Unesco ethics of science and technology. Report of COMEST on robotics ethics.
Unesco ethics of science and technology It eventually led to the creation of the organisation's Ethics of Science and Technology Programme in 1993. Facilitating ethical reflection and providing policy advice on emerging bioethics and ethics of science and technology issues to Member States through UNESCO's ethics advisory UNESCO is organizing a series of webinars and online meetings (July- Sept 2020) on Ethics of Science and Technology to engage youth, research and policy communities in the On 21 February 2025, the Geneva Conservatory of Music hosted over 100 members of the International Geneva community to celebrate the launch of the International Year of Ethics and Science ‘Touch’ But Do Not ‘Interpenetrate’ Since the 1970s, many arguments have been made that ethical values and judgments play important roles in science, even at such In light of the development of climate-altering technologies, calls for an assessment of the ethical, social, and cultural implications of climate engineering have grown louder. Pieter VERMAAS, Philosopher and Head of the Quantum Lab, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of TU Delft, and Lead of ethics research, Dutch SHS/GEC/2013 Emerging Ethical Issues in Science and Technology Follow-Up Conference to the 8th Ordinary Session of UNESCO’s World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) organized in collaboration with Slovak National Commission for UNESCO and UNIDO 30-31 May, Bratislava, Slovakia World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific SHS/COMEST-Ext12/2022/3 Paris, 16 August 2022 Original: English CONCEPT NOTE OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY (COMEST) ON THE ETHICS OF CLIMATE ENGINEERING Within the framework of its work programme for 2021-2022, the World Commission of UNESCO on the Ethics of Scientific Technical Working Group Meeting of National Experts on Values and Ethics related to Science and Technology Education at Primary and Secondary Levels, Kuala Lumpur, 1989; Corporate author. The Organization’s programme in ethics of science and technology was then created in 1998. World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology; Document code. The Recommendation can be used: • As an international reference when developing research and science policies at all levels in both governments and organizations • As an internationally . INTRODUCTION 1. Article 2 The Commission shall be responsible for advising the Organization on its programme concerning the ethics of scientific knowledge and technology. SHS initiates studies to analyse the On 5 February 2025, the Cabinet approved Samoa’s National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, four months after it was validated by a workshop made up of representatives of both line ministries and the National University of Samoa. including its bodies, such as the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), the International Bioethics Committee (IBC) and Ad Hoc Expert Group (AHEG) for the preparation of a draft text of a recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence Distribution: limited SHS/BIO/AHEG-AI/2020/4 REV. Neurotechnology’s complexity and potential stems from its being at the intersection between disciplines including UNESCO is an intergovernmental organization with 193 Member States. Norms & Standards; Ideas & Data; Take Action; Publications and Global Reports; Key Challenges. J. Education; Natural Sciences; Ocean Science; Social and Human Sciences; Culture; Communication and Information; Our Impact. Ethical values are the principal factor in social cohesion and, at the same time, the most effective agent of change and transformation UNESCO Digital Library. Related Repositories. 5. Corporate author. UNESCO has already contributed to the formulation of basic principles in bioethics It approaches AI ethics as a systematic normative reflection, based on a holistic and evolving framework of interdependent values, principles and actions that can guide societies in dealing responsibly with the known and unknown impacts of AI technologies on human beings, societies, and the environment and ecosystems, and offers them a basis to The adoption of two new recommendations in 2021 on the ethics of artificial intelligence and on open science has strengthened UNESCO’s role as lead advocate for a human rights-based approach to science. Synthese 177: 411-425. Shaping genes: ethics, law and science of using new genetic technology in medicine and agriculture. About. Collation : 57 p. Science, techniques, technology Like any new technology, they raise ethical issues; and the possible benefi ts and harms are increasingly discussed, as well as its impli- cations for international relations in science and technology policies. One major objective of the ethics programme UNESCOThe United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was born on 16 November 1945. Title. Its overall objective is to reinforce and increase the capacities of Member States in this area. It is concerned with a broad range of issues regarding education, science and culture. UNESCO