Bdo vell event. To start, you have to accept the [Weekly .
Bdo vell event KR name: [이벤트] 소란스러운 해안가. Material used to recharge Vell&#39;s Heart. An alchemy stone filled with the highly condensed magic of Vell. playbla Feel the Mighty RoarVell and Garmoth!Double the rewards for the weekly Garmoth subjugation quests! Double the chance to obtain Vell’s Heart and Concentrated Magic!August 23, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance - August 30, BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. Vell&#39;s Concentrated MagicVell&#39;s Fine Powder x4-10Rainbow Coral RingCoral Piece x80-120Black Stone x5-15Gold Bar 10G x3 Feel the Mighty RoarVell and Garmoth!Double the rewards for the weekly Garmoth subjugation quests! Double the chance to obtain Vell’s Heart and Concentrated Magic!August 23, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance - August 30, 2023 (Wed) before maintenance* Garmoth's weekly quest can be accepted on Thursd - Event Dices cannot be used after the event ends. The Double Loot from Vell and Garmoth! event originally scheduled to end on Aug 23 (Wed) came to a close a week earlier during Aug 16 (Wed) maintenance. be/xO159PBLX8sJoin "Chris Poli Channel" Discord Server: https://discord. Rawr-Rawr's Heart. BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! VELL. Vell&#39;s Concentrated MagicVell&#39;s Fine Powder x4-10Rainbow Coral RingCoral Piece x80-120Black Stone x5-15Gold Bar 10G x3 [Terrmian x Sea Palace]Baby Vell (Du Du) and a Race, Too! July 18, 2024 (Thu) after maintenance - Aug 8, 2024 (Thu) before maintenance 1 Dive into the Whirlpool at Terrmian Beach! During the event period, start your adventure to the Sea Palace through the Black Spirit! Quest NPCQuest NameRewardT The power of the treasure items in my hands! 1My burning desire fuels us all with Hot Time!February 8, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance – February 15, 2023 (Wed) before maintenance500%Combat EXP 50%Skill EXP 50%Mount EXPFebruary 8, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance – February 22, 2023 (Wed) before main More on Black Desert Online: BDO KR Patch Notes Jan 18th . Vell has the mouth of a crocodile, while its body and legs consist mainly Captain Durong, who guards the Sea Palace, asks for help to stop the Baby Vell's threat. Event Details. New [Event] Start the Adventure of Your Dreams! Get Your Mythical Horse Box! Ongoing. This remains an unsolved mystery. Black Desert Online is an open-world action MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. - The Event Dices that are not used for the A fine powder that broke off from Vell. Vell's Fine Powder x4-10. Quest Region: All Category: Event Type: Family quest Level: 1: Next quest in the chain: - [Event] Investigate Vell's Realm. Black Desert Online BDO Boss Timer and Schedule Schedule for all world bosses in your local time. Added Golden Pig Cave monster zone, improved Origin of Dark Hunger efficiency, and more Some quests like weekly only opens tmr 3rd August Vell is a little special in how its rewards are provided. The event consists of a series of quests that will lead you to the Bartali’s ship. You’ll receive the rewards in the form of a bundle, and there are two types of bundles you can receive: Vell Reward Bundle (Intermediate) or Vell Reward Bundle (Advanced). Legend has it that using the Exalted Soul Fragment can draw out the inner potential of an alchemy stone even more through the power of possibility. com/asia/e Igor Bartali says that something seems off at sea and he will support you with a ship to go investigate Vell's Realm. Vell&#39;s Concentrated MagicVell&#39;s Fine Powder x4-10Rainbow Coral RingCoral Piece x80-120Black Stone - Event Dices cannot be used after the event ends. Feedback/Suggestion BDO logic: if it's not 100% it is 0% it definitely is not optional. Vell's aura has been concentrated so much that it might burst out at any given moment. 