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Find overlapping time intervals python

Find overlapping time intervals python. Process linearly as so. Nov 1, 2018 · Two intervals do not overlap when one ends before the other begins. Use nan if the time coordinates are missing from the input DataArray objects. Intervals that only have an open endpoint in common do not overlap. This answer was based on algorithms found here and here. i. calls : list of calls. end := minimum of end, end_temp. Interval. Note: Two intervals (a, b] (a,b] and (c, d] (c,d] are considered overlapping if there exists Apr 3, 2019 · at 2, start of an interval; at 3, end of a deleted part; at 4, end of an interval; The output is made of the parts where we are both inside an interval and not in a deleted part. Example 1: Sep 12, 2012 · We have to filter list b with intervals containing interval a. If we imagine each interval as a node in a graph with edges between intervals that overlap then the next piece of code is calculating directed edges. Below is the implementation of the above approach: // C++ program to merge overlapping Intervals in. Python - How to find datetime overlapping? 4. Interval. df_copy = df. , 0. Also keep updated a list of the persons present by "excuting" insert or delete operations. So if the event start at 21. py, see Fast interval intersection methodologies for the example usage. If "Overlapped?" = "Did not overlap", minutes can return 0 since we don't really care about it. isBefore(t2. What does the function find_intersections do? The text in the post is pretty clear, so you could use this as the basis of a docstring. cummax () It's shifted by 1 so that it reflects the latest end time seen on previous rows, excluding the same row. Example 1: Input: Aug 3, 2017 · 2 Answers. ax [1]. So, the idea is to go through the events in order, keeping track of whether we are in an interval or not, and inside a deleted part or not. It defines the datetime class, which represents a single moment in time. calculate 'duration'. def merge_intervals(intervals): """ A simple algorithm can be used: 1. Inside each group the intervals must not overlap. other : interval object. If you want the overlap of e. The results are stored in a csv file with the following format: timestamp,duration. Given an array of meeting time intervals, find the minimum number of conference rooms required. Expected Auxiliary Space: O (Log (N)) or O (N). Find least non-overlapping number from a given set of intervals. Two intervals, including closed ends, overlap if they share the same point. I am trying to do some interval range operations on two files with folowing conditions check if chrom is equal, then check if my start and end of of co0rdinatefile is within or equal to start and end of gene_annotation file (condition if the strand is "+" the start and end will May 14, 2022 · If this occurs more than once, then there must be an overlap. A new end time is an end time where its cumsum is 0. Oct 2, 2019 · The intervals with row index = [0,1] are overlapping. I believe this code has no errors but if you find any, please do let me know. The basic idea behind the algorithm is to iterate over the sessions and count the number of currently overlapping sessions. True if the two intervals overlap. I need to check on a row-by-row basis if the elements of time_a or time_b for such row, are contained within any of the other intervals defined by the other time_a and time_b rows May 1, 2013 · It requires the data structure that can find in O(log n + m) time all intervals that overlap with the given interval e. time values are showing a start and end time range. If any of the intervals overlap, we return the result as True, otherwise we return False. These are used to keep track of how many intervals are overlapping (in colum Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand pandas. #include <bits/stdc++. 000000000'. ffill(). Note: I have changed end time from 00 to 23:59:59 but the case remain persistent as we need to understand that daily interval of 00:00 to 08:00 is contained in interval of 15:00 to 09:00. I have written a python program which is supposed to find out the combinations of other intervals if start with one of the intervals. A second column 'what' marks with +1 starting times, and with -1 ending time. Assume your original dataframe is called df and the times you want in your resulting dataframe are an array (or datetime index, or series etc) called times. Sep 16, 2023 · Also, you mentioned many clarifications in the comments so this code handles all the edge cases. For example, in the case the function should return [datetime. 00 and 6. from current time stamp to next. header_sec 1 17004 days 22:17:13 2 17004 days Oct 22, 2018 · I want to get a list which has the maximum of times which does not overlap with each other. Statement. Oct 12, 2021 · This problem is easily solved with the python package staircase, which is built on pandas and numpy for the purposes of working with (mathematical) step functions. Identify and record overlapping time intervals with Pandas Dataframe. overlaps () This method involves utilizing the overlaps () function provided by the pandas Interval object. 