Reddit aita childfree

So these aren't technically my friends, they just run in my rather large circles. I want to share something that happened to me today. AITA for uninviting our childfree friend from a girls vacation because she was upset another friend was bringing her daughter? One of my friends (Ashley) has a daughter that is turning 3 soon. Unpopular opinion: I don't think OP is TA. NTA he stated before he wouldn't look after your child, and now is mad that you would not let him do it, like what the fuck. If the kids who'd have to be invited are quiet/nice/well behaved, etc. When I visit my sister, every waking moment is accompanied with a child in my face. NTA for wanting a childfree wedding. Btw my child is the only one under 18 in our family(and in the groom's family) so she is the only one being excluded. If she doesn’t have kids and regrets the decision, well, it’s her sister’s fault for “not being supportive enough”, putting down having children, “convincing” her that kids are a burden, etc. She is, like, aggressively childfree. then there wouldn't be a need to ban all kids. AITA for refusing to have a fully child-free wedding? Asshole. I am a (30M) and am marrying the love of my life (28F) in December of 2023, and we are in the crazy mess of figuring out wedding invitations. Your mom is manipulative and she has no right to guilt you. Apparantly her husbands parents (my sisters in-laws) had been in a nasty car crash, and they suspected that her FIL had some r/AmItheAsshole. Say both couples make $50,000 a year after tax. How you choose to convey these feelings most assuredly could lead to assholery. But of course the world being what it is, most of my friends have kids. If he wants the two kids there, let the two kids come and say no to the others. I was her MOH. And considering I’m an only child, and my husband and I are childfree, he is likely to be the only grandkid in my parents’ life and they dote on him accordingly. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of Depends on how you communicate/or don't with them about your feelings. First, they parentified you. Yesterday we got her wedding invitation and to my surprise it said that the wedding is childfree and my child isn't invited. Putting your children out of their beds so that an adult can drink too much and act like a clown is an unreasonable request. Additionally, we are putting a fair bit of money into our wedding and paying for everyone who attends, thus keeping headcounts low. Your future husband and you get to set the rules. My sister said that no children would be allowed at her wedding as they are loud and noisy. AITA For bringing my daughter to a childfree wedding? I, 32F, have a 15yo daughter. I genuinely find it fucking hilarious. My point is, people like us are always the asshole, and it's exhausting to always be this angry about it. That's why it isn't extreme, because otherwise it's not fair to the parents who followed the rules. Yesterday around 6pm my sister called me, and asked me to watch her kids for the night. I can't drive, either, but my husband can, as can my older sister. I actually found Reddit because of AITA on Facebook. Absolutely NTA. My wife stays at home with the kids and keeps saying that she just wants to rent a hotel room for the night with me and just get away for a few hours, which is fine, except we need somebody to babysit. If the roles were reversed here and the other siblings and OP were childfree and the sister had kids, OP split the costs with the siblings, but refused to split the costs for sister's kids, we'd say she's NTA- her money her choice and she's not obligated to pay for someone else's kids. You aren't an asshole for refusing to have children, nor are you an asshole for making it very clear that you never intend to have children. exhausted. My sister has two kids aged 4 and 1. And kids at a wedding isn't an all or nothing thing. They brought it up when they visited at my home and I knew they weren't going to stop so I'd made flash cards in advance with the phrase "the wedding is childfree, period" and pulled them out and started slowly showing them the flash cards one by one in this order: AITA for telling my entire family that my [32f] cousin's [30f] childfree wedding isn't 100% childfree and refusing to attend? I need some insight to see if I’m in the wrong because I really don’t feel like I am. I (23) also don't have children but my partner & I hope to have some in the My (30sM) sister (30sF) is having her wedding at the tail-end of October, and she has decided, understandably, that she doesn't want any children to be at the wedding, which is perfectly fine. She's a single mom, though, and had no one to watch her kids. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. I’m not new to childfree weddings but what has me frustrated is the fact that there will be children in the wedding. Your future stepson. I do have a circle of childfree friends that I love, but none of them hate kids to the level that I do. If you are staunchly childfree and are not a nurturer, it's not fair to you or the kid to "parent them" in a situation where the kid isn't biologically yours. Calling children "crotchfruit," talking r/AmItheAsshole. I enjoyed reading them (even the obvious fakes) but I’ve found I kind of especially enjoy feeding the trolls and inciting their madness over parenting/kid related posts. . Other options exist for your SIL such as a binge at her own home. I adore her so much, I wouldn’t be the person I am today if she wasn’t in my life and honestly, those homes creep me the fuck out. For context, I have 3 brothers: Otis (37M) who is married to Gina (34F) with 2 kids; Carl (34M) who is married to Nancy (28F) also with 2 kids; and Yuri (32M) who is NTA at all. Context: I (F, 22) and my common law partner (M, 23) of a year and a half recently got a call from my Sister in law (F, 32). I've had several friendships end over the years because so many people think their kids are special and the exception. . To be honest, it seems like OP plans on blaming her sister either way. He’s almost a teenager, he’ll understand that you can’t talk during a wedding. Hey peeps. One of my friends brought their 1-yr-old to a New Year's Eve party and set him down in front of a kid's video and of course spent most of the evening tending No matter how understanding people are about the wedding being childfree, if people show up with kids and your husband let's the kids stay, some parents will be quite unhappy that they had to make arrangements and possibly pay for care. So, my husband (27) and I got married the first weekend of september. So hi, 36F here, planning to get sterilized this year. Alex plans on having her and her FH’s [33M] nieces and nephews at their wedding. My husband has a younger sister (SIL, 35f) who has two children (8f-6f). Edit: She has an entire 4 day itinerary planned with like 6 events that she expects to all be childfree. Go to AmITheAngel. Because of course she is! But she talks ALL THE TIME about how hard it is to be a mom and the insane amount of work she puts in taking care of her kids, and how her body is trashed. Sounds like your sister and cousin just wanted a kid-free weekend and made the Reddit-common mistake of thinking the childfree person would be ever so happy to babysit, for free of course! That “dont think of it as babysitting but opportunity to spend time with them” was telling imo. I'm childfree myself, but people who are so vitriolic about children and making hating children their core personality trait just make me think of villains from children's movies and books. Despite this she made an effort to keep 33f up to date in I again said no and explained that the wedding is childfree. NTA, this situation is not your responsibility and you should not have to spend your spare time babysitting for free for people who can’t afford a sitter. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. AITA for not congratulating my sister on her pregnancy? I honestly don't understand why everyone thinks I am the asshole here so I thought I'd ask internet strangers I (25F) went back home to visit my family before the holidays. Is it fine for the childfree kid to feel slighted? Yeah, feelings are feelings and they're valid. The president, whom I was friends with in high school, keeps repeating that the “majority I [32F] just received an invite to my cousin Alex’s [30F] wedding. Not wanting to be around/hear about/have anything to do with offspring does not make an asshole. Honestly this post is sooooo above the aita paygrade, but the op does not appear to empathize with her sisters feelings and that makes her an AH imo. AITA for refusing to go to a child free wedding if my son can’t go : r/AmItheAsshole. Yeah, I think a lot of "childfree" weddings are because someone in the family has kids/adults like this and they know darned well if they all come, everything goes to hell. This is less am I the asshole and more… am I over reacting and what should I do cuz I’m seeing red. What a hypocrite Josh is. My two older sisters (32, 30) both have kids. John isn’t a very supportive friend, he poked and poked and poked at you, and I think your reaction was justified. It's my SIL who wants this to be a childfree thing against the wishes of like 95% of our family and still have my parents foot the bill. The kids are (3F) and (1M). I don't know what to say. You probably should have stuck with the 25 guest total reason and not elaborated with the kids part unless the reception was allowing more than 25 people and there was a possibility of having kids there. A former high school classmate recently created a Facebook group for our graduating class. Out of everyone I hang out with I can't say I've ever hung out with either this couple one on one. SO not your problem. She and her husband are, in my opinion, pretty strict with their daughters. I'm happily childfree and really don't like children that much-- the smaller they are, the more useless I find them. I have other friends that are having or have had kids, and I have to pretend like I don't find them absolutely unbearable. I brought my 15yo daughter because her aunt was getting married and she wanted to wish her well! AITA for telling my brother having a childfree wedding is bullsh*t and the only reason anyone showed up to his engagement was for to make fun of him behind his back Not the A-hole I’ve had a few drinks and I’m extremely pissed off so please don’t judge my grammar AITA for not wanting my child-free sister-in-law to babysit? No A-holes here. NTA, I hate people that are pushy about big life choices. Everyone loves her, and most of us in the group agree that we wish to have kids someday. My little sister is Autistic as well, me and you differ on this because I want to be the guardian of my little sister when the time comes. Our 20 year reunion is in a couple of years, and so people got to chatting about plans, along with our class president. Center of the family should have his kids in attendance because they're special being his kids. She has a boyfriend, a gentleman who should be around 70, who has adult children Posted by u/AITArainbow2016 - 20,973 votes and 4,322 comments My coworker is a mom of 2 toddlers and her & her husband both work full time (50+ hr weeks) as healthcare providers with me. ADMIN MOD. My child is 17yo, going 18 soon. AITA for calling my SIL a "dictator" for her parenting style after my son was excluded from a "childfree" wedding? I (32f) have a son (9m). I can’t picture my sister being in one of those homes. edit -- I sleepily clicked on reddit this morning and was flabbergasted to see that this comment blew up in this way. Good luck! Also, r/antinatalism may be a space for you. r/AmItheAsshole. That made me laugh. For context, I have 3 brothers: Otis (37M) who is married to Gina (34F) with 2 kids; Carl (34M) who is married to Nancy (28F) also with 2 kids; and Yuri (32M) who is married to Betty (30F) who are childfree. 