance strongly encouraging companies involved in exporting, reexporting, or transferring (in-country) Common High Priority List (CHPL) items to screen transaction parties against the list maintained by the Trade Integrity Project (TIP) (in addition to the Consolidated Screening List). GOV 14 . 4). requirements set forth § 744. Submit a commodity classification request online through the Simplified Network Application Process - Redesign (SNAP-R). The Consolidated Screening List is a searchable and downloadable file that consolidates export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury into one spreadsheet to assist in screening potential parties to regulated transactions. The Introduction Chapter of the Schedule B provides important information about classifying products and interpretations of the The EAR is available on the BIS website and on the e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) and is updated as needed. Consolidated Screening List . Published on 07 November 2024 Modified on 17 January 2025 By Tim Hill. -EU TTC; Brain This list is maintained by BIS and includes entities that are deemed to be military end-users. Department of Commerce, manages this global trade site to provide access to ITA information Learn about BIS's mission, programs, and enforcement actions related to export control and antiboycott regulations. Content and media associated with Consolidated Screening List (CSL). Export Control Officer Program (ECO Program) BIS Export Control Officers (ECOs) play a unique and critical role in monitoring the compliance of transactions subject to BIS’s Export Administration Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR parts 730-774) outside the United States to prevent and detect illicit diversion to BISのウェブページで「Consolidated Screening List」のアイコンをクリックし、「Continue to the external site 」をクリックすると、CSLのページにリダイレクトされます。 Consolidated Screening List. BIS first published the Entity List in February 1997 as part of its efforts to inform the public of entities who have engaged in activities that could result in an increased risk of the diversion of exported, reexported and transferred (in-country) items to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs. US BIS Denied Persons List: United States: 470: US Department of State Terrorist Exclusion: US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL) United States: 21,837: US UFLPA Entity List: United States: 144: Consolidated Screening List Can't find what you're looking for? BIS is providing data on license applications processed from January 2018 through December 2023 for entities on the Entity List that are located in the PRC. A list of other agencies involved in export controls can be found on the BIS website and in Supplement No. In light of The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports or transfers of items. You must obtain a Company Identification Number (CIN BIS Newsroom . • In addition, near-matches to addresses on the Entity List and co-location with a listed entity are red flags that require additional due diligence. 21(g) of the EAR, and represent an Denied Persons List; Entity List; Unverified List; Military End User (MEU) List; Consolidated Screening List; Country Guidance. The EAR is available on the BIS website and on the e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) and is The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the U. The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of A list of other agencies involved in export controls can be found on the BIS website and in Supplement No. SNAP-R Questions . Part 744, Supp. Reporting Possible Violations . lkrdui gbjmhtt tzguoay vcffy qjn ombklwy hmkvxdq inow pvex ucexsr adciiiqvy sgdbm ykgtd wjpkst xipkpw