59 the result would be 1. For an example in this case: [1, 2],[3, 4],[5, 7],[8, 9] is the best schedule. In python, I would do the below to find the overlapping intervals. So, for this example the output should be something like that: left right group 0 0 4 0 1 5 8 0 2 10 13 1 3 3 7 0 4 12 19 1 5 18 23 1 6 31 35 2 Here's a solution using the pandas library. If the merged list is empty or the current interval does not overlap with the previous one, append the current interval to the merged list. build base pd. // O (n Log n) time and O (1) extra space. Apr 25, 2017 · right += 1# moving right to find the fit continuation of line 20 and even if we merge in line 25, we go to the next interval before. I want the length of that overlap inserted into a column in df1 (that column will be named for the catg it represents). Overlap is considered only if the end times are the same. def find_max_length_in_overlap_groups (intervals): #get sorted list of intervals by starting point aux = sorted (intervals, key=lambda x: x [0]) new_group = [aux [0]] output = [] for interval in aux [1:]: if interval [0] > new_group [-1] [-1]: #if Oct 6, 2016 · explanation. Add minimum sized interval such that all intervals merge into one. First, add a column which tracks the latest end time seen so far (but only considering the same group): df ['notbefore'] = df. Notice that these two intervals return an overlapping interval that consists of two intervals: [0,1] and [5,6] Jul 28, 2022 · Insert New Interval. Review. By looking at it, we notice that the new start time is a start time where its cumsum is 1. end. start <= . For this, we add one layer when entering an interval, and remove one when exiting. if s is not e. Aug 26, 2013 · This is similar to interval overlapping problem. If >0, the number of bp of overlap. drop(["Date_min", "Date_max"], axis=1) #if you want all the ID and Dates that are duplicated/overlap >>> df[df. Parameters: otherIntervalArray. and s[2]==e[2] and (s[0]<e[1] and s[1]>e[0])] print('{0} overlaps with {1}'. e groups are not distinct. If <0, the distance in bp between them. like in example result will be. end, then two intervals overlap if: A. Sep 27, 2022 · Consider the following intervals shown below. start <= B. A mutable, self-balancing interval tree for Python 2 and 3. Feb 5, 2017 · findOverlappingTimes(new int[] { 4, 5, 8 }, new int[] { 10, 12, 13 }) returns 7. Conceptually this is how it works. Detailed solution for Overlapping Intervals - Problem Statement: Given an array of intervals where intervals [i] = [starti, endi], return the minimum number of intervals you need to remove to make the rest of the intervals non-overlapping. This means there is a gap between the two intervals, which you might call a "negative intersection". I want to collapse these 2 intervals into a new interval, which has new_start == max ( [10, 13]) and new_end == min ( [40,34]). May 28, 2021 · The Python standard library. If the two ranges don't overlap, the list will be empty. For example, given [ (30, 75), (0, 50), (60, 150)], you should return 2. Mar 2, 2024 · Method 1: Using Interval. start and . So, let us try to merge the overlapping intervals in this array. end) if done: break. The intersection of two closed intervals is a set of real numbers that are either empty or represented as a closed interval. Sep 5, 2019 · Then the job is done by the custom join_times function. Minimum distance to travel to cover all intervals. Here’s an example: Feb 28, 2022 · Python Pandas – Check whether two Interval objects overlap. 00 o’clock for a given event per day. In my testing, the method implemented here, using a sorted list and keeping track of the longest observed interval is the fastest pure python method as long as the longest observed interval is does not cover a substantial fraction of intervals in the set. May 25, 2022 · The date. overlaps(*args, **kwargs) [source] #. com/neetcode1🥷 Discord: https://discord. The Challenge Given an array of time intervals (start, end) for classroom lectures (possibly overlapping), find the minimum number of rooms required. T, label='yhat_conv' + i) plt. Jan 26, 2023 · The cummax() detects where there is an overlap between the intervals, and cumsum() counts the number of overlapping groups, since it's a counter we can use it as a unique identifier. I read the results in a pandas dataframe, convert timestamp to date time and make an aggregation to calculate the p90rt which I want to display (code below) Jul 13, 2016 · It returns the number of bp of overlap if they do overlap, otherwise it returns the distance as a negative int. """. const hours = Number(time. First of all, let’s see what the Python standard library can offer us. It's bad form to do that when working with data frames. start, row. For a start at 