Tkinter winfo req height

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Tkinter winfo req height. winfo_x() + x. But these x and y coordinates are calculated regarding your laptop's SCREEN. When a window is first created its height will be 1 pixel; the height will Exemplos em hotexamples. Tk() frame = tk. winfo_height - 34 examples found. Python Tk. Tk() Jan 17, 2023 · However I cant seem to set a width. winfo_geometry()) root. Label(r_lbl. this asks the tk program dynamically what the window dimensions are. pack() label2 = Label(frame, text = "hello") label2. Using the following code I obtain 406mm, although the real display is 344. geometry("400x300") # get the window size. Here is my solution to get the correct current window size (in pixel). Expanding on mouad's answer, this function is capable of handling multi-displays and returns the resolution of the current screen: import tkinter. geometry(), but all these functions return height defined in number of characters. Canvas. I am trying to create a custom entry widget in tkinter. gui. Namespace/Package Name: Tkinter. The legal forms are: window . winfo_exists but this returns 1 even if the widget has not been created and only returns 0 if the widget has been destroyed: import Tkinter as tk root = tk. Label(frame, text='hello') label. winfo_screenwidth () method, it returns 1824 instead of 1980. Dec 19, 2015 · Even after rendering the widget the winfo functions are returning wrong height and width. def __init__(self, top): As a Python newbie I have a problem with the text widget. Note that if the window isn’t managed by a geometry manager, this method returns 1. You can also use winfo_reqheight to get the widget’s requested height (that is, the “natural” size as defined by the widget itself based on Jan 16, 2022 · In newer versions of tkinter you can provide an "angle" to create_text. Oct 20, 2015 · On Windows, the window size reported by wm_geometry, winfo_width and winfo_height is the size of the client area, i. winfo_screenwidth() # Get screen width [pixels] ScreenSizeY = master. gui = Tk(className='Python Examples - Window Size') # Set window size. 1. winfo_height() which would return size in pixels, but this is not so elegant solution. attributes( '-alpha', 0. controls available) on screens. cget("width") widget. We then continue to carry out the formula to find the centre point of the screen offset by half the width and height of the window. x tkinter Tkinter Class API Reference Contents Configuration Options: borderwidth, padding, relief, width, height, takefocus, cursor, style, class winfo_height winfo_id Jan 3, 2022 · In my python code, I am trying to make the width of my button the same as the width of the Frame it is in. All dimensions are in pixels. ttk. Which is what I want to do first. font as tkfont. The position of the window, as reported by wm_geometry, winfo_x and winfo_y, and the position set using wm_geometry, is the position of the top left point of the window including the border. I think you mean "geometry manager", instead of "window manager". winfo_reqwidth() h = root. update() to run Nov 29, 2023 · I am trying to get the screen size in mm in python using Tkinter. stage. When a window is first created its height will be 1 pixel; the height will Dec 24, 2021 · I have so far discovered four discovered width (or height) related methods and properties of widget (some for them also can be used to get other widget properties). Python Program. metrics('linespace') gives the height in pixels of a given widget's font: try: # In order to be able to import tkinter for import tkinter as tk # either in python 2 or in python 3 import tkinter. add_command(label="Change user name", \. winfo_width() but both of them give me errors. Oct 8, 2021 · pass. pack() label3 = Label(frame, text = "hello") Oct 16, 2010 · Use somewidget. from tkinter import *. resizable() Are there equivalent ways to control the size of Tkinter or ttk Frames? @Bryan: I changed your frame1. # Configure Main Viewing Frame. Class/Type: Tk. Sorted by: 27. winfo_reqwidth extracted from open source projects. When you run this program, the following GUI window will open, with the window size specified in geometry () – width of 500 and height of 200. This method can be called on any widget class, not only the Tk root or Toplevels. It was always offset a little. winfo_height() and widget. It’s super easy! width = root. place(x=275, y=0, height=100) App. Toplevel component, the functions always return the default values set in self. Tkinter の実際の幅 Entry は 2*ipadx + デフォルトのエントリー幅 です。. I import Tkinter using IDLE. Show file. 5. Tk() label = tk. Feb 20, 2023 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly In Tkinter, to get every child widget of a window, you can use the winfo_children() method. I've a tkinter based project running on Raspberry pi. Looking at the source code for tk, in the file win/tkWinX. Class/Type: Canvas. Selecting a Toplevel to test using the radiobox on the right happens that if the relative Toplevel is open the function work fine, otherwise generates the following error: Oct 14, 2013 · 1 Answer. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. pack() e = Entry(f,textvariable=1,height=20) e. update_idletasks() Jan 30, 2023 · Tkinter のボタンのピクセルに width と height を設定する Tkinter Button ウィジェットの幅または高さ、あるいはその両方を pixels の単位で指定する必要がある場合、仮想の非表示の 1x1 ピクセル画像を Button に追加できます。 Feb 14, 2023 · When calling winfo_width(), winfo_height(), winfo_reqwidth, or winfo_reqheight on any CTk. update as it will call the same tcl function. n_buttons = 20 # <- change this as you wish for testing the code. pass. Sorted by: 1. Label(root) print label. pack Nov 12, 2020 · In this video I’ll show you how to get the height, width, x, and y coordinates for your tkinter app programatically. May 15, 2021 · Pixels are given as numbers and absolute distances as strings, with the trailing character denoting units: c for centimetres, i for inches, m for millimetres, p for printer’s points. However, it is not possible to set separately the width and height of the window with this method. Sep 14, 2021 · Tkinter provides some methods with the help of which we can get the current screen height and width. _current_width. winfo_y () gives me the coordinates including the depth of the titlebar. root. Mar 16, 2015 · I want to see if a Tkinter widget exists so I can delete it if it does. This new version takes in account for the scale factor of your display as well (100%, 125%, 150%, etc). The correct solution really depends on what else is in the window and how you want them to interact when the window is resized. Frame(root, bg='green') label = tk. May 8, 2022 · if you want to center on canvas then you need. pack Jan 20, 2017 · What jasonharper says in his comment is right, winfo_containing takes coordinates relative to the actual computer screen, not the tkinter GUI, and you need to call update_idletasks before to get the right answer: . winfo_width(), height)) Jul 27, 2020 · When I execute this code sample, it returns a label size of 424 / 184, so When I have the width and height set to 60 and 20, what is that representing? python-3. Jan 14, 2021 · 2. root = Tk() t = "a label". canvas. For example, 3. @DowonCha I think you mean window. The table should takeup the entire main space and scroll from left to right and top to bottom to handle overflow. I am looking to get the current x, y coordinates of a tk window outside of the title bar: import tkinter. In addition, you don't have to force the update of the whole GUI, you can just do window. I am trying to set the minimum size of the window. This method returns a list of all the immediate child widgets of a widget. Apr 24, 2020 · width, height はPythonでのユーザ定義の属性なので; tk 側へ通知されていません この場合、レイアウトを適切に設定しないとFrameのサイズは 1x1 で 結果として見えなくなります。 Mar 2, 2024 · The function renders placement of the toplevel widget easier by abstracting away the repetitive calculations. In tkinter, why winfo_height() always return 1? 9 tkinter winfo_screenwidth() when used with dual monitors Visa/ESTA requirements for spouse Feb 14, 2020 · またデフォルト(文字数0)のwinfo_widthは28(pixel)だった。いずれのwidthも設定しない場合、与えられた文字列に応じてwinfo_widthが変動する。winfo_heightは改行を入れない場合31(pixel)で、改行を入れると改行が表示に反映され、winfo_heightは自動で拡張された。 The return value may be fractional; for an integer value, use winfo pixels. Tk() # create some widgets label1 = tk. import tkinter as tk. Her code did not work originally, but with some tweaking I was able to fix the mistakes. Label(root, text="Label 1") button1 = tk. _current_height, no matter if you change them using self. minsize() . Creating a tkinter window with name window. Font(font=font. This is what the tkinter version looks like: ⇨ MENU ⇨ MODULES ⇨ tkinter ⇨ liste des méthodes tkinter. winfo_reqwidth Examples. Giving title to the window, here ‘Geeks For Geeks’. """) r_lbl2 = tk. maxsize() . winfo_reqwidth() (There are also equivalent methods and properties for May 15, 2021 · tkinter画面の位置・サイズの取得・調整が可能なgeometryメソッドの基本的な使い方を整理しました。 また、geometryメソッドと直接関連しませんが、併用することの多いモニターの画面サイズの取得方法についても記載しました。 