36f told me that when she told 33f she was pregnant the very first thing 33f said was "I'm not babysitting", despite her not asking her to do anything, baby related or otherwise, outside of this. My cousin is childfree and he posts about not having kids being so great because of all the money he has. You really save on the venue by having it on a Tuesday in February. It's not her life, it's not her choice, whether you guys have kids or not. Members Online Favourite comment: “Usually pink dresses are not as desirable beyond the age of 12” 💀 Anyway, sister 3 is having a childfree wedding. but I am a (30M) and am marrying the love of my life (28F) in December of 2023, and we are in the crazy mess of figuring out wedding invitations. r/AmITheAngel. NTA. Wibta if I called out his behavior Anyway, sister 3 is having a childfree wedding. I can't even begin to list all the examples I have of these kinds of expectations, the snide comments, the boundary violations, etc. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. He calls me aunt OP, and he calls my parents grandpa and granny. You have a right to say no. That’s abuse. RogueSlytherin. But they have been desperately trying to have a kid A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. It stated on the invite that the wedding was childfree. This isn’t my typical childfree post… but I don’t know where else to post and I’d rather post here because it’s a childfree event for my childfree meetup, and I post all the time in this subreddit. AITA for having my husband's friend kicked out for bringing his 4 kids to my child-free wedding? Not the A-hole My husband (30) and I (30) got married 2 weeks ago, We decided on a child free wedding due to venue choice, food choice, alcohol, location etc Both my fiance and I are childfree and are wanting to have an adult-only wedding, which is still a year and a half away. He needed to learn that his jokes weren’t funny. AITA: My "friends" had a premmie and I've ran out of empathy. Help keep the sub engaging! r/AmItheAsshole. My brother is just supporting her to make her happy. In case this story gets deleted/removed: AITA for blaming my childfree sister for putting me off having children. AITA for wanting a childfree ceremony? I am a (30M) and am marrying the love of my life (28F) in December of 2023, and we are in the crazy mess of figuring out wedding invitations. She and her husband plan out every moment that my spouse and I are here and it’s all A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. And he’s not 5, he’s 11. It was he right to have a childfree wedding and you enjoy those same rights. He was very happy the kids would have had childcare, and was always going to come to the wedding. frozenqueens. My third sister (27) doesn't and is getting married at the end of the month. local-h. I can't thank you all enough for the rewards, for sharing your experiences and stories with me, for the civil debates happening down below, and for your kind words. She was pregnant, we were happy for her as she had been wanting to be a mother for awhile. They are generally nice, but i don't really want to interact with them beyond the bare minimum. We have an older sister, 36f, who loves kids and has 3 of her own. My fiancé and I are in 100% agreement with this, and everyone else in the bridal party isn't as hostile about it, so I'm asking: AITA for wanting a childfree ceremony? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. We all get it, now that Josh has kids everything is totally different because he's a parent now so of course Mr. AITA for wanting a Childfree Reunion. My fiance has expressed that she wants a child-free wedding, which I am all down for but I want to make one expectation, my son (15M), i had him So many childfree wedding folks seem to think declaring a childfree wedding somehow negates the existence of your guests' children for the duration of the wedding. AITA For wanting to stay childfree and not being my SILs insurance policy? Not the A-hole. Lmao so many times these stories are “I was totally reasonable and said I didn’t want a kid. edit #2 : i came back a little surprised at how many comments this post had received. The thing is he is the poorest member of the family and only works part time. This, however, means that I won't be attending. If you let her bring her kids, it would be a slap in the face to the other parents that weren't allowed to bring their kids. And she is constantly. I (25M) have two kids with my wife (25F). My wife's sister Abby is "childfree. 