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Aita for accepting my daughters request

Tricky-Plan-4762. So my boyfriend and I got engaged and everything is going great planning with both sides of the family. Iam 38F married to my husband 42M. So lots of budgeting after I got a job in my field again. AITA for making my daughter accept my boyfriend's apology? Asshole. Story time, when my daughter was a freshman in high school she got friendly with a sophomore girl who had got pregnant. She finished the school year, then got married and had the baby over summer break. Edit: she is 27 right now. The tears tell me she is not accepting that one. Her school is very small, so there are only 20 students in her entire year. Okay, so I was having dinner with my family last night when Susan casually asked me if she could please wear the necklace to her junior But anyway, my “fathers” friend wants to come visit for a few days to my parents house and my mother asked if I can drive him to their place. Nothing happened in particular. She's since made a full recovery. There’s this trampoline park in town that offers sleepover parties where the kids could play for a few hours, watch a movie, and have a sleepover on the trampolines. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. It was amicable but given our different paths, we lost touch. Edit: Yikes, thank you all! AITA for accepting (then canceling) a girl’s request to do a portrait of me, despite having an artist for a boyfriend? A few days ago, I (16 F) received a message from a girl asking if she could use one of my Instagram posts as reference for a project she’s doing. Three days ago my friend and his girlfriend had a daughter, they asked me to bring my daughter to the hospital to meet her little sister yesterday alongside others of the family. Her birthday = her choice of cake! It doesn’t matter is she wanted fish sticks and custard, for her birthday you get what she wants, NOT what you want! You owe her both an apology and a cake! Actually, I’d say you owe every single guest an apology for ruining your daughter’s birthday party. Until SIL at the last minute requests that she and her family baptize their daughter during our ceremony! She'd even called our priest and he'd agreed to combine the ceremonies! My daughter (F17) is transgender, but she is currently only out to her immediate family. AITA for rejection my nieces adoption request in front of people? Not the A-hole. I have called my daughter Princess since she was a baby and still call her that even as a teenager. Kaila always had an attitude of " rise above 'this' station. My husband and I call her by her preferred name and use the right pronouns for her, but as nobody else in the family knows she’s trans, they refer to her by her deadname and with he/him pronouns. My mom loved her cause "that's my sister" despite, you know, me being her daughter. Not the A-hole. If you do want her in your life, it might be best to start by interacting with her to see if she really is trying to build a healthy relationship with you before accepting any gifts coming from her. The teacher repeatedly yelled at your son, berated him, caused him to injure himself physically and quite possibly scared him away from communicating his needs in the future. Her rent had increased a lot, and her landlord was slow in making repairs. I started business in my early 20s and now Im considerably wealthy. Shortly after accepting, she messaged me and asked if we could talk on the phone. AITA for mentioning my granddaughter's inheritance. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. She has a best friend, Sophie, (12). Help keep the sub engaging! 10M subscribers in the AmItheAsshole community. When school started back, she was there for junior year. SubstantialRow550. Not even remotely. AITA For not accommodating my daughter's friend on a road trip. My mom ended up finding out I didn’t friend back because she saw on my screen the request while I was in Facebook and questioned me about it. I need other opinions. I was stunned and just Shook my head. I told my sister her reaction to my daughter's name was way over the top and totally rude. It’s a 45 minute drive one way and I said I would only agree if he gave me petrol money. So I did exactly that but when they introduced us to the baby I was shocked. She has ADHD, bi polar and Borderline personality disorder. The example relevant to this story is that Lily wanted a dog in April of 2020. My(m) wife(f) and I are both 48 with two daughters, Liz(30) and Ash (24). The three of us have had a difficult relationship for the past four years. Adult child with an adult child. All fake names. Last year, I got a friend request on Facebook from Margot. Boohoo. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you… I just replied that I just want an apology for my daughter and that should be a simple request. Back when I was 16 I gave birth to my daughter, Mary, dad deadbeat but we’re fine now anyways. Leo1_1-1. He spoiled her rotten, and it really affect our relationship. A boy from school recognized her aunt from an adult film and messaged my daughter about it. AITA for not buying snacks for my daughters best friend at a play date. Nov 23, 2023 · "AITA for accepting my daughter's request for me to walk her down the aisle and fill in for a mother/daughter dance at her wedding when my husband has been her stepdad since she was 10?" PopShort7064. I lost my first husband when our children Calla (24f) and Hawthorn (26m) were 6 and 8 years old. ADMIN MOD. For my present my niece decided to give me adoption request papers or whatever they are ( I never ended up reading them). Sophies mom called me yesterday, said that they were at an indoor playground, and Sophie Asshole. Amy’s (20F, fake name) dad (Joe, 44M), fake name) and I (42F) were never married. May 29, 2024 · My father wants me to keep the items and give one to my brother so that all of my mom’s kids eventually get one item and I can do as I see fit with the rest. AITA for telling my stepdaughter she can have her dead dad pay for the wedding. And ever since she’s been pushing for me to accept it I know my cousin doesn’t really care if I don’t accept her request as she probably forgot about it by now anyway so I see no harm done by this I have 3 kids Susan (17), Jessica (mtf for 4 yearts 18), and Matt (21). There was a racial aspect to the bullying, which came as a complete shock since my wife and I truly did our best to raise our 3 kids to be kind and honest individuals. My 23 yo daughter and I have a complicated relationship. The plan was she was always supposed to go ADMIN MOD. Note: My child is transitioning from a male to female, as she requested me to use female pronouns for her when she came out few months ago, I’ve been using it. Three months ago, I remarried to an amazing woman, Jess (41F). " OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1:: I took my daughter's boyfriend out for dinner after she refused to come with us. If she truly thought it was your child, she kept the child from you. Even if mom is blind to the dynamic out of some kind of guilt of the siblings being half-orphans, being the back-burner child compared to steps is so sad and damaging. AITA for accepting my daughter's request for me to walk her down the aisle and fill in for a mother/daughter dance at her wedding when my husband has been her stepdad ADMIN. 2:: I might be the asshole because I didn't have to do it, I could have avoided it and protected her feelings. She has a lot of trauma from watching me I(34f) have four older siblings: M(41f), L(39m), K(37f), and D(36m). The only responsibility you have is to find out the paternity of that child and find out if you are the father so you can be a part of the child’s life. We graduated from HS at the same time, but they did a 5-year UG program in-state compared to my 4-year OOS program. 1-I didn’t accept my step daughter Mia in my company 2-Being a fashion designer has been her dream for so long and she wanted me to give her an opportunity Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Tl;dr - Keith routinely insulted my appearance and implied I'm a c**n over dinner when we were friends. He also has three other daughters from previous relationships 15F, 28F, and 39F. So, I got a friend request from my cousin recently. You do not have to accept an apology to acknowledge it. She’s been dealing with major depressive disorder, social anxiety, anorexia, body dysmorphic disorder, and two autoimmune diseases since she was around 12. Liz use to date a young man named Pat. I (m33) have a daughter (15). What a bitch. My husband spoils Lily. She met me a few years later and we dated for two years beofre she introduced me to her kids. AITA for not wanting my daughter to accept a new dress from her " rich" older sister? I (50F) have 3 daughters (31F, 28F, 16F) and 2 sons (14M, 10M). As a result, when our middle daughter and her cousin were born around the same time, my wife really expected them to also be best friends. It’s very frustrating to me because she never calls me when she’s with her father, and when I call her she only talks for 5 minutes before saying she has to go. My ex didn’t have this problem and could spoil her. I got the house but was a SAHM, so I had trouble making ends met. Years later he married my mom (in another country) and I was born. We've lived together most of our lives and are a family. I have an 11 year old daughter, Ellie. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I took back my request for my mom to walk me down the aisle. AITA for euthanizing my daughters emotional support animal for her own sake? Asshole. Apparently this teacher has a lot of time on her hands because she also called the 29 other students' parents at our school telling them what an AH I am. She laughed about it. We have 3 children: a 9 year old boy, 8 year old girl and a 2 year old girl. (Using a throwaway because I have family members on Reddit) My daughter recently turned 20. I ended up having to go to therapy after what they put me through. If I’m being honest I never really understood a lot of my daughters disorders. Throwawayme4158. I let it take the time it needed. When confronted, she started lying to cover up her behavior, and eventually crying. Then when my mom died during the pandemic they became so hateful and awful to us. Subreddit Announcements Read this before contacting the mod team. I’m not sure where to start with this so I’m just going to jump right into it. I told my son about it and he became so angry at me, said he's had to refuse so many gifts, outings and vacation plans since they've been dating because he can't stand her thinking he's into her money, and here I am, happily accepting the first gift she's got me. Thought my daughter being scared was hilarious apparently. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. My (36F) daughter’s (13F) birthday was last weekend. A couple of weeks into the school year she invited my daughter over to spend the night. You also don't ever have to forgive. My daughter has been calling her father every day when she’s with me, sometimes for an hour or more. I denied it. His kids were never outright mean to me and my mom, but they made comments. TrashFeeling5171. AITA for grounding my daughter because she called my SIL a “slut”? Asshole. She then told me that I’m an asshole for asking because he is also poor and that she would pay for it. I live literally on the other side of the world from her… In case this story gets deleted/removed: AITA for not accepting my dad's bribe? About four weeks ago, my (M17) older sister, Sarah (F21), had to empty out her apartment and move all her things back home. We separated when Amy entered high I married my daughter's mom in 1995. We've fought over it many times but he still does it. I (65f) and my husband (67m) have two daughters our eldest (36f) is neurotypical and our younger one (33f) has high needs nonverbal autism. YTA. AITA for rejecting my neighbors' sleepover request with their autistic son. My daughter Marie (28) and my Son Frank (25M) are from my first wife, and I have a son Chris (7M) with my new wife. During that time, my parents became understandably over-protective. But I want days with just my mom. I like many parents have different nicknames for my daughter, one being Princess. My daughter and wife were friends at one point prior to when we began dating, but my daughter had a difficult time accepting our relationship and cut my wife out of her life as a friend and went low-contact with me for a while. Being infatuated with him at the time I didn’t want to believe the rumours about him having sexual allegations against him by a few lasses. Time to tell them a job is 100% not optional and they need to be able to raise and pay for this child or adoption. You clearly don't respect her boundaries. I believe he sent a video to her as well. It just all came barrelling out at us, mainly me. You are, essentially, teaching your daughter that she doesn't have bodily autonomy, in a sense, by policing her clothing to this level. We do so many things together. The student we did not invite has bullied Payton several times (we . I’m in the middle. I (18F) have an autistic neighbor (18M) who is also my classmate at school. 2 i'm close to, are on my FB friends and I keep in touch with, but I have ignored repeated FB friend requests from… r/AmItheAsshole. His rules are the toxic thing that was the basis for the mother to freak out. r/AmItheAsshole. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you… judgmentaldaughter. I am F15-16. He demanded that I return it immediately or I'll disturb the dynamic of their Not the A-hole. As background, my 36 year old son is married to Mary (36). She is a bully. The child can chose to change her name when she gets older if she doesn’t like it. About a year and a half ago, M, L, and D went pretty much no contact with our parents and K went low contact over our parents favoring my daughters out of all the grandchildren and according to them, favoring me as well when we were growing up. He was my sisters best friends little brother. I’ve now been married to my wife, Cathy, for 10 years. My boyfriend was carrying the microwave up to the house and my 9yo and 6yo raced out to hug him r/AmItheAsshole. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I shamed and yelled at my boyfriend because he was upset about my birthday gift. 🔔 Subscribe for more compelling AITA stories and thought-provoking discussions! If you enjoy real-life dilemmas and want to be a part of the conversation, h “AITA for accepting my daughter's request for me to walk her down the aisle and fill in for a mother/daughter dance at her wedding when my husband has been her stepdad since she was 10?” AITA for accepting my daughters request for me to walk her down the aisle and fill in for a motherdaughter dance at her wedding when my husband has been her Jun 11, 2024 · "AITA for accepting my daughter's request for me to walk her down the aisle and fill in for a mother/daughter dance at her wedding when my husband has been her stepdad since she was 10?" PopShort7064. I think I’m being reasonable here but my DIL’s family thinks I’m being an asshole. Now, she and I are the only family we have left, and we couldn't be closer if there were a genetic relationship. Steve is really a great kid, but since money is a bit tighter in his family, he is doing 2 years at junior college while working to save up for the Both of the "permitted" responses per his rule are accepting the apology. My daughter is married. Through ALL of this I was forced to see her every damn time she came. I will keep the background short, I divorced my ex-husband when my daughter (Maria) was 10. She pulled the "I've had 4 kids, I know what I'm doing talk" and refused to see my POV and so, I didn't let her hold her again until she was 2 months old. They were together for five years starting in college. AITA for giving someone my snap but not accepting their friend requests. My ex (34F) and I share custody but because she lives in a better school district she primarily has them during the school year and I get extended time with them during the summer. NTA. OP I’m sorry you’re dealing with this crazy. If you do not want a relationship with your grandmother you shouldn’t accept the gift. I hesitantly agreed to not nudge my sister, explaining why i might in the future and asked if she could be patient and not get mad at me if i forget. In their fourth year together Pat was accepted into medial school while