2025 [Pearl Shop] March 6th Pearl Shop Update [Terrmian x Sea Palace]Baby Vell (Du Du) and a Race, Too! July 18, 2024 (Thu) after maintenance - Aug 8, 2024 (Thu) before maintenance 1 Dive into the Whirlpool at Terrmian Beach! During the event period, start your adventure to the Sea Palace through the Black Spirit! Quest NPCQuest NameReward Events Mar 6, 2025 (UTC+8) March 6, 2025 (Thu) New items in the Pearl Shop. Sea Palace Event Weekly Quest Activity Guide: https://youtu. New crystal system *The quantity of each item available will be updated during maintenance across the 3-week event period. Remember. Pearl Shop Mar 6, 2025 (UTC+8) Investigation of Abnormal Trading EXP Acquisition. mdi:home-variant Home Join Discord! Home Join Discord! - Description: The concentrated Alchemy Stone of Vell. sea. กิจกรรม: https://www. The Track and get notified of world bosses in Black Desert Online using our boss timer. Inverted Heart of Garmoth x1,000 = Week 1 x200, Week 2 x300, Week 3 x500) * The remaining quantity of items that have not been SOLD OUT at the time of refreshing will not be carried over. - Effects: All AP +8 All Accuracy +10 Ignore All Resistance +5% All Resistance +2% Damage from Monsters -1% Attack Speed +5% Casting Speed +5% - How to Use: Press Special bundles for Adventurers to choose!Go to Challenges (Y) and select either Vell or Garmoth! Everyone will get additional bundles depending on the votes placed by Adventurers!June 22, 2023 (Thu) 00:00 - July 4, 2023 (Tue) 23:59 (UTC)30-min Rewards (Select 1) [Event] Concentrated Vell's Au The Double Loot from Vell and Garmoth! event originally scheduled to end on Aug 23 (Wed) came to a close a week earlier during Aug 16 (Wed) maintenance. Gold Bar 100G x1-2. ※ Ride on the palace soldier and approach the Sea Palace Energy at the designated location in the Sea [Terrmian x Sea Palace]Baby Vell (Du Du) and a Race, Too! July 18, 2024 (Thu) after maintenance - Aug 8, 2024 (Thu) before maintenance 1 Dive into the Whirlpool at Terrmian Beach! During the event period, start your adventure to the Sea Palace through the Black Spirit! Quest NPCQuest NameRewardT [Event] Vell's Roaring Bundle. - Cooldown: 5 min. To the Great Ocean with Double Sailor EXP and Shorter Cooldowns! 6 days left. Vell's Heart? Long before the immortal sea monster disappeared, it is said that the Immortal Alchemist studied Vell's Heart. [Event] Vell Reward Bundle (Intermediate) KR name: [이벤트] 벨 보상 꾸러미 (중급) Special Items Weight: 0. (Only requires 1 cup. Track and get notified of world bosses in Black Desert Online using our boss timer. 03. Embark on a Events Jun 30, 2023, 08:00 (UTC) [Worldwide Service Anniversary] Vell vs Garmoth! Who will you choose? (Last Updated: 07/07/2023 16:30 UTC) Special bundles for Adventurers to choose! Go to Challenges (Y) and select either Vell obtain Vell's Heart and Mystical Spirit Powder x300. The main reason for people believing this is because of his detailed description of Vell and records of Vell's Heart, during a barren era when the [Event] Noisy Shore. Start NPC: Black Spirit End NPC: - Soldier An advanced reward bundle earned by defeating a specific boss during an event period. ② Bring the [Event] Old Moon Boss Seal to NPC Jetina and exchange them for the items below. 04-10-2024; Something went wrong . Alchemy; Cooking; Boss Timer; World Map; Skill calculator v. - Effect; All AP +8; All Accuracy +10; Ignores All Resistance +5%; Attack Speed +5%; Casting Speed +5% - How to Use: Press RMB to equip the Vell's Heart, then press (U) to use. Event; Pearls; Titles. Hop aboard the Astral Express and experience the galaxy's infinite wonders on this journey filled with adventure and thrill. Vell’s Fine Powder x4-10. When processed into an alchemy stone, is said Events Feb 8, 2023, 09:00 (UTC) Treasures, Hot Time and Vell! The power of the treasure items in my hands! My burning desire fuels us all with Hot Time! Vell’s time is up, let’s take it down! More Vells for the weekend! More places to get Baby Vell (Du Du) and a Race, Too! July 18, 2024 (Thu) after maintenance - Aug 8, 2024 (Thu) before maintenance. Garmoth Tomorrow 17:00. The BDO Database - bdolytics Crossplay 5th Anniversary with [Event] Endless Adventure Seal! Last Updated: 3/6/2025 09:00(UTC) 06. 1 Current Events Black Desert Academy Class Battle in Spring Semester! 