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Reddit movies avatar. On this day (basically) ten years ago, The Last Airbender movie released in theatres. healthremadies. Julius-n-Caesar. Where there were multiple subplots, the main plot bound them all together, and that's what made it great. Zola'u nìprrte', and make yourself at Home(tree!) Thanks for the 200K Na'vi! The home of Avatar on Reddit! Your source for news, art, comments, insights and more on the beautiful and dangerous world of Pandora. The original creators and executive producers Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko will run the studio as co-chief creative officers, reporting to Ramsey Naito, President, Nickelodeon Thanks for the 200K Na'vi! The home of Avatar on Reddit! Your source for news, art, comments, insights and more on the beautiful and dangerous world of Pandora. Was content with " and they lived happily ever after" story. Events. Pretty much the one point almost everyone agrees on with this movie. But most people don't hate Avatar, they simply shrug it off. ReallyCoolNickname. Zola'u nìprrte', and make yourself at Home(tree!) 2. Some people mistakenly think this movie ushered in an age of CG blockbusters, even though that's not true. Meet fellow Avatar fans and discuss the films, games, novels, comics and more. 32 10. In April 2016, Cameron announced at CinemaCon that there will be four Avatar sequels, all of which will be filmed simultaneously, with release dates in December 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023, respectively. Instead we get Elysium, and halo is relegated to a below sub par tv series on peacock 10 years later. Unfortunately there's no legal streaming service offering 3D/SBS versions. And apparently the sequel is currently in production, along with two more after that (!). The Great Movie Ride at Hollywood Studios in Disneyworld has scenes from non-Disney movies too, like Wizard of Oz and Alien. James Cameron is one of my favorite film directors and I love movies like Terminator 2, Avatar 1, but Avatar 2, just didn't do it for me in any way. The author originally said the first movie will be about Kyoshi. Japan alone accounted for 70% of Demon Slayer's wild success and only 15% of ticket sales came from outside of Asian markets. Your best bet would be a Blu-ray player like the PS4 and a 3D release of the film. Yeah, the whole "guy falls in love with the savages who are under threat from the guys people" plot is common in a lot of stories. Recently everyone wants to hate on Avatar and James Cameron since Endgame might make more money. I know it "pioneered" the 3D movie craze, which is impressive until you realize that trend didn't even last 5 years. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. When projected according to Warhol's specifications, it consists of eight hours and five minutes of slow motion footage of an unchanging view of New York City's Empire State Building. Cameron himself said in 2017, "Let's face it, if Avatar 2 and 3 don't make enough money, there's not going to be a 4 and 5. Empire is a 1965 American black-and-white silent art film by Andy Warhol. Avatar is awesome. But for first time watch definitely IMAX 3D. It must have taken not just one, but a series of bad decisions to end up with such an awful movie. io is the best. But watching Avatar in 4K 3D with the Bigscreen app might be the best showcase of what the Quest 3 can offer. Think of it this way Avatar the last airbender: going to a concert Live action: watching a video of the concert Movie: someone ten shots in is telling you about a concert they saw 15 years ago TIL Furry Vengeance is Brendan Fraser's lowest-rated film, in part because of reviewers objecting to an eco-friendly message coupled with anti-Asian racism. I don't get it, I rewatched Avatar and it still holds up. Avatar 1: Your protagonist needs to want something for us to care about them. Like there’s Jake Sooly, played by living cardboard cutout Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana in the other movie where she plays a hot alien that made over a billion dollars, and Sigourney Weaver being a scientist. She was the first to draw blood in this war by killing a human. 