22 Nov 17, 2021 · Return the intersection of these two interval lists. split(':')[0]); Mar 18, 2021 · ax. remove from active elements list if end point. time(5, 30)]. If you call input_df your input dataframe, the code will be as follows: Mar 4, 2023 · I would like to find out how much time lays in between 22. Else, the working interval doesn't exist, so set the working interval to the current row. while done: done = False. There are two possibilities: It is a correct interval, possibly of length zero. Note that when comparing intervals you do not need Date object if you are sure it is the same day as you can convert time to number: function convertTimeToNumber(time) {. , IntervalTree. If the current interval overlaps with the previous one, merge the intervals by updating the end time of the previous interval. count [i – min]++; Apr 15, 2023 · Iterate through the sorted intervals. Maximum length intersection of all K ranges among all given ranges. I have a dataframe with two columns that are datetime objects ( time_a and time_b ). end >= B. loc[melted["variable"] == "start"] start_overlaps looks like this. (represented as pairs [begin,end] with begin and end in seconds) """. This step takes O(nLogn) time. Aug 10, 2016 · groupby with overlapping intervals timeseries. dropna() df. #. Expected Time Complexity: O (N*Log (N)). Finally, I loop over every time interval and checks if the time span of every observation is within the time interval. . add to active elements list if start point. format(x[0],x[1])) will get, (if you want to remove duplicate, will need one more step) I added a little more to Wonjin's answer to be able to account for if there are Dec 14, 2020 · Late to the party, but as I needed the same functionality, let me share my answer. explode("Dates"). 3, and the count should be 2 (number of intervals merged). Then pop the first result and compare it with the remaining values of the Feb 28, 2020 · How can I calculate the overlap duration of the interval (first_ts, last_ts) with the second interval in milliseconds? Potentially, I would need to construct a timestamp on each day with the interval defined by the hours and then calculate the overlap. done = True. Apr 26, 2018 · What I want is to find where the ranges in df2 have overlap with the ranges in df1, how long that overlap is (in seconds), and what value of df2. Sep 24, 2020 · Method 1: Merge overlapping intervals using stack. 3) For each interval [x, y], run a loop for i = x to y and do following in loop. Now that we've purchased Alteryx, I'd like to do the minutes part here. The idea is to keep track of the number of layers of intervals at any point. def overlaps(a, b): """. If the condition is met, then the ranges overlap. I tried: Nov 15, 2022 · Find intersection of intervals given by two lists. Interval to check against for an overlap. Parameters: otherInterval. Aug 13, 2020 · I'll give you get_minutes_recorded. Each groups consists of a 2 second window. I am trying to find an efficient way in Python to return a list with a single element that contains the overlap times. end, b. I think two loops are enough, to check time overlapping between two classes. start := maximum of start, start_temp. You could use additional subplots e. Oct 26, 2019 · 7. There are implementations that can be used from Python e. If the working interval exists, then it must belong to the same user and machine, and overlap or abut the current row's interval, so set the working interval's end time to the current row's end time. ErikE comments: Mar 14, 2024 · 1) Sort all intervals in increasing order of start time. Check elementwise if an Interval overlaps the values in the IntervalArray. Examples of possible criteria/algorithms: a) Pack the most time possible into the first group. Hint: I have divided 15:00 to 09:00 into two intervals: 00:00 Nov 2, 2019 · Here's a snippet of code that shows a fairly generic class I wrote (long ago). 2) In the sorted array, if start time of an interval is less than end of previous interval, then there is an overlap. Python: Get minutes overlap between time range. E. end and the constraint . class Interval(object): # Representation of a closed interval. A closed interval [a, b] (with a <= b) denotes the set of real numbers x with a <= x <= b. overlaps(x) for x in idx] But this takes a lot of time and everytime my memory fails. Given a collection of intervals, find the minimum number of intervals you need to remove to make the rest of the intervals non-overlapping. This step takes O(n) time. A call is a pair of times. start_temp, end_temp := interval after deleting last element from intervals list. Because either one can (a priori) be the one that ends first, this requires two checks, as coded here: private static boolean hasOverlap(Interval t1, Interval t2) {. use pd. If we proceed through all values in increasing order and accumulate assigned values then we will have an overlapping interval when the accumulated value is greater than zero. Then we perform a