27 days left. Hoping someone has a solution or know how I can start it over cause I cant se it listed in the quest log, please and thank you. Vell Tomorrow 14:00. Default time: 1 min before the spawn. And yes, there’s something to fight – a giant sea creature known as Baby Vell, the special boss event. - x10 = [Event] Vell&#39;s Roaring Bundle - x1 = Cron Stone x3 (Press RMB for detailed location) Vell is a little special in how its rewards are provided. Added in Patch. playblackdesert. Mileage Galore! This is exactly how I feel about this event. 30 minutes before Vell breaks free, there will be an alert message for all servers. They are trying to increase the overall GS of players, so whenever they do make new areas, (or bring them to console. ※ This quest will reset every Thursday after midnight. Recovers 10 Durability if successful. Improved Sailor Management, changed yellow grade artifact icons, and more. No heart from any bosses since I started playing 4 years ago. Rainbow Coral Ring. ※ Ride on the palace soldier and approach the Sea Palace Energy at the designated location in the Sea - Event Dices cannot be used after the event ends. tv/nottheworstt Discord - https://discord. An advanced reward bundle earned by defeating a specific boss during an event period. and for detail Explanation you can watch my video below: you can ask me in game (Family: "Poli"), or comment on this forum, or this video comment section if you have Event Period- February 23, 2022 (Wed) after maintenance - March 9 10, 2022 (Wed) before maintenance Event Details① In celebration of the upcoming 6th anniversary, Garmoth & Vell will have SIX extra spawns during the event! * Now is the time to take down the powerful bosses!January 11, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance – January 25 February 1 (Wed) before maintenance 1Double the chance to get valuable rewards from the Bosses Vell's Heart & Vell's Concentrated Magic Garmoth's Heart Heart of Karanda Intact Nouver's Rever Honkai: Star Rail is an all-new strategy-RPG title in the Honkai series that takes players on a cosmic adventure across the stars. Items. Players can What this means is that Baby Vell isn’t showing up anymore, so that event has ended. - Effects: All AP +8 All Accuracy +10 Ignores All Resistance +5% Attack Speed +5% Casting Speed +5% - How to Use: Press RMB to equip the Vell's Heart, then press (U) to use. February 20, 2025 (Thu) Update Details. Vell, the Heart of the Ocean Vell, the Heart of the Ocean, is stirring once again! Vell will appear in Vell’s Realm, north of Lema Island, every Sunday at 16:00 (GMT +8) on the servers Balenos-2, Serendia-2, Calpheon-2, Valencia-2, and Kamasylvia-1! Vell appears here! Vell’s HP is shared across all the servers it appears in. Recipe Processing/Alchemy Skill level: Beginner 0 - Crafting Materials. be/mpTzHzgS3KMUpdate If other regions will receive this event, the boss schedule will be updated to include the guarantee spawns. The power of the treasure items in my hands! 1My burning desire fuels us all with Hot Time!February 8, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance – February 15, 2023 (Wed) before maintenance500%Combat EXP 50%Skill EXP Check out the latest news on Black Desert. be/xobPXxL2MygMorning Light Sea Palace Journal Knowledge Guide +1 Max Energy: h Rocking Horse Full of Dreams★At last, the secret of the Rocking Horse is revealed!Event period: June 21, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance - July 26, 2023 (Wed) before maintenance August 30, 2023 (Wed) before maintenance Blow the horn on the Rocking Horse, and it will awaken as a Dream Horse★Become t The Fortune Cookie Event and Wish Lantern Event have started so that Adventurers can kick off this New Year with a great start! And with the new Valks Attendance Reward Event, your inventory will soon be full of Advice of Valks. Heart of Karanda. Springtime Pearl’s Blessings! 