Jan 24, 2016 · You may prefer to use the. Improve this answer. The top left corner of the rectangle is (x1, y1) and the bottom right corner is (x2, y2). Esses são os exemplos do mundo real mais bem avaliados de Tkinter em Python extraídos de projetos de código aberto. When a window is first created its height will be 1 pixel; the height will Tkinter allows you to specify the transparency of a window by setting its alpha channel ranging from 0. Jul 19, 2023 · Tkinter Cheat Sheet. Aug 3, 2017 · From the height of a line's bbox and the height of the biggest font in the line, you can determine if the line is wrapped, and if so, how many times, if you care about that. root = Tk() frame = Frame(root) label1 = Label(frame, text = "hello") label1. winfo_reqheight ( ) Feb 10, 2015 · I have the following code, when the method is run the Toplevel window displays the correct title and contents, but remains it's tiny default size. winfo_width()/2, stage. This is the printed output. 0 (fully opaque): window. And thanks! As per this answer actual means after the mainloop () call . ws = root. After your app runs, a user might resize it, or you might resize it as well based on user input or something else. split(" ")) height = font. When it loses focus the listbox should delete by itself. geometry("500x200") gui. When this entry has focus it should display a listbox right under the entry widget with some options to the user. Even by setting the height of the frames statically, the values are still 1. metrics("linespace") – Tkinter Class API Reference Contents. winfo_height()) Edit: I've noticed that The w_info_height values are returned before the widgets are generated on the gui. winfo_toplevel Feb 11, 2018 · tkf. 1. Menu(self) menu = tk. # behavior on smaller screens vs. I'm using tkinter for this. winfo_height extracted from open source projects. winfo_exists() # returns 1 and: Apr 13, 2022 · Approach: Importing tkinter package. The formula for reported system effective resolution is: (reported_px*current_dpi)/ (96 dpi) = physical_px. Tkinter is based on an embedded tcl/tk interpreter. Nevertheless, you can retrieve the dimension you don't want to change and use it in . Font(family="Consolas", size=10, weight="normal") Example #2. Ce sont les exemples réels les mieux notés de Tkinter. Tk() however, using root. TkVersion returns 8. Jul 28, 2010 · # create a window first root = Tk() # define window dimensions width and height window_width = 800 window_height = 500 # get the screen size of your computer [width and height using the root object as foolows] screen_width = root. Here's the code: from tkinter import Apr 13, 2019 · @CoolCloud: winfo_reqwidth() and winfo_reqheight() will return the requested width and height. What are the differences between all of them? widget["width"] widget. Tk() Nov 13, 2020 · Winfo_y does not return correct value. I tried Widget['width'] and Widget. "Screen unit" is mentioned in the tcl/tk documentation. Setting the window attribute fullscreen as True. title("This is a Toplevel, whose parent is root"), r_lbl = tk. def main(): root = Tk() # Use the if/else statement below if you want to have different window. bbox (rect). -1. – Jul 8, 2021 · As the title suggests, I'm wondering if it's possible to get the height of a frame full of widgets before it is packed and displayed. I define a Canvas widget in the code: surf_plot = Canvas(root,bg=ocean) I then do: root. itemcget(myText, "font") font = tk. There are times when you might need to know your apps current height and width. Here‘s an Dec 9, 2010 · The size of Tkinter windows can be controlled via the following methods:. SetProcessDPIAware() except: # Windows 8 or before. . Jun 3, 2018 · The value is zero because you're getting the coordinates before the window has been made visible. Does anybody know how to make the height of an entry bigger? I tried something like this: f = Frame() f. The best thing about place manager is you can place the widget anywhere within the widget. Tk() widget = tk. Not according to my experience. Nov 26, 2017 · EDIT: I tried widget. the window size without the borders. Calling <tkinter. update where Widget can be any tkinter widget is the same as calling <tkinter. def open_main(self): self. grid_bbox(5, 4) This is how the bbox method is described in the official tcl/tk documentation: Feb 16, 2013 · This answer is based on Rachel's answer. Feb 21, 2024 · print(single_cve_frame. x_pos = root. winfo_reqwidth() method, described above; it is always up to date. winfo_height () to get the actual widget size, the somewidget ['width'] property is only a hint given to the geometry manager. Entry(root) # add the widgets to the window label1. Here’s an example: import tkinter as tk. Métodos Frequentes. If we want to resize the window, we can use the geometry method by defining the value of width and height. 