Arimidex dosage reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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Or check it out in the app stores Low e2 dialing in arimidex dosage . This shit WILL crash your E2. This is all anecdotal, of course, and you Also, the number of doses you take each day, the time allowed between doses, and the length of time you take the medicine depend on the medical problem for which you are using the medicine. This puts me at around 1400 testosterone and 20 E2. Alot of people on this sub feel like that they have to tell people to change their dose of testosterone if it's a lil outside the range. I take a 100 mg single dose per week. by Drugs. 5mg 1×week,that will keep me around 30. 500 mg/wk for 10 weeks. 5mg twice a week and adjust higher if you get estro sides, and lower if you get sore joints/low estro sides. I am taking . 5 weeks ago 20 mg ED, today I noticed my nipples were puffy and a little sore, I have Arimidex on hand and was wondering dosage and how long should I take it to reverse/stop Gyno, all responses are appreciated. Enclomiphene is probably better than clomid (if you can find it). Before trt my test was 280 and estrogen was 34 so I believe I convert more than the average person. You don't have to, but you are going to have a big spike in estrogen if you don't (especially if you are not lean) Also don't take other compounds for your first cycle. I'm only taking 180 mg of test though which has me stable at 790ish. i m a low aromatizer meaning with my test level at 1000ng normaly my e2 will run to 40 45pg. Due to these disappointing results The translation from Adex to Asin is 1mg of Adex is equal to about 25mg of Asin. IF this happens, then try taking 20mg nolvadex or . 25mg every day. Click Join now to receive . 25mg Arimidex Saturday, and another 0. PCT is important after each cycle. I've also seen that you should only take if you start seeing signs up gyno/estrogen sides. 125 mgs 3/week tanked my e2. Estrogen is cardio protective and anti-inflammatory. After the second dose of anastrozole I feel like I’m having some joint pain and a headache plus a little bit of fatigue. TRT, 100mg Test C split into 2 injections per week, prior to AI Total test was 770 ng/dl and E2 was sitting at 55 pg/ml, was getting E2 sides and added arimidex at 0. Reading some posts on reddit, my understanding is that Anastrozole is very sensitive and even very low doses can crash the Estradiol very quickly. comments. Feb 7, 2013 · 0. But would love to see what people are doing in the real world. Always keeps my estrogen between 25-45 pg/ml. 7. This new dose has some serious gut side effects. If your running 400 or more or if you've any side effects that are estrogen related such as sore nipples, anxiety, and stuff like that then yes throw in . I just got tested and am at 1018 total test,35 free test, and 10 estrogen. Between observing or receiving sexual stimuli The expected harms can vary from decrease in libido, decrease in bone-mineral density, worsening of lipid-profile and cardio-vascular risk. Well it all depends on the cycle. Arimidex works quickly to lower estrogen and some side effects start within 24 hours of starting Arimidex. Doc started me on arimidex (1mg per day!) After being on 1mg/day arimidex for 30 days now I can't think straight and my joints ache. When my new doctor checked my e2 levels they were non existent. : r/Testosterone. i cant do the same with arimidex. Or even lower the dose to 300-400 and titrate up again, when you've implemented the new pinning protocol, and everything feels okay I'm a 24 year old otherwise healthy male. Drug information provided by: Merative, Micromedex® US Brand Name. no energy. This week we are discussing Aromatase Inhibitors . to e2. Using arimidex we started low, 0. Docs push it on me but I fair better with like 1/4 of a 25 mg pill per week. 125) (aka Anastrozole) exactly 2 days after my injection. dose it to close and i get low e2. 25mg taken twice. When used for this purpose, anastrozole is typically introduced in week two of the cycle and taken for the entire length of the cycle at 0. He prescribed Anastrozole 1mg twice every week. 05 – 1. There have been multiple studies that consisted of females or males taking testosterone and 1mg Anastrazole ED for weeks, but none mentions that any of them had crashed E2 during the experiment. beenonymous. For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. 