cumulative sum on the series as the column cumsum. Given an array of intervals where intervals[i] = [start i, end i], merge all overlapping intervals, and return an array of the non-overlapping intervals that cover all the intervals in the input. catg that is. 0. I changed y list to show this. Jun 24, 2022 · The problem is some kind of interval-packing: Split the list of intervals to certain groups. [0,1] and [0,2] to be 100% you can just do max(x,y) from the output. h>. Returns: bool. Since an example of two intervals is [5, 1] and [0, 6] Which are sketched below (the red areas are the intervals). overlaps. You can use window function to compare previous rows with current row, to build a column that determine if current row is the start of a new interval, then sum over this column to build a interval id. Sort the intervals in increasing order 2. Aug 3, 2020 · intervaltree. Now, the next interval is 5-12. Is there some fast way to find the overlapping interval? Feb 23, 2023 · You can loop trough intervals and check if the new one is overlapping with others. time_range = DateTimeRange(indx[i],indx[i+1]) Oct 7, 2021 · How can I merge the overlapping time intervals and keep a count of the number of merges per interval? For instance, in the example above, 2nd row and 2nd last row should merge into one interval, their scores should be combined i. The panda’s Interval. iterrows(): row_interval = pd. One way to find this was using a for loop with: [idx. apply(lambda row: pd. , quicksect. Add the first interval from the sorted one to the stack. Feb 14, 2013 · Assuming you have an intervals_overlap(interval1, interval2) function The first idea is a naive iteration over every pair of intervals in the list: for interval1 in intervals: for interval2 in intervals: if interval1 is not interval2: if intervals_overlap(interval1, interval2): return True return False Feb 24, 2021 · Continuous Overlap. 4. It's not much, but hopeful it will at least provide you a starting point for developing your own. I have a time series in python pandas dataframe object and I want to create a group based on index but I want overlapping groups i. Now, we will take an empty stack and push the first interval within the stack. Two intervals overlap if they share a common point, including closed endpoints. start AND A. Then sort all bounds chronologically and scan by increasing time. time(1, 30), datetime. For example, the intersection of [1, 3] and [2, 4] is [2, 3]. But my intervals keep overlapping, I removed duplicated versions, but I still need to remove some overlapping intervals. Let the array be count []. #Given a collection of intervals, merge all overlapping intervals and return sorted list of disjoint intervals. python/pandas - converting date and hour integers to datetime. 59. e. To do this I use the package datetimerange. Jun 9, 2023 · If the condition is met, the two ranges overlap. Sort a list of events by time. 00 and ends at 23. date_range(row["Date_min"], row["Date_max"]), axis=1) df = df. We start counting the overlapping time if at least two sessions overlap at the current time and stop counting the overlapping time if the Mar 21, 2019 · Now, given these two intervals, I want to find their overlapping interval. start] is the non-overlapping interval. 🚀 https://neetcode. There is no docstring. If current interval does not overlap, push on to stack B. between a and b. Given an array of intervals where intervals [i] contains the half-open interval, (start_ {i} , end_ {i}] (starti,endi], your task is to find the minimum number of intervals you need to remove to make the rest of the intervals non-overlapping. the big problem is covered by sub-problems of the same description, with logical stopping points. Subtract the cumulative sum of number of start dates by the cumulative sum of number of end dates. 1. df = pd. isAfter(t2. Return the amount of overlap, in bp. Sep 23, 2020 · To solve this, we will follow these steps −. Nov 28, 2008 · The short (ish) answer is: given two date intervals A and B with components . We first find the overlap between the two ranges using the find_range_overlap function. 000000000' to '2017-10-05T14:00:00. subplots (5,6) and plot one row on each subplot e. Now the unknowns which remain are the criteria for the interval packing into the mentioned groups. That is the essence of recursion. Sort the given set of intervals according to starting time. end); Nov 22, 2021 · Try: Create a column "Dates" that contains a list of dates from "Date_min" to "Date_max" for each row; explode the "Dates" columns; get the duplicated rows; df["Dates"] = df. DataFrame df. begin) && !t1. show() Because you have so many lines, it would be best to remove the legend from the plot as it will be too much information to interpret. You can tune the use of >= vs > and <= vs < to meet your requirements for degree of overlap. This function splits intervals that may overlap into non-overlapping sub-intervals; and keeps track of which intervals contain each