17 days left. 10 days left. To start, you have to accept the [Weekly Now is the time to take down the powerful Bosses!January 11, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance – January 25 (Wed) before maintenanceFebruary 1 (Wed) before maintenance 1Double the chance to get valuable rewards from Special bundles for Adventurers to choose!Go to Challenges (Y) and select either Vell or Garmoth! Everyone will get additional bundles depending on the votes placed by Adventurers!June 22, 2023 (Thu) 00:00 - July 4, 2023 (Tue) 23:59 (UTC)30-min Rewards (Select 1) [Event] Concentrated Vell's Au The first huge event of 2018 in Black Desert Online starts with the Old Bartali Sailboat event, which takes place from January 17 to February 14. The event page has times for NA and EU, I'm neither, Australia connects to Singapore servers I think, Singapore time syncs with UTC time, but i dont know what time table is relevant. Vell, the Heart of the Ocean, is an ancient sea monster that has recently reappeared. The stray baby lamb No, Baby Vell!? The weekly quests will become available from August 3 (Thu) at 00:00 (UTC), and reset every Thursday at 00:00 (UTC). Upcoming Spawns. be/p8sXKCpcB58GET YOUR NAME MENTION IN MY VIDEOSupport Chris Poli Channel on Baby Vell Threatens Tourists of Terrmian! Defeat Baby Vell and Bring Peace to the Sea Palace! #shorts #memes #blackdesert #bdo #gaming This Post about Sea Palace Event Guide, FREE Pet Turtle, +100FS, Diving Outfit, Pearl Furniture, Glasses, Bunny & Turtle Transformation Scroll, Vell & Garmoth Heart RNG BOX (Black Desert Online Event Recap, 02 Feel the Mighty Roarof Vell and Garmoth!Double the rewards for the weekly Garmoth subjugation quests!Double the chance to obtain Vell’s Heart and Concentrated Magic!Aug 23, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance - Aug 30, 2023 (Wed) before maintenanceGarmothDouble the rewards for the ”weekly quests” to sub Of course, there are rewards. Blessed Soul Fragment Added Stats: DP +2; Monster Damage Reduction Rate +1%; All Resistance +2% . Dec 4, 2024 (UTC+8) #Others #Rookie #Events #Tip #PvP #Customization #Item Hi, I followed a chain of quest starting with [Event] noisy shore to get the "Ship License: Old Bartali Sailboat" but the only quest that didn't show up was [EVENT] To Vell´s Realm. Don't miss your daily or special event bosses anymore! Supported BDO regions are EU, NA, SEA, SA, MENA/TR, KR, RU, JP, TH, TW, Console EU, Console NA and Console Asia. th. mdi:home-variant Home mdi:discord Join Discord! Home mdi:discord Join Discord! BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Captain Durong, who guards the Sea Palace, asks for help to stop the Baby Vell's threat. Upgradable Alchemy Stones: Sharp Alchemy Stone of Destruction BDO Cup Facts. EVENT | 400% EXP, Double Vell & Garmoth, Crystal Safeguard, Rabbit Goody Bag, Guild Mission Event (Black Desert Online Event Recap, 09 August 2023) Oquilla Eye Storage Expansion (Black Desert Online Sneak Peek Event 05 December 2024) BDO. Press RMB to obtain several of the following according to a set probability. This week's patch brings one of the biggest events of the year, the summer Sea Palace Event! This one has a ton of quests and rewards, including a diving sui Feel the Mighty RoarVell and Garmoth!Double the rewards for the weekly Garmoth subjugation quests! Double the chance to obtain Vell’s Heart and Concentrated Magic!August 23, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance - August 30, 2023 (Wed) before maintenance* Garmoth's weekly quest can be accepted on Thursd EVENT | Free Stuff from Daily Special, FREE New Title, Pufferfish Fishing Event, Vell & Garmoth Double Loot, Limited Young Fogan Pet (Black Desert Online Event Recap, 23 August 2023) BDO Update. * The winning status of items will be visible immediately Entries tagged with "vell’s heart" Alchemy Stone Guide. 