3B by January 2nd if not more. Avatar is already back in 4 digit showings numbers just on the second day of the Spring Festival and it will excede 2000 showings for tomorrow when it had 185 on Sunday. The sci-fi concepts introduced in this movie are certainly fascinating with the Avatar technology and the biology of Pandora is not a utopia for the Na'vi and it's a place where you can draw a lot of parallels to real-world problems. Centuries in the future, Terrans have established a logging colony & military base named "New Tahiti" on a tree-covered planet whose small, green-furred, big-eyed inhabitants have a culture centered on lucid dreaming. A lot of films actually work very well despite well-worn, reused stories and/or plots, because they They're mad because the movie doesn't involve a nuclear holocaust. Coming from a Quest 2, which was horrible when watching movies. Critical acclaim. But seriously, the highest grossing move of all time (no inflation), it didn't really deserve to be that successful. The claim was made based on an exclusive teaser shown at Annecy Film Festival, a teaser that the author didn't even see. The choreography was mostly really good. 10/10. Zola'u nìprrte', and make yourself at Home(tree!) I saw it not too long ago and thought it looked effectively like a good current gen video game. The problem with Avatar is that people like the setting much, much more than the characters. The AVTR discord is holding an Avatar Fan Meetup on Apr. Nickelodeon is launching Avatar Studios, a division designed to create original content spanning animated series and movies based on the franchise’s world. Avatar is easily the most groundbreaking film, visually, since the matrix. 7. In Avatar 2, the good guy and bad guy, there is no winner or looser, its just a draw, so its hard to celebrate the end of the movie. I know that this sounds weird and you'll probably think I'm crazy. Avatar is generally considered a dated, novelty movie. Zola'u nìprrte', and make yourself at Home(tree!) Made another $75M WW today. Pandora's extremely strong electromagnetic fields (owing to the superconducting Unobtanium deposits) interfere with communications something nasty. On Avatar wiki it's said that Na'vi are 2. So yes. The social commentery is shallow and one-dimentional (not to mention immature imo)and the characters are all flat and predictable. Bonah2442. 4th in Paris! More info in comments. The film follows the continuing lives of Jake Sully and Neytiri. Nickelodeon (a subsidiary of Paramount) has launched "Avatar Studios", a division designed to create original animated content within the universe of ATLA & LoK. It also held the lowest critical rating for a 2010 film until taken over by M. . It's a mystery and she's got very interesting abilities. Movie studios and movie theaters hate 3 hour+ films, because of the 1 thing that never changes - 60minutes in an hour; 24 hours in a day. I think it is great as a children's movie and spectacle, but as a thought provoking piece of cinema it is quite lackluster, sort of similar to Titanic and some other James Cameron films. People just don't like the white washing that was done which is understandable but the actors were good. Obviously the movie looks amazing and still holds up well today, especially on an OLED or other hi-def TV. Dune story is way older than Cameroons, and he admited he got a huge inspiration from it. Short answer: YES. There's no movie that accomplished and sustained this level of world-building awe and visual wonderment through an otherwordly adventure. The "rule" was that if your movie was political then it should fail and Avatar said "F--K that". Long answer: for me is like asking if you should go to a Michael Jordan's game in the 90s or the latest Mozart concert in the 18th century. Thanks for the 150K Na'vi! The home of Avatar on Reddit! Your source for news, art, comments, insights and more on the beautiful and dangerous world of Pandora. But , when we take the differences in world population into account (5,581,597,546 in 1993 and 6,872,767,093 in 2009), Avatar made $0. Just never bet against James Cameron. The Abyss bombed as well, which many people forget. Except literally dumb, like aside from the 'bad' guys again being completely incompetent when the climax of the movie happends to give the 'good' guys even a shot at winning, the entire point of the avatar program was to achieve a diplomatic solution, yet jake doesnt even bother to tell the navi why the sky people are here in the first place because he is too busy smashing the blue chick. id has been pretty solid. Agent_Angelo_Pappas • 3 mo. Released during the holidays. Only Avatar 2 and 3 are sure things are this point, despite Landau and co. It didn't appeal to a lot of people, but it was still a decent watch. Other than that, new 2nd favourite movie of all time. Journey to the Beginning of Time (1955) - Trailer - A Czechoslovakian film using stop motion dinosaurs and some amazing cinematography. You manually find specific plants, hides, and materials in order to unlock them. They're the last James Cameron movies, guaranteed groundbreaking spectacle and great action, the Canadian will be like 80 when all it's said and done, so I'm in for the ride ( if i'm still around) HumOfEvil • 5 yr. The first one still wins due to nostalgia points. Looks just as good as movies that come out today. After seeing that Avatar is available on HBO Go, I decided I might give a chance, and see if I still like it after all these years (I was 14 when the movie came out, which feels like the ideal age). The last hour of the movie was basically me checking my watch to see how much longer it would last. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. Avatar 3 - The End of Earth Avatar 4 - The Fury of Fire Avatar 5 - The Allies of Air Avatar 6 - Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Avatar. The actors were good. Disney isn't dumb and when they bought Fox, I think they saw FAR more value in Avatar than getting back X-Men and Fantastic Four like the Reddit hivemind want to believe (that probably barely mattered in that decision tbh). Dune is just heady techno futuristic Laurence of Arabia. Staying power in cinemas. It’ll probably be the first movie to break $1 billion domestically. They had to cut the story down to a tenth of its actual length. the memorable stuff from Avatar isn't quips or bants with your friends (because Jake Sully is a deliberately empty husk in this movie). Worthington's legs, which dangled on the ground while he was "sitting" in the wheelchair, were wrapped in blue and edited out. Nothing Avatar-level, but the photography is splendid. Thanks for the 275K Na'vi! The home of Avatar on Reddit! Your source for news, art, comments, insights and more on the beautiful and dangerous world of Pandora. To be fair, he wanted to write, storyboard, get concept art, and final designs on every single thing for all four sequels before beginning filming Avatar 2. I don't get the hate boner that reddit has for Avatar. There is no way this is true, avatar news is a fan site. The Industry was already heading in that direction since around 2002. The movie was so bad it was like somebody wrote it without watching the series. He also was a collaborating director for Toruk: The First Flight (a Cirque du Soleil prequel to Avatar), produced 8 documentaries, produced and wrote Alita: Battle Angel, and produced and helped write Terminator: Dark Fate and it's planned The new movies should have even better effects, and stories lines just as good. Top Gun is pretty much already dead and Avatar 2 should pass it in the first week of January. It was panned by critics and fans alike. It wasn't animated, and neither was Avatar. Thanks for the 200K Na'vi! The home of Avatar on Reddit! Your source for news, art, comments, insights and more on the beautiful and dangerous world of Pandora. For the few scenes that he had his paralyzed legs shown, they were props created from a casting of a real Vietnam vet's paralyzed legs. Most often than not, I hear "The story was very generic" and that it was "all style and visuals" as a major criticism. They’ll say it’s “irrelevant,” or has “no cultural significance. The movie was shot in IMAX, would be a shame to miss it on the first impression. 5 - 3. • 14 yr. The movie is on an absolute tear and will likely be around $1. Young Frankenstein- 1974. There was nothing left to tell. 30 in average rating. Take the bones of typical archetype of the hero journey and package it in a fun colorful science fiction world. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. One thing I don't get though is how the alien planet is called Terra when thats the name of our planet. The biggest movie in the world has a political and ethical message and it drives people crazy. Jake doesn't become the great leader of all na'vi. Aleitheo. A lot of people thought Avatar was going to flop and flop hard. The early 2000s saw them lapping up western films voraciously as their nation rapidly developed and suddenly had money, with Hollywoods’ share of the Chinese box office peaking to about 50% by 2012. Something small like a regular ol' tracking device isn't going to cut it to get a signal through all that noise, especially at range. Like all of them almost. So avatars in 'Avatar' are vat-grown through genetic engineering, are muscular and ~3 metres tall. Definitely worth it. Jake Sully can use vehicle-mounted weapons as firearms. u/WaterNa-vi. png?s=8b82a2ea17a37b57c6d6c1313b89602611d9831f. If Cameron says he doesn't want Avatar 4 to release in 2026 and needs more time, this movie gets delayed, and will get delayed because 2 years aint enough time. This movie is exactly 30 minutes longer than the original, coming in at 3 hours, 12 minutes. The film is pretty consistent with Shyamalan's style. Grace: Technically not in the movie. They picked the wrong guy. 254. He also said the release would be 2024, which was a complete guess. This movie changed me as a 15 year old. To say that Avatar didn’t come out during a time of technological advancement is just misinformed, sorry to say. [72] [73] In late October 2016, it was reported that Cameron was going to push for "glasses-free 3D" with the sequels, [74] but he later The plot of the first Avatar surrounded the RDA needing to mine special rocks of Pandora that they dubbed "Unobtainium," yet it's never brought up even one time in Way of Water; having instead been replaced with a new MacGuffin in the form of a