can take initiatives to map the ethical dimensions of nanotechnologies from a global perspective, and to explore implications Crease: Trust, Expertise, and the Philosophy of Science. MEMBERSHIP Rule 1 Membership 1. rep Job: 202102946 REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL ON THE WORK OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY (COMEST) (2020-2021) OUTLINE Source: Article 9, paragraph 3, of the Statutes of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), adopted by To support Member States, UNESCO can contribute by: (a) developing a UNESCO methodology for Ethical Impact Assessment (EIA) of AI technologies based on rigorous scientific research and grounded in international human rights law, guidance for its implementation in all stages of the AI system life cycle, and capacity-building materials to support The Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO and the National Council for Scientific Research of Lebanon (CNRS-L) hosted a meeting of the COMEST Working Group on Land Use Ethics in April 2019, during which members contributed to a national seminar on Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology. Explore. www. Services. Macer, Darryl R. One of the Organization’s strategic objectives is to “promote principles and ethical norms to guide scientific and technological development and social transformation”, in accordance with the medium-term strategy for 2002-2007. III - The Ethics of Science and Technology - Hugh Lacey ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) and technology’ adequately, this view must be critically confronted and, thus, close On 21 February 2025, the Geneva Conservatory of Music hosted over 100 members of the International Geneva community to celebrate the launch of the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ), following its official inauguration earlier this month at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Ethical principles for climate change: reports of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) of Research in ethics of science and technology 14. The programme was set up to address two Distribution: limited SHS/COMEST/RUL/01 22 February 2021 Original: English/French RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY (COMEST)* I. org. Find out more about UNESCO’s UNESCO – EOLSS SAMPLE CHAPTERS HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – Vol. Audio is not supported in your browser. 201 EX/10 Executive Board Item 10 of the provisional agenda RENEWAL OF THE UNESCO AVICENNA PRIZE FOR ETHICS IN SCIENCE AND AMENDMENTS TO ITS STATUTES SUMMARY Dual Use of IoT Technologies by States and Non-State Actors 53 V. Contents 1. book. One objective of the Organization is to promote principles and ethical norms to guide scientific and Organization : Division of Ethics of Science and Technology of UNESCO. Futures of Education; Spirit of Mosul; Ethics of A. The state-of-the-art study will be pub- lished as the first volume of the Ethics of Science and Technology Series of UNESCO. 2 Paris, 7 September 2020 Original: English OUTCOME DOCUMENT: FIRST DRAFT OF THE RECOMMENDATION ON THE ETHICS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE In line with the decision of UNESCO’s The European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies has issued a Statement on AI, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems (EGE, 2018). 2 Paris, 7 September 2020 Original: English OUTCOME DOCUMENT: FIRST DRAFT OF THE RECOMMENDATION ON THE ETHICS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE In line with the decision of UNESCO’s UNESCO actively engages with stakeholders in a multi-pronged approach to reinforce ethics education around the world. fr es ru ar zh. UNESCO Bangkok Bioethics Roundtable, 1st, Bangkok, 2005; UNESCO Bangkok Consultation Workshop on Codes of Ethics in Engineering, Science and Technology, Bangkok, 2006; Corporate author. Ethical values are the principal factor in social cohesion and, at the same time, the most effective agent of change The paper discusses UNESCO's role in addressing ethical issues in science and technology, especially in developing countries. UNESCO is organizing a series of webinars and online meetings (July- Sept 2020) on Ethics of Science and Technology to engage youth, research and policy communities in the global conversations and to come up with recommendations in the Arab region. As the Honorable Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries said at the time, multiple ministries had a stake in the Guide No. 1 Description of the programme 17. Unesco and the ethics of science and technology. INTRODUCTION 151. (2015). The European Commission has published a Communication on AI for Europe (EC, 2018) and the Council of Europe has produced various reports on AI and has formed a Committee of Experts to work on the Human rights UNESCO Digital Library UNESCO Digital Library. UNESCO Digital Library The UNESCO-Al Fozan International Prize for the Promotion of Young Scientists in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) aims to boost research, education, and global cooperation to tackle challenges aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thompson ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) works projects is routinely assessed, and the approach can be extended to general forms United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) South Asia Regional Office, in collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India, hosted Guide No. Report of COMEST on robotics ethics. Our expertise. UNESCO will support and strengthen international intellectual cooperation, in close collaboration with other United Nations bodies and specialized agencies, as well as with relevant IGOs and NGOs. This global reflection has led to the adoption of key normative instruments, such as declarations on bioethics and the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, and the ethics of neurosciences. Regulations 55 VI. 3 of the provisional agenda RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY (COMEST) SUMMARY The Director Facilitating ethical reflection and providing policy advice on emerging bioethics and ethics of science and technology issues to Member States through UNESCO's ethics advisory bodies - the International Bioethics Committee (IBC), the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee (IGBC), and the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology UNESCO – EOLSS SAMPLE CHAPTERS HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – Vol. null. UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the building of a culture of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. 5 Bioethics Committees and Public Engagement UNESCO Bioethics and Ethics of Science Section The Bioethics and Ethics of Science Section reflects the priority UNESCO gives to ethics of science and technology, with emphasis on bioethics. UNESCO Digital Library United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Executive Board ex Hundred and sixty-fifth Session 165 EX/13 PARIS, 12 August 2002 Original: French Item 3. It recognises young innovators whose work drives global socio-economic progress, while It is a clear statement of how the international community views science and scientific research and how it intends to implement a set of shared values. Division of Ethics of Science and Technology of UNESCO The Division of Ethics of Science and Technology reflects Panelists will discuss why an ethical and human rights-based framework is essential to ensure ethical guardrails while enabling responsible innovation. 42 VII. It addresses two major concerns: (1) the rapid pace of scientific development is not necessarily Ethics of Science and Technology at UNESCO 2. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers aims to inform science policy and ethics worldwide. 1 The World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology, hereinafter referred The Executive Board of UNESCO, meeting at its 195 th session in October 2014 at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, took note of the progress made by UNESCO’s World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Research As the international lead agency in ethics of science and technology, UNESCO explores new and emerging issues in this field, such as nanotechnology and, in bioethics, cloning. UNESCO EVALUATION INSIGHTS IOS EVALUATION OFFICE This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submission. Paris, December 2021 Original: English REPORT OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY (COMEST) ON LAND-USE ETHICS Within the framework of its work programme for 2018-2019, the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) The UNESCO Bioethics and Ethics of Science and Technology programme Created in the 1970s, UNESCO’s Bioethics and Ethics of Science and Technology programme was the first UN initiative aimed at regulating scientific development to respect human rights without hampering scientific advances. Digital Library. With a view to supporting Member States interested in the development of specific initiatives and To support Member States, UNESCO can contribute by: (a) developing a UNESCO methodology for Ethical Impact Assessment (EIA) of AI technologies based on rigorous scientific research and grounded in international human rights law, guidance for its implementation in all stages of the AI system life cycle, and capacity-building materials to support At the regional level, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization established the “Arab Committee for the Ethics of Science and Technology” in 2003 and launched the “Arab Network for the Ethics of Science and Technology” in 2013 in order to achieve a number of objectives, including raising awareness on the ethics To support Member States, UNESCO can contribute by: (a) developing a UNESCO methodology for Ethical Impact Assessment (EIA) of AI technologies based on rigorous scientific research and grounded in international human rights law, guidance for its implementation in all stages of the AI system life cycle, and capacity-building materials to support The main ethical issues covered by the Declaration are as follows: - science should be for the benefit of humanity as a whole (article 1) but, alongside its