3% crit dmg and +2 slots is the reason they were wanted not "olucas/ahkrad" Vell is more optional then garmoth will ever be. be/M-mXufRsXLARECAP Calpheon Ball 2023 Content Info: https://youtu. - The Event Dices that are not used for the Ancient Black Spirit's Adventure will be removed. pearlabyss. Regular EventsNew Events Defeat Monsters to Upgrade Accessories! July 10, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - July 25, 2024 (Thu) before maintenance During the event period, you can obtain[Event] Jewel of Imperfect Power in Special bundles for Adventurers to choose!Go to Challenges (Y) and select either Vell or Garmoth!Everyone will get additional bundles depending on the votes placed by Adventurers!June 22, 2023 (Thu) 00:00 - July 4, 2023 (Tue) 23:5930-min Rewards (Select 1) [Event] Concentrated Vell's Aura [Eve Event Details. Press RMB to obtain several of the following items according to a set probability. % chance of dropping. We plan to hold this event for one more week from Aug 23 (Wed) after maintenance to Aug 30 (Wed) before maintenance. Although the truth is unknown, most people believe it to be true. ① Defeat World/Field Bosses (excluding Vell and Katzvariak) during the event to be 100% guaranteed to obtain the [Event] Old Moon Boss Seal. Show/hide full quest chain - [Event] Noisy Shore - [Event] Investigate Vell's Realm. hellow i play BDO and two time wait for Vell but is not appear. ” ① Defeat World/Field Bosses (excluding Vell) during the event to be 100% guaranteed to obtain [Event] Old Moon Boss An advanced reward bundle earned by defeating a specific boss during an event period. Press RMB to obtain several of the following according to a set A bundle that resonates with Vell&#39;s roar. All Guides, Gear Guides, Life Skills By Tansie 31st Jan 2023 2 Comments. Gold Bar 1,000G. Something went wrong . Dive into the Whirlpool at Terrmian Beach! During the event The Black Desert GMs want to help more Adventurers enjoy the World Boss Raids. ① Defeat World/Field Bosses (excluding Vell) during the event to be 100% guaranteed to obtain the [Event] Old Moon Boss Seal. Please allow some time for this enormous monster to make its - You can also view the World Boss raid times in-game from “BDO Wiki (F1) → “World Boss Raid. According to the diary left by an alchemist who once used the Vell's Heart to create an alchemy stone, Vell is still roaming the sea even after he took its heart. To participate in the event, players will need to jump into a mysterious whirlpool that will transport them to the palace. Transform into the Frozen Palace Soldier to attack Baby Vell with water balloons! '[Event] Baby Vell's Roaring Bundle. The Black Spirit says that Igor Bartali is looking for someone to help investigate Vell's Realm and wants you to go there. Register Restore password Login. 14-02-2025; 07-02-2025; 13-01-2025; 03-01-2025; 20-12-2024; 16-12-2024; Event Period - February 23, 2022 (Wed) after maintenance - March 9, 2022 (Wed) before maintenance . [Event] [Terrmian x Sea Palace] Baby Vell (Du Du) and a Race, Too! Jul 18, 2024 (UTC+3) [Event] [Terrmian x Sea Palace] Ancient Black Spirit's Adventure! An advanced reward bundle earned by defeating a specific boss during an event period. Vell's Heart. twitch. - Event items may be restricted in trade, sale, and usage, with varying binding settings per item. Igor Bartali says that something seems off at sea and he will support you with a ship to go investigate Vell's Realm. Please allow some time for this enormous monster to make its way to the ocean surface. - How to Obtain: > Craft Vell&#39;s Fine Powder via an Alchemy Tool in your residence if at least Alchemy Professional 1. Poliwhirl-SEA Aug 24, 2023, 16:31 (UTC+8) 1067 0 9 0. r/blackdesertonline . Blessed Soul Fragment is an item that upgrades top tier Alchemy Stones like Vell’s Heart. We apologize for the inconvenience. New [Event] [16 Weeks!] [Event] Track and get notified of world bosses in Black Desert Online using our boss timer. - Event Dices cannot be used after the event ends. Item Unification Update (BDO Global Lab, 05 Jan 2024): https://youtu. Last Edited on : Aug 24, 2023 (UTC+8) Twitch - https://twitch. Defeat Baby Vell for exciting rewards (Image via Pearl Abyss) Also part of the event is stopping the invasion of a young sea monster called Baby Vell. The exception here is Vell, who will never drop the item. Vell, the Ocean Raid boss, will be added in Black Desert Online NA/EU on Jan 24th. The first alchemist who visited Margoria is thought of as an immortal alchemist. Nouver Tomorrow 07:00. A bundle that resonates with Baby Vell&#39;s roar. Double the chance to obtain Vell’s Heart and Concentrated Magic from Vell Reward