Tulkun body liquid that was discovered to help people live longer. • 2 yr. If you compare Avatar's current cultural presence now (11 years after release) to Star Wars cultural presence 11 years after the release of the final movie Avatar wasn't the greatest thing ever, so therefor in a lot of people's minds it must be garbage. And those showings it has are well packed with Avatar 2 beating the per theater average of 3/6 new local movies. Although you may have seen it already given you’re a fan of Ghibli! I just watched the abyss and you can really see the wheels in motion in James Cameron’s mind for developing the aesthetic of Avatar. But ultimately the same idea. The 3D cameras used to film avatar were insane and made the movie the first and pretty much last 3D movie worth watching In the original series, the overarching plot was the quest to defeat the Fire Lord before Sozin's comet arrived. • 13 yr. Personally, my only complaint is that a 3 of the shots un the movie gave me motion sickness while watching it in 3d. But Avatar is the 'jungle version' of Dune. So many posts about how Avatar had no cultural significance and how it is mostly forgotten yet every week there is another r/movies post by someone who seems to think the movie is forgotten. redd. This content will include new series, short-form content, spin offs, and films, and it will be produced for platforms including Paramount Plus, Nickelodeon, and theatres. For future rewatch, Dolby or Dolby 3D for sure, to enjoy the soundtrack. The story is similar to Dances with Wolves and Princess Mononoke but it's still it's own story. SmittysGelato. I) Intro. Not only will Avatar 2 replicate Avatar’s success it’ll outdo it. As for Grace, she's, well, not she, her clone, just like Quaritch's, is in one scene, in the incubator, being prepared for the third movie for sure. IMAX 3D all the way. 123movie. Lots of the technologies around 3D lighting and detail on skin etc have improved significantly since then, and even still a lot of high effects films suffer from the ‘uncanny valley’ effect. Apart from the CGI, the story was standard, hero crosses from evil to the good side after his conscience takes over. Good movie to get baked and reddit to Even if your original human brain/body is grossed out at the thought. No no no, Avatar has almost the exact same plot as that movie. 267K. They’ll say it’s lost its luster after leaving the theaters, or that its only claim to fame is the groundbreaking 3D work. 4. The last one was released 13 years ago. The stuff that is relevant is the button-pushers of Empire finding their humanity and destroying Empire from within. No. The China reissue of the 2009 3D sci-fi phenomenon had taken an estimated RMB 58M ($8. Star Wars was more based on fantasy tropes and Avatar was more based on the going native tropes. Strongly recommend checking it out, but I don't know any movies like Avatar. Reddit Avatar Builder - Create Your Custom Avatar. already hyping up 4 and 5. She was initially fascinated by the "four fingers" and their ways, but turned against them when she saw the logging and mining. It was just a simple cash grab off the success of the show and like most real life adaptions of animation it failed horribly to recreate the source material. The CG works really well because the movie lives inside a computer. She is a low-status female who was one of the group Grace tried to teach. I started watching, fully prepared to be disappointed, and for the first few minutes, I sort of was. The stories about underwater mocap don't move me to see the movie like the 3d spectacle did a decade ago. TWOW is playing at least 1 less show per day, per screen, vs. 9M) through 5PM local time on Saturday after re-releasing on Friday in the market. Jame Cameron Announces Avatar 2 Finished Filming and Gives update on Avatar 3. It’ll beat all the Marvel movies, and Star Wars, become number 1 both domestically and worldwide. Er, no, it really didn’t — it was the most predictable, obvious, cliché, un-subtle, in your face, on the nose re-tread of the “white man bad/natives good” trope ever made. After watching the trailer, new film seems to be the same old - greedy humans vs honest aliens. Consistent releases, eye catching VFX, not to mention all of their IPs. The Aranahe are notorious weavers, but other than dye and colorful clothes, we don't really get to see much of that. https://i. The amount of hate AVATAR (2009) gets confuses me. The show feels like a sparknotes recap, there’s no fat. Yes but don’t go with people that can’t handle watching long movies, they’ll annoy you. Press J to jump to the feed. Reply reply More replies Anonymous_Knight_123 The 3d design was brilliant. They are a “movie experience,” and hopefully people will As the cleaning crew walked in, an foreign theater attendant pointed to the soiled area and said "the way of water". I don't agree with A Scanner Darkly being