2. She's 33f and childfree. Then they gaslit you by crying. Aita and childfree are blatantly sexist towards moms and pregnant women : r/AmITheAngel. by R_U_Reddit_2_ramble On an AITA post So I just saw an AITA post that was a woman getting surprised that her husband wanted her to be the SAHM for their kid for the first year despite the fact that she makes three times as much money as him, and would only have 20 weeks maternity leave. Like, if you want to live your life as Miss Trunchbull, Count Olaf, or the Baroness Bomburst of Vulgaria, you do you, but don't be shocked when other people AITA for not going to my brothers child-free wedding because my son wasnt invited (and his cousins were)? Not the A-hole Recently my family were invited to my brothers wedding, me, my husband, our daughter (21) and our son (18), everyone except our younger son (16) because it is a child free wedding. Then, after you kicked them out (your house, your rules), they ignored your boundaries and came back (that’s trespassing). One of my students is a lady who is either 60 or pushing 60, no kids. My fiance has expressed that she wants a child-free wedding, which I am all down for but I want to make one expectation, my son We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Most were thrilled to leave the kids at home but the one with the most kids sent back an angry letter with their invite written in black Sharpie, super upset that her toddlers couldn't come A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. that is literally the experience of most childfree women. " Neither my wife nor I could care less about whether Abby decides to have children, but over the years we have tolerated quite a bit of performative child-hating from her. A place to satirize AITA where you post things where you obviously did nothing wrong and look for validation. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. AITA for having a childfree wedding? I (19F-cup, skinny) got married to the love of my life (39M, skinny but in like a muscly way, was a chemistry teacher at my high school but lost his job for some reason and now makes six figures in tech) last night. ESH. 2) I might be TA because no one else could bring their kids to the wedding and they had to spend money on a babysitter. Anyway, sister 3 is having a childfree wedding. She is not necessary to attend for the wedding to happen. As you can imagine, it's hard to find a babysitter for them on a Part of me wants to go on aita and post a story about: wibta if I called out my cousin for idiotic childfree behavior online. Go to AmItheAsshole. But if you are allowing 2 kids there, you're going to cause dissent, as you have already seen. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I brought my baby to a child-free wedding. RANT. You offered reasonable compromises such as a night on the town and a post-kiddie-bedtime party. AITA kinda post. 15. If you let her bring her kids, you might as well let everyone do it. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have AITA for refusing to have a fully child-free wedding? So i recently proposed to my long-term girlfriend, and we are planning for a wedding in summer next year, everything is still very early stages. I have three young children, 7M, 5F, 3M. A failure to plan on their part does not constitute an emergency on yours! Not your circus, not your monkeys. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. One thing I really want to add but I had a word limit on the update: Otis and I met weeks earlier to discuss, and he absolutely had my back. So, basically, our parents are old farts (lol love them) and can no longer drive. My sister, 35F, got married last week. Thank you for being reasonable and realizing that you are free to make requests but that may mean someone needs to decline. (I'm going abroad for a vacation during the actual holiday season so this was the time that worked out the best for me). I [32F] just received an invite to my cousin Alex’s [30F] wedding. One of my siblings' weddings was childfree purely because the venue charged full price for kids and we had a lot of relatives with kids, and limited space. So i recently proposed to my long-term girlfriend, and we are planning for a wedding in summer next year, everything is still very early stages. AITA for finally poking back at my childfree sister-in-law? Not the A-hole. From the moment I wake up (she thinks it’s cute to send the kids into my room to wake me up at 6:30 every day) to when I go to bed, there is a child constantly around me. My sister is now demanding restitution and an apology for killing her children and crippling her husband - I was able to prevent the cops from arresting me by telling them that I regularly posted on r/childfree and as a childfree, career and goal oriented person, could not reasonably be allowed to suffer the presence of children. The childfree couple has all $50,000 to spend on themselves and a house. We were wanting to have our wedding as a formal and moderately boozy event. We don't really get along. So I'm an English professor but I also teach English for non-speakers. In either case, your wedding, your rules. I'm 40. Can't say I've ever enjoyed their company. The couples with children have much less than that, and they'd need to save more for a bigger house. AITA For refusing to go to my sisters childfree wedding, despite not having kids? Hi Reddit! For some background, I am the youngest of four girls. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. •. When slightly pressured, I reminded them that they were knocked up at 16 by a man in prison who doesn’t pay child support and maybe they shouldn’t be such a stupid fucking slut and try to encroach on my life with simple questions” Yeah, the childfree community has some legitimate gripes too about things like society being too geared toward parents (like when childfree people are told to pick up the slack at work for parents), people who believe that they should be catered to because they are parents, and decisions like sterilization not being respected. Thank you. qp gt cm jz mr ms ph eu nj jw