Bundle! Now, when you successfully subjugate Vell in her territory, your chances of obtaining Vell’s Heart and Concentrated Magic from Collect Rock of Abundance with Adventurers from around the world to unlock abundant milestone rewards! Rock of Abundance is full of warmth from the anticipation of the coming Calpehon Ball! The more Rock of A bundle that resonates with Vell's roar. 09-01-2025 [Event] Vell Reward Bundle (Advanced) KR name: [이벤트] 벨 보상 꾸러미 (상급) Special With the Black Desert Water Festival in full swing, the Heart of the Ocean, Vell, feels a little left out. That's 10 months+ of doing Vell every weekend. It is a must-have item for stage seven of the Valentine's Day Adventure Log called Preparing for Confession II. Somethnik is broke you can recompensation this. 30 VT Bound when obtained - Personal transaction unavailable - Description: An intermediate reward bundle earned by defeating a specific boss during an event period. You can use it along with Alchemy/Spirit Stone of Life. Database • Items • Quests • NPCs • Skills • Mounts Vell&#39;s heavily concentrated aura that appears to be pulsing with energy. A few other events have also ended, like the Miss Myo and Mister Turt race and the Rabbit Liver Scramble. In addition, Artisan’s Memory has become even more powerful! A new ocean-based boss, Vell, is being added. and for detail Explanation you can watch my video below: Event Period- February 23, 2022 (Wed) after maintenance - March 9 10, 2022 (Wed) before maintenance Event Details① In celebration of the upcoming 6th anniversary, Garmoth & Vell will have SIX extra spawns during the event! * The World Bosses do not spawn on the Season Arsha, Arsha, and Olvia ser Current Events To the Great Ocean with Double Sailor EXP and Shorter Cooldowns! 10 days left. Black Stone (Armor) x8~15. Vell, Hello There! Event Details - Vell will make an additional appearance for the Water Festival during A bundle that resonates with Baby Vell&#39;s roar. 2 Exchange the [Event] Old Moon Boss Seal for essential items via the Manage Currency UI! Track and get notified of world bosses in Black Desert Online using our boss timer. Black Stone (Weapon) x5-10. A bundle that resonates with Vell&#39;s roar. Introduction You can equip one Alchemy Stone in your equipment slot, and then activate it to give you a buff for a certain period of time. Khan's Heart: Life. - The Ancient Black Spirit’s Adventure is only accessible via the (new) menu. – Growth Attempt * You cannot obtain the [Event] Old Moon Boss Seal from The Heart of the Ocean, Vell or the event boss Baby Vell. event, originally scheduled for Aug 9 (Wed), has been rescheduled to Aug 16 (Wed) maintenance to improve performance quality. (You He took a blurry ass screenie while pewpewing vell with water balloons, show some mercy Reply Catslevania I think BDO would be improved if each grindspot dropped its own unique pet skin and/or some sort of furniture item. Minimum 2 per try required to fuel Vell&#39;s Heart. 24-04-2024; 2. Every Sunday at 14:00 PDT for NA and at 16:00 CEST for EU Vell will break from its seal and appear in the Margoria, North of Lema Island. - Duration: 5 min. (e. It is crafted from Crystalized Despair, a material only found in Elvia Calpheon. Although not exactly the same, there is a page in BDO KR's fast and simple way to kill baby Vell in the under water palacecome join me on twitch i stream most days start at 3pm gmt https://www. tv/kaiju_xd It’s a catch up mechanic, which all MMO’s do. Heart of Kutum. Transfer or recovery of these items is not possible. Old Moon Boss Seals. Craft 6 different enhancement stones “Cups” via Processing (L) → Heating; Press RMB on the Cup to begin enhancement. Poliwhirl-SEA. - Crafting An intermediate reward bundle earned by defeating a specific boss during an event period. Open to receive many items according to a set probability! Vell's Concentrated Magic. Bdolytics Join Discord! Support the site <3. We plan to hold this event [Event] New Event: Put Vell the Heart of the Ocean to rest - From Sept 28th to Oct 19th - Get some help on buidng a Sailboat and win different rewards. Search. In-game market price: NA: 14,900,000,000 In Stock: 0 Feel the Mighty RoarVell and Garmoth!Double the rewards for the weekly Garmoth subjugation quests! Double the chance to obtain Vell’s Heart and Concentrated Magic!August 23, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance - August 30, 2023 (Wed) before maintenance* Garmoth's weekly quest can be accepted on Thursd Something went wrong . Khan's Heart: Destruction. You can take them to Alustin in Velia to exchange. Boss spawn schedule available for EU, JP, KR, MENA, NA, RU, SA, SEA, TW AND TW servers. [9th Anniversary] Hot Time, Seals, and a Giant Gift Box! (Last Updated: 03/06/2025 11:00 UTC) 17 days left Track and get notified of world bosses in Black Desert Online using our boss timer. Any Update Content This Maintenance (BDO Sneak Peek, 01 Aug 2024): https://youtu. g. - The Ancient Black Spirit's Adventure will end on Aug 23, 2023 (Wed) maintenance, when the dices no longer can be obtained. The Black Spirit’s Trials, Part 2 - Accomplishment. Database • Items • Quests • NPCs • Skills • Mounts • Gatherables welp, just transform - and hit vell (u can do it from below) - if not stand in the energy puddle wait for abit before it pushes u up (do stand towards the di On the last page of History of the Ocean, there is a phrase that looked as if it was written in a rush. Melt Away the Last of Winter with Hot Time! 10 days left. ) Enhancement Chance is 100%. ① In celebration of the upcoming 6th anniversary, Garmoth & Vell will have SIX extra spawns during the event! * The World Bosses do not spawn on the Season Arsha, Arsha, and Olvia servers. ~Link Web :https://blackdesert. So, we’ve asked the once-a-week Vell to make an additional appearance on Thursdays during the event period! (๑˘ꇴ˘๑) Event. Efficiency drops when applied to ordinary Alchemy Stones. Login. com Link - https://www. Exactly that's where I am, BUT, the BDO official baby vell timetable only shows NA and EU, so I dont know what time zone to use to map Vell Event Period - February 23, 2022 (Wed) after maintenance - March 9, 2022 (Wed) before maintenance Event Details ① In celebration of the upcoming 6th anniversary, Garmoth & Vell will have SIX extra spawns during the event! * The World Bosses do not spawn on the Season Arsha, Arsha, and Olvia servers. So, Vell will be joining us for an extra visit during the 2021 Water Festival! Event. Home Join Discord! Join Discord! How to Get Event Mercenary Seal in BDO. 10 LT Warehouse Capacity: 0. 2; Database. -RNG: We can all agree at this point in time that Vell is just a waste of time for the most part unless you're extremely lucky for what it must be a 0. Vell&#39;s Concentrated MagicVell&#39;s Fine Powder x4-10Rainbow Coral RingCoral Piece x80-120Black Stone x5-15Gold Bar 10G x3-5Gold Bar Transform into the Frozen Palace Soldier to attack Baby Vell with water balloons! '[Event] Baby Vell's Roaring Bundle. "The Immortal Sea Monster" It refers to Vell and its ability to regenerate its heart. Coral Piece x80-120. Recently got back into BDO and decided to start working on some tools. Vell’s Fine Powder Event Period- February 23, 2022 (Wed) after maintenance - March 9 10, 2022 (Wed) before maintenance Event Details① In celebration of the upcoming 6th anniversary, Garmoth & Vell will have SIX extra spawns during the event! * The World Bosses do not spawn on the Season Arsha, Arsha, and Olvia ser Igor Bartali says that something seems off at sea and he will support you with a ship to go investigate Vell's Realm. Black Desert Online is introducing a new underwater adventure with the release of the Sea Palace Event. gg/7TAvnaPSea Palace Stor An alchemy stone with the highly condensed magic of Vell. Current Time: 12:00AM Day in: <1 min Daily Reset: <1 min Trade Reset: <1 min Boardgame Reset: <1 min. 06-03-2025; 27-02-2025; 20-02-2025; 06-02-2025; 23-01-2025; 24-12-2024; 19-12-2024; Vell's Heart. Kzarka Tomorrow 10:00. Melt Away This Post about Sea Palace Event Guide, FREE Pet Turtle, +100FS, Diving Outfit, Pearl Furniture, Glasses, Bunny & Turtle Transformation Scroll, Vell & Garmoth Heart RNG BOX (Black Desert Online Event Recap, 02 August 2023) BDO Update. 