classified as an animated feature. Discussion. Digital sets don't force a movie into the "animated" category, and neither do digital planes or digital monsters (even though they are, in fact, animated). They have so much material to make movies with, James just can't compete. Thanks for the 180K Na'vi! The home of Avatar on Reddit! Your source for news, art, comments, insights and more on the beautiful and dangerous world of Pandora. ”. ArrowsOfFate. This film was an adaptation of the first season of ATLA, and was directed, written, and produced by M. And Herbert’s key influence for Dune was Laurence of Arabia. "the visuals, are more or less just a bit better than the industry standard this time, so a lot of people who liked the visual spectacle of A1 won’t see A2 as anything unique. But 3d isn’t that popular outside of movie theatres. Zola'u nìprrte', and make yourself at Home(tree!) A few elements: James Cameron hype. Found the internet! Build your own custom Reddit avatar with a signature look, gear, and accessories that show off your personality. dune was boring and long and dragged on. i didn't like it. Fixing Avatar (and potentially its sequels) I loved the visuals of Avatar, and think no one does spectacle quite like James Cameron. Cloth Dying Aranahe minigame. Easy to follow and familiar story to help audiences be accepting of Pandora. Zola'u nìprrte', and make yourself at Home(tree!) That just means Avatar is not the movie/franchise for you. " [deleted] • 4 yr. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. This one is like 5/10 plot and 10/10 visuals. 43 per person and Jurassic Park made $0. His man role was being primary mentor, about being an avatar to aang, bc he was the previous avatar (like Luke learning from obiwan). 42. it/the-avtr-discord-is-holding-an-avatar-fan-meetup-on-apr-4th-v0-xnqb5k2a7tlc1. If you liked Avatar, that's fine, but don't get all high and mighty and pretend that you know how everyone felt watching it. I feel like the special made 3D version made a big difference, as it was definitely superior to any other 3D movie made before, but I just honestly don't understand why people rave about Avatar while ignoring better made movies with better stories. Completely different audiences. It has left no real mark except for a handful of stans who sometimes perceive this indifference as hate. Metacritic: 69/100 (47 critics) As with other movies, the scores are set to change as time passes. How far on Avatar can get from there entierly depends on how the post Holiday legs shape up. Studios cheaped out on it but continued to push 3D movies for years after. Cameron was really secretive about Avatar leading up to the movie, after that, not so much and then after a while and the sequels got pushed back again and again, I don’t think people actually care for these movies in the sense that they are invested like Star Wars. A lot has been made about Avatar's cliched/recycled plot and general premise, but I don't think I've seen anyone really get to the heart of why Avatar 1 doesn't work. The Legend of Korra, on the other hand, felt like a mix-and-match of plots, with nothing to bind them together. For all the other scenes (ie the ones where As has been expected over the past few days, James Cameron’s Avatar has swapped places with Avengers: Endgame, reclaiming the title of highest-grossing movie ever worldwide. So your comment gives me hope. On a $150 million dollar budget it made $320 million, which, combined with the poor reception, lead About the Avatar 4 release date : This aint a Force Awakens or Rise of Skywalker situation, when the filmmakers clearly needed more time, but Disney wanted these movies out. It's a competently made movie with good editing and lighting choices. Not really. If you're blue and you don't know where to go to Why don't you go where fashion sits?-. People LOVE to hate on Avatar, and I find that pretty lame. Incredible 3D that had to be seen to be believed. Kiri: She's the daughter of Grace and nobody knows how she was conceived. Yea, so I'm just gonna flat out say that I think a lot of the specifically Reddit *discourse surrounding James Cameron's Avatar relies on frequently bad faith interpretations of the narrative, arguably pointless and intentionally belittling comparisons to vaguely similar stories, a conscious refusal to actually engage with the themes explored in Avatar and its sequel, and imo it almost comes Avatar had 5% on RottenTomatoes the day it came out, and fans everywhere were angry and depressed. Zola'u nìprrte', and make yourself at Home(tree!) But now its really hard to grasp the concept that it was ever a nominated, award winning movie that grossed millions in a span of a few months. Avatar is a Decent, but Forgettable, Franchise that’s Trying to Make “Fetch” Happen. 