1mg of arimidex can do what over 25mg of aromasin does. 9, in the 'lower end of the reference range for a 24 year May 17, 2024 · Arimidex may help prevent side effects such as gynecomastia (male breast enlargement) from developing due to the aromatization of anabolic steroids. [Compound Experience Thread] Tamoxifen (Nolvadex, Nolva) Compounds. Aromasin requires a higher dosage than arimidex. 25 mg twice a week. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Estrogen sensitive is 33 pg/mL. however. You can (probably) consider these to be equivalent doses, in terms of effects. It takes 4 to 5 half lives to eliminate a drug from your system. twice a week,, in your case 100 mg (every 3 to 4 days), and after 24 hours from your last injection ,take . I have the liquid so I can dose it perfectly. . If it does not correspond to the androgen levels the risk for the heart increases. A dose of 1 mg daily appeared to be mildly effective against the appearance of gynecomastia. Jun 21, 2011 · Anastrozole was also studied in a group of prostate cancer patients treated with bicalutamide, an androgen antagonist. Reading here and other places it looks like . no strenght, or lost like 30% of it. And if they were using aromisin seems feasible to assume it was for that purpose . com. Trying to avoid cutting the tablet in half. I split my dose into 100mg of test and . 5 mg twice a week. extreme anxiety, not able to look people in the eye or have normal conversation. 50 of liquid anastrozole and my sensitivity to things is crazy but never had a reaction to anastrozole but have heard the horror stories … pinning 5 days a week for These in turn will slowly start to raise your T which you won't feel for a week or two until the effects cumulate. The results of lowered e2 may take another day or two to trickle to downstream receptors that are already e2 bound. Daily shots, better mimic body rhythms: insuline 31G or 32G needle, belly fat, 15mg, and test after 6 weeks. 4. 5mg per week split into 2 when taking the testosterone, decided to do bloodwork again to see where the AI put my E2 as I was constantly fatigued and came back very low, how would I dose the AI in the future as the pills are 1mg Arimidex is too strong for me. If you aromatize pretty well, you'll feel better in 3,4 days. 0625 e3. On 200 mg split twice a week my estrogen was 69 at trough before injection with test at 850. If you start to get low E2 signs before the six week bloods reduce the dose or taper off. 5 every 2 or 3 days is more common. 5 or whatever, and feel decent, but then you dose again and feel horrible because the drug will build up in your system. 125 twice per week, or 0. Patients on TTh follow up in our clinic every three to four months, and an estrogen level is rechecked at every visit. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. I transitioned from 750mg Test / week to my cruise dose of 120mg, which requires no AI, and keeps me right around 850 total test, the first time I tried to skip my Arimidex dosage, I got absolutely annihilated by oily skin, pizza backne, and itchy nipples. I played with dosages and found that half a tab once every 3-4 days was PLENTY to control estrogen. 50 and thurs . For adjuvant treatment of early breast cancer in postmenopausal women, the optimal duration of therapy is unknown. Same e2 control, similar cost, and it’s steroidal so way better on your lipids vs arimidex. If your estrogen is in the dirt, you need to back off the arimidex. cravings for stimulants, sugar and drugs to cope with the depression and anxiety and lack of energy. Anastrozole side effects. Mesterolone (Proviron) is viable substitute for low dose anastrazole. 08 mg adex = 2 mg asin. Mesterolone acts differently - it upregulates the androgen receptor and Arimidex is way stronger. This was at 10% bodyfat. Anyone have any idea on average how much this dose would lower E2. Took 0. Those of you taking Arimidex/anastrozole, what was your sweet spot for dosage? TRT help. Anastrozole is only approved by the Mar 1, 2024 · Arimidex side effects. been a roller coaster for the last 3 years but I’m at 200 a week inject mon . 