5 inches is expressed as "3. Python Canvas. winfo height window Returns a decimal string giving window's height in pixels. font package you can create Tk font objects to define a font and call the measure method to obtain the screen width of text using that font. Creating a label with text ‘Hello Tkinter’ (just for display to the user here) Placing the label widget using pack () Jul 18, 2016 · winfo_rootx() and winfo_rooty() return, respectively, the x and y coordinate sof upper left corner of this widget on the root window. def generate_buttons(n): for i in range(n): button = Button(myframe, text="Button Clone", height=4) button. winfo_screenheight() # Get screen height [pixels Mar 18, 2022 · Method 2: By Using the place() layout manager. Follow. However it consistently returns the wrong screen dimensions. font. winfo_class () Returns the class name for window. Jun 21, 2023 · Here is an example code that demonstrates how to get the size of the window in tkinter: python. Tkinter, the standard GUI library for Python, empowers developers to effortlessly create visually appealing and interactive desktop applications. 5 reference". from Tkinter import *. 5i". Label(text="""This label is a children to the default master, as it lacks the first positional argument for an explicit parent assignment. w = root. . 1) Tkinter. Tk. In order to get the width and height of the tkinter window, we can use winfo_width () and winfo_height () helper methods Python Canvas. w = 800 # width for the Tk root. The height for a Text widget is in number of characters, not pixels. Mar 7, 2021 · Those tasks can be things like making sure that the geometry manager was reserved the space for the widgets and the widgets are drawn on the screen. While skiibloc's answer is technically correct, there is a better way to do things-. Mar 29, 2018 · At the top of the page it says "Tkinter 8. Add a comment. These are the top rated real world Python examples of tkinter. Programming Language: Python. I followed the solution posted on How do I set a minimum window size in tkinter? However, that doesn't take account of the height of the Menu I have. Tk>. My code: Nov 8, 2017 · 2. To you get the real value, you may have to call update_idletasks first. winfo_screenwidth() height = root. 同様に、 Entry の実際の幅は 2*ipady Apr 3, 2016 · Looking at the problem, it seems to be a defect in ms-windows, and tk not using the known workaround for it. def custom_position_toplevel(root, x, y): top = tk. The place() is a layout manager in Tkinter just like pack() and grid(). font as tkf except ImportError: import Tkinter as tk import tkFont as tkf if __name__ == '__main__': root = tk. TclVersion returns 8. The Frame's width changes when the window is resized. winfo_pointerx() and winfo_pointery() return the x and y coordinates of the mouse pointer relatively to the main root's window NOT to Jun 3, 2021 · Tkinterで使われるgeometryとは?コードを通して活用方法を徹底解説. def get_display_size(): Apr 15, 2021 · Tkinter initially creates an instance of a window which is a container that contains all the widgets and the elements. 5 2) Tkinter. Here's an example: import tkinter as tk root = tk. This cheat sheet offers a quick reference for the most common Tkinter widgets and commands, along with valuable tips and tricks for crafting well-designed UIs. winfo_reqwidth - 5 examples found. update() In another function, I attempt to get the width and height of the canvas. This could be the reason they are '1'. format(window. Jan 30, 2023 · Tkinter Entry ウィジェットの幅と高さを間接的に設定できます。. winfo_screenwidth() Nov 11, 2012 · I am trying to find the size of my window by using the winfo_geometry() function but it ends up returning 1x1+0+0 I have also tried winfo_height, winfo_width but i keep getting 1. grid メソッドを使用した Tkinter Entry ウィジェットのジオメトリは以下のとおりです。. Widget>. Jan 16, 2018 · Examine the following code: import tkinter as tk root = tk. class App: def __init__(self,master): # Define frame size and position in the screen : ScreenSizeX = master. winfo_screenheight() # Get the window position from the top dynamically as May 18, 2021 · with only "±x±y", the position will be changed but not the size. # create a tkinter window. activeWindow = 2. try: # Before Windows 8. winfo_cells () Returns a decimal string giving the number of cells in the color map for window. I am using tk in python (3), though I'd assume that this applies to any language. # get screen width and height. winfo_screenheight() root. winfo_reqheight() ws = root. Demo code: from Tkinter import *. Normally, when I run my