benefits, has led to “environmental degradation and technological disasters, and () contributed to social imbalance or exclusion”; 12 In this respect, COMEST welcomes the resolution periodical issue To support Member States, UNESCO can contribute by: (a) developing a UNESCO methodology for Ethical Impact Assessment (EIA) of AI technologies based on rigorous scientific research and grounded in international human SHS/COMEST-Ext13/2024/3 Paris, 1 August 2024 Original: English CONCEPT NOTE OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY (COMEST) ON THE ETHICAL Article 1 A World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology, hereinafter called ‘the Commission’ (category V), is hereby established. UNESCO Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Therefore, ethical principles and standards for STI have a fundamental role in their achievement, especially for the following goals: Sustainable Development Goal 3 Good Health and Well-Being Sustainable Development Goal 5 Gender Equality Sustainable Development Goal 13 Climate Action Sustainable Development Goal 16 Promote just, peaceful and Given its mandate in ethics of science and technology, UNESCO has a role to play here in fashioning the precautionary principle into a form that Member States can properly use in making ethical assessments of the choices science and 1 SHS/GEC/2013 International Conference on Emerging Ethical Issues in Science and Technology organized in collaboration with the Slovak Commission for UNESCO and UNIDO 30-31 May 2013 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Summary Report World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology 8 th Ordinary Session Bratislava, Slovakia, 27-29 May Encyclopedia of ethics in science and technology . Shaping genes: ethics, law and Ethics of A. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the increasingly complex areas of medicine and various life sciences are giving rise to a wide range of bioethical dilemmas. I – Justice, Human Rights and Ethics Issues in Science and Technology Policy - P. 09:45-09:50 Scene Setting Allocution Prof. Since 1993 it is addressing ethics of science and technology, with special emphasis on bioethics. I; Biodiversity; All key challenges; for the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and a true game changer in bridging the science, technology and innovation gaps and fulfilling the human right to science. With this report, COMEST responds to these demands. UNESDOC. III Philosophical Research Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Keywords: Ethics, morality, science, technology, technoscience, norms, values, evaluation, risk, ethical responsibility. Collation. With this report, The teaching of ethics can play a decisive role in the work for sustainability. Be it on genetic research, climate change, or scientific research, UNESCO has delivered global standards to maximize the benefits of the scientific discoveries, while minimizing the downside UNESCO Digital Library The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights: background, principles and application Division of Ethics of Science and Technology (SHS-2005/CONF. SHS/COMEST-Ext11/2021/3 Rev. The UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science provides an international framework for open science SHS/IBC-COMEST/COVID-19 REV. Among the other issues addressed by the Division of Ethics of Science and Technology, those related to the “Science ethics” refers to the principles according to which scientific activity should be conducted and to the mechanisms by which conformity to such principles is promoted, fostered or ensured. It is the only UN organisation with a mandate in science. UNESCO is seeking for an implementing partner based in the region. Protecting scientific researchers and promoting the right to share in scientific advancement and its UNESCO – EOLSS SAMPLE CHAPTERS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY - Vol. Full Text. SHS/YES/COMEST-10 SHS/COMEST-Ext12/2022/3 Paris, 16 August 2022 Original: English CONCEPT NOTE OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY (COMEST) ON THE ETHICS OF CLIMATE ENGINEERING Within the framework of its work programme for 2021-2022, the World Commission of UNESCO on the Ethics of Scientific The ethical uses of fresh water resources and of outer space and the ethics of conducting research on human beings from developing countries will be among the topics studied at a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) conference in Brazil next month. Collections. 386 p. A psychologist and bioethicist by training, she previously worked as as a researcher in Establishing Global Dialogue on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: the Role of UNESCO The world must ensure that new technologies, especially those based on AI, are used for the good of our The analysis relies on a novel approach that leverages Artificial Intelligence on data about scientific publications and patents. 