25 initially, twice per week. Longterm ai usage can have negative effects on you. I take . Arimidex (anastrozole) is a medication that is used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Joint aches. Arimidex; Descriptions. I was reading a few forums and talk to a few guys on body building website, steroids users mostly about taking arimidex only cycle. Range for Total tops at 115 and E2 36 I believe. I'm at 0. My levels now are: Serum Testosterone - 24. Some side effects may occur that usually do not need medical attention. You can add it later if you determine that you should (given symptoms and bloodwork). It belongs to a class of drugs called aromatase inhibitors. aromasin usually but i've actually moved away from AI's and just use EQ to keep my e2 in range. dose it too far appart and get e2 Regarding dosage, we prescribe 1 mg of anastrozole weekly for every 200 mg of testosterone taken weekly. As I understand it, Anastrozole can slightly diminish gains. He had me stop the Aridimex completely (I’m on 200mg/week test). If HCG continues to produce high estradiol levels even when testosterone is well within range, an aromatase inhibitor can be added if the estradiol levels To some guys, injecting more frequently leads to even higher numbers, so reduce the dose. How would you dose the arimidex based on my high e2 I’m thinking of doing 0. 22 isn’t bad, it’s probably quite normal for most people. So, . My doctor started me on testosterone 100 mg IM once a week. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. I break open and recap mine to . I feel great, bloods are perfect. Extreme fatigue. I've seen mixed things on how much to take and when. Feel TERRIBLE. If you're like me, it will take up to 2 weeks to feel better. Arimidex, also known as anastrozole, is a medication primarily used to treat hormone receptor-positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Spent two years wasting my time with arimidex. May 15, 2024 · Anastrozole may help prevent side effects such as gynecomastia (male breast enlargement) from developing due to the aromatization of anabolic steroids. This week we are discussing Anastrozole (Arimidex, Adex) . It all depends on your blood work. I didn't notice any sides with lower doses. Every drug has side effects. Some people say that you should take it EOD/E3d. 125mg anastrozole every 3 days. My E2 on my latest lab test was 205 (Range 41 - 160). split your shots in half,. Dopamine is what drives your actions to seek out a perceived goal. Had bloods a couple of weeks ago and E2 was high at 55 and Total Estrogen at 300. 5-1mg per day. Some people aromatize more than others. Use the same weekly dosage but pin everyday or every other day, even with cyp or ena. For now, I am on Gelnext visit I will discuss the Injection options. sometimes i will get a litlle bloat and some minor acne witch will go away very quick on a low dose of Aromasin like 12. Spent a year suffering from Aromasin's side effects while still having elevated estrogen. Learn about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. I will now take some Arimidex because of the sides I have. if i have to use that much EQ that it causes too much erythropoiesis, i just use less test, less eq and use something else with it. They do not come from the drug itself but from the lack of sufficient estrogen in Arimidex dosage. If you just want to try the AI instead of lowering your dose of testosterone, . 4 - 192. 0. 5mg on the days I pin so twice a week. 25mg arimedex on monday, wednesday and friday. They also started me on anastrozole . If your estrogen is in range and you feel good then keep with it brother. Feb 14, 2013. Lately i been very depressed, and on a roller coaster of emotion, also bad temper. I'm starting my first cycle of Test Cyp soon. just added in 20mg tbol/day for my cycle finisher. Based on what I have heard it's easy to crash your E2 mixing aromasin with other AIs. The lists below describe some of the more common side effects it may cause. Arimidex blocks the conversion of est. You guys where right about arimidex. Would not recommend using anywhere near that amount, if at all, unless need be. 2. I've been in the gym for about 10, but the first 5 I don't count as I didn't know wtf I was doing or why. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Arimidex dosage for E2 at 113pg/ml . I’ll probably take another . #3. Realistically, how dangerous is low dose anastrozole? I take 60mg test, 300iu HCG, and . Think of it this way, if your testosterone levels are raised to beyond reference range levels, so will your estrogen. Keep in mind that Anastrozole has a 48 hours half life. Try 0. If necessary increase up to 20mg daily according to blood test and to how you feel. 5mg Aromasin E3. Taking it right after may provide a more consistent estrogen control. This is on 210mg test cypionate, 1. I don't feel terrible but relative to my T numbers which came back at 447ng total and 13 free total Jan 26, 2024 · Like most drugs, Arimidex may cause mild or serious side effects. If you take the whole pill of 1 mg it may lower your estrogen to 70 %. You should probably know Read the rules to learn how to become an approved submitter. Anastrozole is not a very safe drug and it did make me feel worse. 