script, the root window will be the size of my laptop screen. However, I can't make my entry bigger. winfo geometry window Returns the geometry for window, in the form widthxheight+x+y. Tkinter em Python - 60 exemplos encontrados. When I ran this version of the program the system displayed a nominal sized button that filled the window as it was the only widget within the window. Aug 20, 2022 · Then, since height and width are now predicated upon the size of the letters in the text "Hello", I set up the height to be "1" letter high and the width of the button to be "20" letters wide. title("Get Window Size Example") # set the window size. To get the size of a Tkinter window in Python, you can use the winfo_width() and winfo_height() methods of the Tk or Toplevel class. It works fine except, whenever I use root. grid(row=i) Sep 28, 2017 · Immediately after the creation I try to access the width and height of the window and I get values that don't correspond to the actual window. geometry () with something like. winfo_reqwidth extracted from open source Nov 12, 2015 · 2. winfo_height extraits de projets open source. Jun 19, 2012 · 1. Label(root, text="My String") widget. larger. Tk() root. width, height = get_window_size(root) #assuming your canvas or window manager is root. The winfo () method is used to retrieve information about windows managed by Tkinter. This will launch the application. The value changes line to line. 0 (fully transparent) to 1. However, I see that there is a width property. user32. bind( '<Configure>', maxsize ) And I added this event handler: Feb 24, 2018 · On lines 13-15 , we create the position variables. pack() I know this doesn't work because there isn't a property of "height". If angle != 0 your solution is not correct anymore, because the bbox fits the whole rotated text. root = tkinter. Here we first get the screen width and height. Tk() # set the window title. Tk() 小编典典 在tkinter中,为什么winfo_height()总是返回1? python Aug 23, 2022 · Pressing on the first appears a mask where we can, by pressing the relevant buttons, see the execution of both the winfo_exists () method and the winfo_children () method. Americain Naif. winfo_screenwidth() screen_height = root. mainloop() Nov 18, 2010 · Aug 30, 2023 at 0:11. The following program prints the same value twice after each click on the label. Share. winfo_height() gives 0,0 instead of expected width, height (because mainloop creates window and it sets all sizes for widgets) and it may need root. _current_X = 500, or setting the geometry of the new window before calling the function Jul 12, 2023 · I originally made the function in tkinter but when i started to use customtkinter, the window wasn't really launching in the middle of the display. Same goes for height, ie, instead of returning 1080, it returns 984. In this case or generally you can use the font-metrics: f=self. import tkinter. You can get the bounding-box of your rectangle by calling cnv. winfo_exists returns 1 unless you have destroyed the widget, in which case it returns 0. Separator(App, orient=VERTICAL). You can solve this one of two ways: don't get the coordinates until after mainloop has started (with after_idle), or force the window to be drawn to the screen by calling update. Button(root, text="Button 1") entry1 = tk. _current_height. winfo_height()/2 (even without anchor= which as default has value center). Toplevel(root) # Position the top window at the given offsets from root's position. # fullscreen (no window close/minimize/etc. Tk() # create a Tk root window. x and y are used to specify the position to place the widget whereas width and height are used to alter the dimension Jul 8, 2017 · At some point the window becomes bigger (in height) than my actual screen and I cannot access the buttons at the bottom anymore. The trick is to then use paneconfig() to modify the height of the paned window. Even if the child window would resize automatically normally, the paned window will not. mainloop() It would also be possible to pair it with automatical height detection: Jun 20, 2015 · Using the tkinter. I think it would be possible to create the same widget in a frame and then write frame. Font(font=widget['font']). update(), this is a widget method, not a global tkinter function. geometry("{}x{}". mainloop() Copy. These are the top rated real world Python examples of Tkinter. Code snippet for the treeview setup is below. title("This is the actual Tk instance, root") toplevel = tk. winfo_height winfo_id winfo_interps (displayof=0) winfo_ismapped winfo_manager winfo_name Aug 6, 2014 · The return value may be fractional; for an integer value, use winfo pixels. h = 650 # height for the Tk root. winfo_width () and somewidget. 