Liz struggled. The reason this could make me TA is the reason I took it back is she invited her husband to do this with us when I didn't want him or ask him personally. Yesterday I was informed that my daughter Sam was a part of a group of students who bullied another girl to the point that she had to switch schools. I was so shocked and confused. Marie got married two years ago and her husband is Jewish. My husband has a daughter, jane, who’s Throwing out birth control while being sexually active is also insanely irresponsible and dumb. 1 pointing out that my daughter's house is still technically mine and that my grandson should sleep on the air mattress 2 the reality is different now and she has 3 children, so I should understand her side that my request is not fair, considering that at the time she didn't have so many children playdatesnacks. (Her teens were hell on us!) But now, she (41) and I (63) are father and daughter in all respects except genetic. AITA for refusing to stop calling my daughter a nickname. My sister is getting out later this year. It is none of your business what she names her child. I’m planning a vacation for just me and my daughter. My now wife divorced her ex when her three kids were young. Quirky-Savings8676. AITA for not allowing my daughter's half sister to spend christmas with us? Not the A-hole. My grandma was similar because she says "you don't abandon family," even when they abuse other family apparently. Phoebe and I didn't want a dog, Maddie couldn't care less. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! I was suicidal at the time and they all knew it. I've got a bit of a family drama unfolding here, and I need some outside perspective. I have a pretty hard time with saying No so I gave my snap and he send me like the request but how I said he is not my type. We got acquainted when the family moved into the neighbor, and after knowing that I was studying with him, his parents wanted me to help out with 10 votes, 16 comments. The 39F daughter was born when my husband was 17 and she was put up for adoption. You did ask, she chose not to follow your request so you broke into her room and stole her items and donated them. Drugs. My ex husband and I got divorced 7 years ago. I(43F) have a 22 year old daughter. She did also mention how sometimes my in-laws aren't nice to her and make comments about her not fitting in and Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Last year, I planned to visit a friend from HS during spring week at their college campus. My cousin just sent me a friend request on Facebook, and I'm torn about accepting it. I (36M) have 2 kids (16F & 14M) from a previous marriage. She is a freshman and has been with her boyfriend Steve for 3 years. His daughter would spend time with my daughter regularly. When we were booking the event, she UPDATE - AITA for bringing my daughter to my in-laws party. They have a 3yo daughter together and he has a 7yo daughter from his previous marriage. Also solo therapy, a psych evaluation and maybe family therapy. She has been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. Same damn thing. We do all Of these things with out our SOs. I have 3 Aunts (Fathers Sisters). All my daughters life she’s struggled with mental health issues. Intelligent_Beat_972. Yesterday, my daughters (9, 6, and 4) and I were making popcorn and our microwave exploded, so today my boyfriend brought over a spare one until we get the original one replaced. My sister kindly has offered up her bracelet. The 7yo was my first grandchild even though I met her when she was 2. We invited the whole class except one student. My (28 female) and husband (29 male) have a daughter Payton (7 female). He was an addict. She and I were extremely close. Both of the girls have special needs and are around 6 years old mentally. My daughter said that she does sometimes feel like my wife excludes her slightly or treats her different from her brother. AITA for not treating my step daughter like my daughter? Not the A-hole. Susan is the golden child and the family has always viewed Mary as “less than 12M subscribers in the AmItheAsshole community. I told her that she shouldn’t have been a racist bully. We’ve been working together for several years and she helped me out a lot when my wife was in the hospital during treatments. I admit, that Chris is a little spoiled and used to getting his way. Asher thinks this sabotaged his own reconciliation with Keith and Sara believes I made things awkward for the summer because we are all working together. I spoke to both my wife and daughter separately. That was 15 years ago and literally this week I had to replace the peeler because it was blunt and working at about 10% of what it should. Most of my family was there. If your goal is to protect your daughter your best course of action is to keep the guy right under your nose. I may have gone to far. I’ve always approached mental illness as something you just burry deep down. Things have always been tense between me and my daughter, as she has always been a ‘mama’s girl’. But I never forced the issue. With sixteen years of hindsight, I can say with certainty that the expectation was misplaced. He got married and has a 5 year old daughter with his now wife. Help keep the sub engaging! My (25F) father married my step-sister's (23F) mother when I was 4 and she was 3. There's a tradition on my side of the family where the oldest daughter in the family gets a beautiful diamond necklace when they turn 18. My (48F) husband (56M) have been married for 14 years and we have a daughter 9F. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. 2) I might be TA because instead of accepting, it may have come off like i was making excuses and didn’t want to abide by her request. Her birthday party is next month and we sent out invitations to her friends at school. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: Because I do not want to give this person the gifts that we already bought for him @ Christmas time, because he stole from a family member. Invite him to Christmas dinner and then invite him to dinner at your house every night until either your daughter (potentially) realizes that he's not the one for her or YOU realize that he's not that bad - just an overzealous young The only relevant people to this story are my bio daughter Emily and Lora my step daughter I’ve been in my step daughters life since she was 6 years old I see her as a daughter I swore I’d never be like my step father and treat a child differently because of something silly like dna, emliy hates Lora and has turned her brothers against her My husband, our 16 year old son, and I are going next month to visit our daughter at her college which is a few states away. Sam begged me to allow her to go to senior prom because it’s a once in a lifetime event, and keep just her Instagram account because it had pictures going back years that weren’t saved anywhere else. I am torn. Payton goes to a small school with 20 kids in her grade. She has been working very hard in prison to improve herself and got her GED. The reason I question how I handled this is maybe there is more and I should have done a little more digging into her hatred for the name before telling her she was being over the top. My niece (14) has lived with me since her parents went to prison 5 years ago. The 7yo is just as much my granddaughter as the 3yo. 24M, Working professional. I took my daughter back, told her she was never to hold my daughter like that again. She celebrates Hanukkah with him and his son “John” (8M) and family. We were having a birthday dinner at my mother's for myself and my daughter, 16 . She developed cancer when she was 14 and was sick for about 2 years. 6 months later, he requests to follow my new and private Instagram account. My oldest daughter " Kaila" is on bad terms with me and my husband (50M). Bree didn't reply back, but my MIL ended up calling me and telling me that I was horrible for not letting Bree see her niece and that both Amara and I needed to get over the incident when I explained Amara doesn't want to be around Bree or her kids roadtripdadaita. She's in a group home and requires 2:1 aides at all times, we bring her home every Christmas but she cannot handle "outsiders" in our home so we cannot have the assistance of aides (just as she doesn't like us in our group home because we don't "belong It seems to me like the money has strings attached to it. I’m married and my daughter is in a relationship. You are NTA for asking for a paternity test. My wife and her younger sister are best friends. " She'd imply that my husband, who works as a We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. They'd named used my daughters name. Mary has an older sister, Susan. We're not close. We share custody of our 13 year old daughter. AITA for accepting my daughter's request for me to walk her down the aisle and fill in for a mother/daughter dance at her wedding when my husband has been her stepdad The only responsibility you have is to find out the paternity of that child and find out if you are the father so you can be a part of the child’s life. 15F lives with us part time and 28F lives on her own. I don’t t want to antagonize my brother and my sister-in law but I find my three daughters’ claim so much more valid. She’s been doing this since around when the pandemic started. Never let anyone tell you only blood is family. a guy asked for my snap who is not my type (his friend was but his friend didn’t ask me🥹). So pardon me if I sound confusing. I have multiple sisters in my life and none of them share blood My husband and I have 3 daughters, Phoebe (21), Maddie (18), and Lily (16). My parents are temporarily staying with us while their house is undergoing renovations. I remarried 4 years later. OP is trying to give mom the gift of a wakeup call before it's too late for their relationship. See, we've never really been close, and to be honest, I'm not sure I want to blur the lines between my personal life and family drama on social media. AITA for making my daughter leave because my husband is attracted to her? I (55F) have been married to my husband and my daughter's stepdad (63M) for 4 years. Asshole. For my first birthday in my husband’s family, my now mother in law gifted me a vegetable peeler, a grater, and a pizza cutter that she’d purchased specifically because she knew I liked to cook. Throwaway. You are going to ruin your friendship with someone you claim is your best friend and that is definitely going to hurt the daughter’s relationship with you. My daughter (14yo) posted a picture of a family get together on social media. I began dating my sons father a few months before my first year of college he was a few month younger than myself. My daughter's teacher became very angry and said I was inconsiderate and that I was "missing the point" and called me an AH before hanging up on me, which made me feel kind of bad. Which still pressures the child into using those 2 accepting responses. ga zo hl ec sn ag cp gj zv yp