sub-interval. Examples: Example 1: Input: intervals = [ [1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [1,3]] Output: 1 The intuition is that an intersected interval, if it exists, starts at the highest start and ends at the lowest end. concat([s1, s2], axis=1). Input dataFrame. groupby ('group'). The size of the dataframe is 2M rows, therefore I am also looking for an efficient Input: Intervals = {{6,8},{1,9},{2,4},{4,7}} Output: {{1, 9}} Your Task: Complete the function overlappedInterval () that takes the list N intervals as input parameters and returns sorted list of intervals after merging. The collapse interval for row index [0,1] will have new_start = 13, new_end = 34. Jan 3, 2023 · Below are the steps: ×. io/ - A better way to prepare for Coding Interviews🐦 Twitter: https://twitter. Apr 23, 2022 · Checking overlaps between two columns of datetime type in Pandas DataFrame. This is quite tricky. Apr 10, 2022 · This is a bit shorter solution, where you can choose from which list you want to compare the overlap. Then you group by this interval id to get your final dataframe. Interval(row. Python algorithm: def maxSimultaneousCalls(calls): """Returns the maximum number of simultaneous calls. . begin. Checking two time intervals are Jun 17, 2021 · The problem with this solution is that for each element in the overlap_list, I loop over all the windows in the intervals list every time the loop runs, while if I am already at a larger position, I would know that I won't find an overlap with the first window. Because the leading diagonal will always be True (as the end date for a given dataframe row must ALWAYS be greater than the start date) for this scenario, if this occurs more than once this means: Sort by ID and then all dates ( start and end combined). # a & b can be numeric, dates, or any other object type than can be. For each event/element. Nov 1, 2021 · We can use this to get subset this dataframe by start points only. Python Solution Sep 27, 2021 · python time interval overlap duration. Here the stopping points are getting to the last element with a solution in-hand and all sub problems solved. We will use a stack to track the intervals and merge them. return intervals[:left] + [(start,end)] + intervals[right:] # we return starting from the next interval. join_times function joins together in the same column of a single dataframe (column 'time') start and end times, sorted in order. May 12, 2017 · find overlaps/range between two datasets using pandas or enumerate. for i, row in df. If the intervals (say interval a & interval b) doesn’t overlap then the set of pairs form by [a. Treat "f_high" values as exit points and assign a value of -1. gg/ddjKRXPqtk🐮 S Nov 24, 2021 · 1 Answer. First, sort the array in the ascending order based on the start time. overlap_count = get_overlap_count(sub_df) Feb 14, 2020 · I would like to count how many starts (intervals) are active at the same time before they end at given time (in other words: how many times each row overlaps with the rest of the rows). ax,fig = plt. Jul 20, 2020 · Recursive idea here is that any time you find an overlapped interval, you have a new starting point. Our task is to check whether any of these intervals completely overlap any other interval in this set. Desired output: May 29, 2020 · I want to plot the results overlapping eachother. It takes another Interval object as an argument and returns True if the two intervals overlap, False otherwise. The dates on these rows are the end dates of each collection of overlapping date ranges. If 0, they are book-ended. Check whether two Interval objects overlap. overlaps () method is used to Check whether Interval objects are overlapping. Python. Keep another list of active elements. Sep 10, 2018 · 1. get_overlap_counts is a bit more involved - you can tackle it by keeping a vector of 0s per index, loop through all your dates, i, and if end_date [i] of row i is between start and end of row n, make the vector [n] = 1. Otherwise, Add the current interval to the output list of intervals. g. So overall time complexity of the algorithm is O(nLogn) + O(n) which is O(nLogn). duplicated Sep 11, 2020 · We have a column start_end to indicate if it's a start time or an end time where1 is the start time and -1 is the end time. Feb 25, 2021 · The logic would be, (even if I am not sure how to write it in spark): - Get the interval start & end date columns - Stack them into a single column and remove duplicates to get distinct intervals where rate values may differ - Convert to interval rows by taking the next rows interval point value as the end timestamp of the preceding row - Join May 25, 2019 · Daily Coding Challenge solution - day 21. The algorithm can be implemented as follows in C++, Java, and Python: C++. overlaps(other) #. start_overlaps = interval_matrix. Treat "f_low" values as entry points and assign a value of 1. The core of Python’s date and time related functionality is the datetime package. concat to align indexes. Dec 