5mg arimidex eod. Started in January only took . Recently switched to Aromasin 1/4 tab once a week and I feel better on it . I'd honestly start with 0. Or youll notice maybe some excessive bloating from water retention. The best way to raise crashed estrogen is with more testosterone or HCG. Feeling fine but libido could be better. 5. 5mg-1mg arimidex for 2 to 3 days until the issue subsides. What are considered high levels of estradiol in men before Arimidex should be taken once bloods taken? Research results has shown me 20-30 picogram/ml is desired for bodybuilders or active men Archived post. Serum Oestradiol - 177pmol/L Reference Range 99. Anastrozole dosing is increased if estrogen is above the normal range for males, and lowered if it is undetectable. 5d constant mid/high 20’s e2. Children—Use and dose must be determined by your doctor. They have much much higher levels of estrogen than we do to begin with. 25, 1/4th, or quarter of arimidex/anestrosole tablet. 5mg arimidex 2x a week. Trt and arimidex. High e2 causes low libido and ED. It was quick too, like within ~2 days of skipping Arimidex, everything was in full-swing. Getting new lab results this week. They drew them one day before my trough due to other bloods I had to get done. Feb 1, 2024 · weight loss. 5D, preferably EOD to match anastrozole half life for stable levels. So, most of Anastrozoles effects will be felt in the first 48 hours. Most of the arimidex side effects that are considered harmful are actually side effects from lowering your estrogen too much. 50 … each time I pin . If you need ai for trt your trt dosage is too high usually. 5mg of arimidex, and 1000iu of HCG. I was at 46 two days ago when I got labs (drew blood on Wednesday, I normally take my arimidex on Thursdays). So you would have noticeable difference in e2 levels after just a few hours. 5mg twice a week. Arimidex 0. I was on aromasin, watched my e2 skyrocket to over 90 (normal range is 39 max at Quest), and switched to arimidex. These lists don’t include all possible side effects. Compounds. • 10 yr. I naturally developed gyno before I started steroids so I assume I convert to estrogen more so than others. 5mg arimidex twice a week on 125mg/wk. I've done lower doses without an AI and normal e2 levels and just didn't feel that great. Anastrozole is used to treat early hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. TRT help On 150mg test e, e2 Half the dose, inject at least E3. However, this is all anecdotal - so take it with a grain of salt. half of the amount of T. Low dose aromasin is a much better option if you truly need an AI. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Seems reasonable to assume that since this a a trt board that anyone who answered was also on trt . 25mg after each injection would be a much better place to start rather than 1mg once per week. Crazy gas, diarrhea, nausea and stomach pains. For patients with advanced breast cancer, ARIMIDEX should be continued until tumor progression. no pumps in the gym. Some people wont even need an AI on 500mg, personally i need 0. Been on TRT for 9 weeks now, bloods are from 8 weeks. Hard to say how your body will respond. If you can afford it some primo or Masteron it can take care of some estrogenic sides. The only true way to know your real e2 numbers are bloods, and then dose accordingly. You absolutely do not want crashed estrogen. I’m 3 weeks into a 400mg per week “blast” and I just now needed to take 0. If it continues, you can then either lower the dosage of whichever androgens youre taking (example: anadrol) or continue to take the antiestrogen as needed if necessary. 25mg of Arimidex every other day. Generally if you're not running more than around 400mg of test every week you don't need an AI. Anastrozole has a 48 hour half life. 25mg today. 5 days, so 150 mg. So the group received 100mg of Test E per week and 1mg The 1mg dose per day is for women. Ohg perhaps that's the problem. ARIMIDEX can be taken with or without food. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. Big one being weaken joints, metabolism issues, low test, sexual dysfunctions. 