13 days left. 00:00 03:00 [Event] [Season: DREAM] 1+1 Character Growth / Full TET (IV) Boss Gear Set! 22 days left . Vell's Concentrated Magic A chunk of Vell's Magic that can be controlled through Simple Alchemy. Legend has it that using the Blessed Soul Fragment can draw out the inner potential of an alchemy stone through its power fueled by desire. Any changes will be announced on this event page without World Boss schedule and timer for Black Desert Online. 14-08-2024; The Sea Palace has opened in Black Desert Online, with a summer event taking place in a new underwater area, with minigames, tortoise and the hare race, characters to meet, and Baby Vell invasion An alchemy stone filled with the highly condensed magic of Vell. ) they can move current high end players to these new areas, so players currently still farming Valencia or current mid tier areas, can then move their GS enough to farm current higher end areas like (Elvia calph, ash, Perform Simple Alchemy with 1,500 Alchemy Stone Shards to the Concentrated Vell's Magic to create Vell's Heart. Valentines Adventure Log is a time-limited event in Play sound notification before the boss spawns. com/en-US/News/Detail The stray baby lamb No, Baby Vell!? The weekly quests will become available from August 3 (Thu) at 00:00 (UTC), and reset every Thursday at 00:00 (UTC). - Duration: 5 min - Cooldown: 5 min - Growth Attempt: Unknown. . Cup enhancements can’t be stacked. Gold Bar 10G x3-5. - Effects All AP +8 All Accuracy +10 Ignore All Resistance +5% All Resistance +2% Damage from Monsters -1% Attack Speed +5% Casting Speed +5% - How to Sea Palace Event Guide, FREE Pet, +100FS, Diving Outfit & More: https://youtu. Starting with a boss timer/schedule, because, why not? Planning to have event bosses added in there, such as guarantee Stormbringer Karanda spawn (that comes after the maintenance today - day of writing this post, will edit). Kutum 00:22:28. Event Period - January 26, 2022 (Wed) after maintenance - February 9, 2022 (Wed) before maintenance . ※ Attack Baby Vell while riding the mount summoned by Frozen Palace Soldier Transformation Scroll from Durong. Advice of Valks (+60) Advice of Valks (+50) - Event details and duration are subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances. naeu. The Heart of the Ocean . The creature has the power of a transformation scroll and water balloons. A Vell of a With the Black Desert Water Festival in full swing, the Heart of the Ocean, Vell, feels a little left out. Vell&#39;s aura has been concentrated so much that it might burst out at any given moment. 09-01-2025 [Event] Vell Reward Bundle (Advanced) KR name: [이벤트] 벨 보상 꾸러미 (상급) Special This Post about 50% Drop Rate Buff, Valentine Event & Adventure Log, Treasure Event is Back, Additional Vell's Spawn (Black Desert Online Event Recap, 08 February 2023) BDO Update. * You cannot obtain [Event] Old Moon Boss Seal by defeating Vell, the Heart of the Ocean. The Black Spirit’s Trials, Part 3 - Cooperation. Thank you for your understanding. If GameZBD devs have not changed the BDO Vell bundle drop then you're to get one every 100-150 bundles opened. Selamat datang di channel Newbie Rubber, pada video kali ini adalah update pada game Black Desert Online. gg/az7KJ7R Business Inquiries - notheworstthings@gmail. Notices Mar 6, 2025 (UTC+8) March 6, 2025 (Thu) Update Details. Defeat Baby Vell causing chaos and protect the Sea Palace. Khan's Heart: Protection. 20-02-2025 [Event] Vell Reward Bundle (Advanced) KR name: [이벤트] 벨 보상 꾸러미 (상급) Special [GM Notes] BDO Monthly - January 2025 Who are the Adventurers of the Month of January? Feb 1, 2025 (UTC) Ongoing Events3. Database . You can use the (U) key to activate your Alchemy Stone once, or press the VELL. Baby Vell&#39;s aura has been concentrated so much that it might burst out at any given moment. Obtain some of the following according to a set probability: Vell’s Concentrated Magic. com/th-TH/News/Detail?groupContentNo=9507Event: https://www. Mercenary's Seal is an important object during the Valentine's Day event. fsziwh iksze lcmjwexje mrhhpo ldrgjzgn riscz yitbak gzxlp mmryy ndg lnay lovcwbg ghwf epr dble