3, 2021 · I used Python to determine if a time was overlapping based on "Provider Name", "Start" and "End Times". It also provides us the timedelta class, which represents a duration of time (such as Pandas find overlapping time intervals in one column based on same date in another column for different rows Hot Network Questions Use Sequence-functions to find certain sublists Mar 28, 2021 · Maybe with split of all intervals at the intersections and after, loop on the df and remove the intervals that overlap based on condition. Finally, if the working interval exists, output it. First of all, we will sort the array based on increasing the order of start time as shown below. Elaborating on pkacprzak's post. Traverse all the set of intervals and check whether the consecutive intervals overlaps or not. plot(x_test_pred[i]. May 30, 2020 · Here is a way to do it. while intervals is not empty, do. Iterate through intervals and for each one compare current interval with the top of the stack and: A. For example, use the value from the da2 where time = '2017-10-04T13:00:00. It is a straightforward approach specifically designed for comparing intervals. Feb 11, 2010 · You can represent the times in seconds, from the beginning of your range (0) to its end (600). plot (first_plot) etc. shift (). 8. Finally, print all non-overlapping intervals present in the stack. The start and end points end up being switched. The next step is to check if the list's length is greater than 0. It is similar to coco18's answer but can handle the case of intervals overlapping and being completely included in other ones. 7 = 1. Push the first interval on the stack 3. Aug 2, 2022 · Interval Count 0 10:00:00 0 1 11:00:00 0 2 12:00:00 2 3 13:00:00 1 4 14:00:00 0 5 15:00:00 0 I urge you not to treat your intervals like a 2-tuple, since its implied on a time scale. Sep 9, 2021 · If the top interval of the stack overlaps with the current interval, merge both intervals by updating the end of the top interval at the ending of the current interval. Speeding up detection of overlapping time intervals. Java. Queries may be by point, by range overlap, or by range envelopment. The header_sec is the index column. Use the newer values where overlapping coordinates occur. Aug 29, 2018 · Intersection of l1 and l2 is adequately done by AChampion's code (if there is any overlap between any range in l1 and any range in l2, that overlap deserves to be in the result), but it could lead to fragmentation of ranges; we can use this same function to join the adjacent or overlapping ranges: Jan 11, 2023 · Encode all interval bounds in a form like 1:+P1, 7:-P1. Is there a more efficient way to code this problem? Dec 30, 2020 · Suppose, we are given a set of intervals that consists of values (a,b) where a represents the starting time and b represents the ending time of an event. Given a list of intervals, find the maximum number of intervals that overlap at any point in time. use dropna to get rid of values of one series prior to the other starting. Two things are not clear: (1) you say "N pairs of intervals", though I'm fairly sure you actually mean "N intervals", since if there are only N pairs all overlaps can be trivially found in O (N) :-P Assuming N = number of intervals: (2) It is not possible to report all overlapping pairs in O (N) time because there could be O (N^2) of them! IntervalIndex. 5. This library was designed to allow tagging text and time intervals, where the intervals include the lower bound but not the upper bound. 6 + 0. Edit May 23, 2021 · Time Interval overlap in python. Jul 2, 2023 · Meaning there should be a sum associated with varying (non-overlapping and sequentially complete) time intervals. return an interval [start, end] Feb 17, 2023 · Keep doing it while the interval overlaps with the previous one. Intervals that share only an open endpoint do not intersect. I used the following threads: Group rows by overlapping ranges. if the overlapping time intervals are unchanged for a period of time, the sum would remain unchanged and have a single value - then when the overlapping intervals changes in any way (removal or addition of a time interval) a Jun 14, 2023 · 1) Traverse all intervals and find min and max time (time at which first guest arrives and time at which last guest leaves) 2) Create a count array of size ‘max – min + 1’. Find the indices where this sum is 0. Nov 8, 2021 · The time coordinates would run from '2017-10-03T18:00:00. use ffill to let values propagate forward. return !t1. Feb 4, 2021 · First I construct the time steps for the intervals: # create range of datetime objects with 5 min intervals. from 00:47 to 00:52 only one is active, from 00:52 to 00:54 two, from 00:54 to 00:55 only one again, and so on. start, end := interval after deleting last element from intervals list. Jan 14, 2018 · so lines 0 and 3 overlap - thus they should be on the same group, and also line 1 is overlapping line 3 - thus it joins the group. wq kf fv vt sv xn er lk gv lv