0 DEX every 7 to 8 days,then get your blood work done in 4 to 6 weeks and you'll be on track,, if your E2 is really low don't NSFW. This thread is archived. When used for this purpose, Arimidex is typically introduced in week two of the cycle and taken for the entire length of the cycle at 0. Do keep in mind that Anastrozole is still going to have an effect up to 10 days after administration due to the fact it takes 4 to 5 half lives to eliminate the drug. Blood work showed elevations in LH and E2 levels at the bottom range of normal. Arimidex works by inhibiting the enzyme aromatase, which converts androgens (such as testosterone) into estrogen. My estrogen was still out of range on 1mg adex eod for an entire month. The usual Apr 25, 2024 · Official answer. Get the information you need to make informed decisions about your bodybuilding journey. That said, 2mg Anastrozole every week feels high to me. It has bad effects on the liver, lipid levels, neurotransmitters and can cause autoimmune diseases. I was on 75mg every 3. ago. Apr 22, 2024 · The dose of ARIMIDEX is one 1 mg tablet taken once a day. I'm 6' 2" 210 with 5 years under my belt of serious lifting. For oral dosage form (tablets): For breast cancer: Adults—1 milligram (mg) once a day. Nipples are no longer sensitive though, so that’s a plus lol. 75mg 2x / week with a pin of 80mg 2x / week. Side effects that tend to come on quickly include hot flashes, nausea, vomiting, headache, and pain. or 50mg/day Clomid for the first week, then 25mg/day for the remaining. Unfortunately I am not able to access current blood work as of now however I would like a little advice whether to start arimidex, same with tamxifen I'm paranoid about crashing my estrogen levels but do want to stop gyno growth so what sort of dosage should I take to prevent considerable gyno growth (like 0. 25mg once per week dropped me from 72 to 60 on E2 but I was on 200mg test cyp once per week. During it, i would take 0. If it isn't reduced, testosterone and estradiol levels can reach abnormally heights. On 300mg test-e. Acts very fast as well. Check out r/PEDs or r/steroids, they both have ask anything style beginner threads every week. 6 - 31. Some people say that you should take it right away . [Discussion] Anastrazole. 25 2-3 x per week depending on symptoms. Feel absolutely terrible. The pros of taking it 24 hours after testosterone injection include immediate suppression of aromatase activity. Estradiol has a half life of only a few hours. The goal of these threads is to gather a wide variety of user experiences and feedback. Have it on hand, get some blood work done 5 or 6 weeks in to see how your estrogen is going, or if you start to experience side effects Reply More posts from r/moreplatesmoredates Dec 14, 2018 · Notwithstanding the foregoing, some physicians do treat men on TRT with high estradiol levels by co-administering anastrozole (brand name Arimidex) with TRT at 0. I was thinking of taking arimidex at either 0. how much arimidex should i be taking with 50mg dbol ed and 500mg test every week? Get the Reddit app Arimidex dose help . Anastrazole prevents the formation of estrogen by blocking the aromtase enzyme from converting testosterone to estradiol. Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction to Arimidex (hives, difficult breathing, swelling in your face or throat) or a severe skin reaction (fever, sore throat, burning eyes, skin pain, red or purple skin rash with blistering and peeling). 125mg twice per week, now up to 1mg twice a week. In studies done, its said that anastrazole or arimidex cause SERIOUS health concerns in men. Don't take the anastrozole for now. Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. I have used Arimidex for several months and found the following: Easy to crash Estrogen levels. What is the dose you are currently on and how did it change your levels? I'm seeing 1mg pills of Arimidex. Pharma adex is in 1 mg tabs, pharma asin is in 25 mg tabs. Personally unless your bf percentage is already high throw it away… 20% bf you shouldnt even mess with trt. 5D along with my 60mg Test E (120 weekly total). I am experiencing low libido and asked my doctor for AI. 125mg, although it is a very small fraction of the pill (1/8), is more than plenty to settle when feeling emotional. 25 twice per week (or something in the middle). The answer is: no long-term data available. Arimidex works, but it can be a real pain in the ass to get dialed in without experiencing side effects. I would like to lower my estradiol by 50%. Anastrozole is commonly used with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to control estrogen levels and minimize potential side effects. I was on way too high of Arimidex dosage and it had horrible side effects, hair loss, anxiety, sleep issues, etc. I just had labs done and the results were: Testosterone, serum: 1077 (348-1197) Estradiol, sensitive: <3 Obviously I need to reduce my arimidex. Haemoglobin estimation - 176g/L Reference Range 135 - 180. Based on this and my latest e2 test my doc just prescribed me Arimidex at 1mg every day. Thoughts on Arimidex Dosage while on Gel. I don't want to crash my e2 obviously, but that level is too high to leave it alone. I always do armidex (0. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. . Like Arimidex, Aromasin comes as tablets that you swallow. 25mg per/WK??) High levels of prolactin usually means low levels of dopamine and vice-versa. 9nmol/L (717ng/dL) Reference Range - 7. Try that if not, reduce to once a week a week as close to your injection day as possible. I started a superdrol cycle 1. 0 mg every 1 – 3 days. 25mg in two weeks and then bring my test dose back down. In terms of sexual functioning, dopamine is the fuel for the fire. It is also used for first-line treatment of hormone receptor-positive or hormone receptor-unknown advanced or metastatic (cancer that has spread) breast cancer. Is body weight relevant here? 188lbs here, 20% bf per the impedance scale. 5mg every 3 days. No matter what dose of test I take I aromatize like a champ . Won’t be touching it again until I feel I absolutely need to. I take it every morning, along with a multivitamin, just because that seems convenient. knee pain and shoulder pain, also golfers elbow. Dopamine is not the 'pleasure' hormone, it is the 'motivation & movement' hormone. My previous testosterone level was 12. This dose is enough to fix this and have a clear mind for the rest of the week. It is very powerful. I've been on doctor prescribed TRT for a couple of months now with no AI and developed some sensitive nips and gyno. 5mg total for an extremely high “TRT” wink wink dose over the course of about two months. Nov 1, 2023 · The drug exemestane ( Aromasin) is another type of hormone therapy used to treat certain types of breast cancer. 25 or . Arimidex may be prescribed to treat certain forms of early, advanced, and metastatic breast cancer. -Have any of you experienced similar? I pin on Mondays and Thursdays. This seems like a massive dose. 50 arimidex, that would be about 1. I've been B&C for 6 years. Mesterolone is a bioavailable oral DHT derivative (non-methylated and non-toxic). So glad I found "PCTGET365" in Google and got clom and nolva for pct. 25mg arimidex today and will do so e3d and test again Anastrozole has a 48 hour half life and it takes 4 to 5 half lives to eliminate a drug. Arimidex is only approved by the Food and Arimidex- upper dosage limits? been on 500mg test e for 12 weeks, with . Best bet run the protocol for a bit then check bloods. I'd start at 0. Doc originally had me at 300mg every two weeks, I only did that the first shot. I am 46y old. I would highly recommend getting blood work done to see where your E2 is. Symptoms I’ve been told is mood swings and/or nipple tenderness. If anyone on this forum had high estradiol and has experience with Arimidex at doses less than 1 mg, please let me know how much it lowered your estradiol. I take 12. 25mg of anastrozole. (Take note, I have found that I aromatize heavily) Make sure the other AI is clear of your system before taking aromasin. Anastrozole is an aromatase-inhibiting drug that comes in the form of a pill and is taken orally. Keep adex as it is with the new dose and retest in six weeks. So what happens is you'll dose . It has a long Half-Life unlike aromasin, and Arimidex will not Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. noticing increased aromatization even though tbol doesn’t aromatize (more free test circulating bc orals hog the AR?). I already inject daily and try to eat healthy. It's harder to screw up with aromasin The result of this is that the dose of testosterone you take for TRT may need to be substantially reduced. 50mg / day for 3 wks is considered sufficient for Clomid. Arimidex comes in one 1 day ago · Dosage for early breast cancer, advanced breast cancer, and metastatic breast cancer. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. felt good. Testosterone injections peak 24 hours after injection. 5mg/week will be way too high of a dose on this protocol. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. If you undershoot the dose the impact is less than overshooting it. I have read that 1 mg lowers estradiol by about 70% in two weeks and then up to 80%. I read that the average dosage was . yellow eyes and skin. Many doctors do 250mg a week, some even do 300. " Arimidex dose Latest bloods have come back with high E2 (247 pmol) with a test level of 35 nmol Clearly that’s high and must be aromotising more than ideally . 1. Tamoxifen was much more effective, however, in the prevention of gynecomastia in these men [69,70]. This provides a useful archive for new users, and for experienced users researching a new compound. ks oy yd st ya bg xh pv lu tn