9 metres tall. And tbh, now, it really was an overrated movie that people flipped their shit about because it was almost a 2 hour long baby sensory video with giant blue cat people. • 1 yr. But Avatar should have been a great movie. 10. Even that earth bending scene wasn't that bad, made little sense but it wasn't bad. " Honestly hard disagree. MOD • 24 days ago. That being said, the film itself seems as pretentious as a shock-doc. It had a massive budget, the backing of Nickelodeon, and a brand-name director. Avatar was a let down because of the poor acting, weird scriptwriting, and the overall plot. Zola'u nìprrte', and make yourself at Home(tree!) 11. First of all, I'm not saying it's bad, it's actually pretty decent. u/-Robert-from-Hungary. Honestly, my biggest concern for Avatar 2 is that it won't be like that, and it will just be a "Aliens good, humans bad" story. 3. 1. With the cosmetics tab on your character, maybe you'd have to instead unlock each visual. The movie is fueled by actor performances, not animator performances. Because it was "woke" before people had a word for "woke"ness. Around when Avatar released China was head over heels for American movies. I never expected it to be this good, it's almost like watching it in an actual cinema. It will likely gross $700K+ today which is $2M less than at Thanks for the 250K Na'vi! The home of Avatar on Reddit! Your source for news, art, comments, insights and more on the beautiful and dangerous world of Pandora. You are the chemicals in your brain. Most of the positive reviews treated it as a tech demo and gave it 100s while mentioning that plot was weak in the 2nd half. ago. Disney is all about IP acquisition - going all the way back to when the man himself made movies out of the most popular and well-known childrens entertainment of the time, Fairy Tales. And here's a someone's photoshoped image of actress Zoe Saldana next to Neytiri. Hopefully Cameron gave the script to some better writers. Zola'u nìprrte', and make yourself at Home(tree!) lookmovie. Avatar is the ultimate example of trying to “make ‘fetch’ happen”, to use the Mean Girls analogy. 27 per person. 33. I'm actually sorry to say these things, but this is my honest Rotten Tomatoes: 84% (143 reviews) with 7. TheBroadHorizon. Anime movies tend to achieve most of their success in Asian markets. r/Avatar. In avatar it's much more parallel ( human to bigger blue human shaped alien) but I am sure it would work the same. But in pretty impressive 3D. In the back row, a still sitting and hooded James Cameron looked up with an inspired smile. Critics consensus: Narratively, it might be fairly standard stuff -- but visually speaking, Avatar: The Way of Water is a stunningly immersive experience. Disney plus would probably be your best bet. But of course, the script was a mess. Then I found out Neil Blomkamp was set to direct Halo, hype intensifies. When marines return to seek revenge and use Pandora as a second Earth, the couple must flee from their forest home and into the water of Avatar (2009) is a really overrated film. Terran greed spirals around native innocence & wisdom, overturning the ancient society. Avatar doesn't do that. Avatar 1. Avatar 2 has a shot of making 1 billion in China alone and reaching 4 billions. At the same time, when movies like John Wick and Fury Road come out with all style but also generic-ass stories ( Love Thanks for the 275K Na'vi! The home of Avatar on Reddit! Your source for news, art, comments, insights and more on the beautiful and dangerous world of Pandora. Avatar really doesn't have the Asian market to lean on. Night Shyamalan. The plot and characters are mediocre and forgettable, it Yes, I do. Share. That's still a good bit behind the original Avatar with a theatrical worldwide gross of $2,922,917,914. The movie really fleshed out the characters even more than season 1 of the series did. They say the script sucks, the acting sucks, the story is a Well those other 3D movies did the 3D in the post effects they were not filmed with a 3D camera. Lucas had pioneered digital blockbuster filmmaking just a few years earlier, and Avatar nearly single-handedly converted the entire movie theater industry to digital projection, since every theater wanted to be able to show it in 3D. And your brain has evolved with the motive of continuing your species. The original Star Wars movies had the same formula as Avatar. IMO, Princess Mononoke is an even better version of Nausicaa, and miles ahead of Avatar. . Only movie that it's done it to and I've probably watch 70+ (movie/episodes) r/Piracy. Avatar: The Way of Water may buck the trend – rather than gross the GDP of Suriname, the film may only gross the GDP of Belize – a pittance. Many tried like John Carter and Warcraft though. I was trying to watch Unbreakable and the audio was messed up. Ok_Arachnid_1294. The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major releases. xi hv cy mv fe ra uy tm za fm

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