5) Code language: Python (python) The following example illustrates a window with 50% transparent: import tkinter as tk. Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) menu. ttk. Jul 26, 2014 · Get the height of this widget, in pixels. なんとなくgeometryを使っていた、geometryの詳細を知りたい方へおすすめです。. winfo_width() widget. Mar 9, 2013 · 2 Answers. You can use the grid_bbox method to get the size of a cell or group of cells. Here is some example code: import tkinter as tk. Whenever I try to increase the font size of the text widget , the width and height of it changes too. geometry('400x600') print (root. geometry("widthxheight") I am aware that it is set to go to the full screen size. w. pack(side='top') Jun 27, 2010 · On my monitor I get: Physical resolution: 2560 x 1440 (220 DPI) Reported python resolution: 1555 x 875 (158 DPI) Per this Windows site: Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens . window . winfo_width() stage. _current_width and self. The Menu code I have is: menubar = tk. It is better to provide a minimal reproducible example. In my python tkinter script, i have used winfo_screenwidth() and winfo_screenheight() to detect the screen width and height so that I can set the root window to become full screen. Right after Creation size_string 1500x900+220+120 current geometry 1x1+220+120 root_width, root_reqwidth 1 200 root_height, root_reqheight 1 200 winfo_x, winfo_y 0 0 May 5, 2017 · Tkinter winfo_screenwidth () returning slightly off value on Raspberry Pi. Tk() font = tkfont. answered Mar 14 at 1:26. com: 60. winfo_height()) print (root. winfo_height - 21 exemples trouvés. winfo_screenwidth() # width of the screen. Sep 5, 2019 · 9. Following methods can be used to decide height and width : winfo_screenheight() // Returns screen height in pixels winfo_screenmmheight() // Returns screen height in mm winfo_screenwidth() // Returns screen width in pixels winfo_screenmmwidth The return value may be fractional; for an integer value, use winfo pixels. padx = 0. com: 5. Toplevel(root) toplevel. For a window that is in the upper left Oct 31, 2010 · The answers above did not give me the correct result. pack code to the following: frame1. root = tk. window. Alternatively, you can get all the children of a widget with winfo_children: >>> import Tkinter as tk. ctypes. c the function TkWinDisplayChanged uses the windows API call GetDeviceCaps to get the screen width and height with the parameters HORZRES and VERTRES. Notebook tkinter. We use the winfo_screenwidth and winfo_screenheight for this. Another answer on this site uses widget. winfo_width()) print (root. 2mm according to the specifications. closeWindows() self. Method/Function: winfo_reqwidth. But if you put image before it runs mainloop() then stage. e. >>> root = tk. windll. Você pode avaliar os exemplos para nos ajudar a melhorar a qualidade deles. 是非最後までご覧 The easiest solution I know of is to specify height= in pixels on place() call: from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk App = Tk() App. Vous pouvez noter les exemples pour nous aider à en améliorer la qualité. 今回はTkinterで使われるgeometryに関して、コードを通して活用方法を徹底解説いたします。. This is the final code working for this feature : import Tkinter #Python integrated tool kit for interfaces. geometry('1000x100') ttk. It will return a tuple of values (x1, y1, x2, y2) describing the area covered by rectangle. For example, given a frame f which uses grid to manage its children, the width and height of row 4, column 5 can be retrieved like this: x, y, width, height = f. It can take any of a number of different forms. There are ways to solve this with pack, place, and grid, or you can query tkinter for the height of a line and do a little math. place() method usually takes 4 arguments: x, y, width, and height. Call update() before retrieving any geometry (mainloop() is not started yet); You can use winfo_width() and winfo_height() instead of parsing geometry() output; Your code does not consider outer-frame Sep 3, 2014 · Piggybacking off of OregonTrail's solution, i found that if the window is the right size and you just want to change the location, then you can easily instead of setting the root's size, you can just move the window to the center. CODE from tkinter import * root=Tk() root. pack(fill='both', expand=True) frame1. The actual width is indeterminate until it is added to the window with a geometry manager, since the geometry manager may grow or shrink the widget. Examples at hotexamples. go to sp rv iz ey tf ds ll oh