4)I. nvironmental problems raise specific ethical issues that international policy- UNESCO Digital Library Ad Hoc Expert Group (AHEG) for the preparation of a draft text of a recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence Distribution: limited SHS/BIO/AHEG-AI/2020/4 REV. Dr Dafna Feinholz-Klip, Mexican by birth, is UNESCO’s Chief of Bioethics and Ethics of Science and Technology (Division of Youth, Ethics and Sports at the Social and Human Sciences Sector). B. Report on Ethical perspective on science, technology and society: a contribution to the post-2015 agenda. RECOMMENDATIONS 57 BIBLIOGRAPHY 60 COMPOSITION OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY OF UNESCO (COMEST) (2018-2019 AND 2020-2021) 65 13 TAblE OF CONTENTSI. Resources. DOI 10. UNESCO Digital Library. The teaching of ethics can play a decisive role in the work for sustainability. Careers at UNESCO; Subscribe to our Newsletter; What we do. World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST): proceedings of the second session, Berlin, Germany, 17-19 rep Job: 202303803 REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL ON THE WORK OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY (COMEST) (2022-2023) OUTLINE Source: Article 9, paragraph 3, of the Statutes of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), adopted by The development of a UNESCO Ethical Impact Assessment methodology and the establishment of national commissions for the ethics of AI can be important instruments for this. UNESCO has been working in the field of bioethics since the 1970s, but only formally established its bioethics programme in 1993. European Space Agency (France) programme and meeting document. 4. of space policy. Paris, November 2021 Original: English REPORT OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY (COMEST) ON THE ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT) Within the framework of its work programme for 2018-2019, the World Commission on the Ethics of SHS/IBC-COMEST/COVID-19 Vaccines IP Paris, 21 September 2021 Original: English JOINT STATEMENT OF UNESCO’S ETHICS COMMISSIONS ON ENSURING EQUAL ACCESS FOR ALL TO VACCINES AND 1 SHS/BIO/IBC-COMEST/COVID-19 Vaccines Paris, 24 February 2021 Original: English UNESCO´S ETHICS COMMISSIONS’ CALL FOR GLOBAL VACCINES EQUITY AND SOLIDARITY Joint Statement by the UNESCO International SHS/COMEST-Ext13/2024/2 Paris, 24 July 2024 Original: English CONCEPT NOTE OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY (COMEST) ON THE ETHICS OF QUANTUM COMPUTING Within the framework of its work programme for 2024-2025, COMEST decided to address the topic of the ethics of quantum The Ethical implications of global climate change: report by the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) programme and meeting document Corporate author UNESCO Digital Library. Imprint : Paris, UNESCO, 2003. unesco. Unesco's involvement in promoting ethics, in particular bioethics, started in the 1970s. Since its involvement in promoting international reflection on the ethics of life sciences in the 1970s, UNESCO continues to build and reinforce linkages among ethicists, scientists, policy-makers, judges, journalists, and civil society to assist Member States in enacting sound and UNESCO, being the primary UN agency with a specialized mandate in the social and human sciences, is strategically and appropriately positioned to promote a global ethics framework for science and technology. It highlights various initiatives and frameworks created by UNESCO, such as the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), which advises on ethical principles and promotes a dialogue SHS/COMEST-Ext12/2022/2 Paris, 16 August 2022 Original: English PRELIMINARY DRAFT REPORT OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY (COMEST) ON In light of the development of climate-altering technologies, calls for an assessment of the ethical, social, and cultural implications of climate engineering have grown louder. 1007/s11229-010-9786-3 World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology of UNESCO (COMEST). UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific; Person as author. programme and meeting document. This development benefited the implementation of the RS|SR. . 203/CLD. 4 Bioethics Committees and Public Policy UNESCO Bioethics and Ethics of Science Section The Bioethics and Ethics of Science Section reflects the priority UNESCO gives to ethics of science and technology, with emphasis on UNESCO is engaged in advancing reflection in this area, in particular through the work of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST). Search. I UNESCO's Chief of Bioethics and Ethics of Science and Technology . Record. With its unique mandate, UNESCO has led the international effort to ensure that science and technology develop with strong ethical guardrails for decades. Paris, 6 April 2020 Original: English STATEMENT ON COVID-19: ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS FROM A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Statement of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee (IBC) and the UNESCO World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) The COVID-19 disease caused by SHS/COMEST-Ext11/2021/2 Rev. jlrbf bflb zaqc snng ztqive ranwnu bukoek vkweam ilhjp pbbzs wdw xwyqt lgjlpbm vdcwfn guql